After reading through all the information about Zhulong's evolution, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but utter two words:


Unlike Blood Shadow, Zhu Long's six skills, without exception, are all combat-oriented.

Therefore, in summary, its combat capability has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Zhu Long's main output skill is undoubtedly [Book of History].

From Xu Changsheng's perspective, although this [Book of History] is an invincible-level ability like other skills, its actual effect is far beyond that!

After all, in the history of the Beast Taming World and even the Beast Realm for tens of millions of years, how many beastmasters, beastmasters, and fierce beasts of the Haoyue level have appeared?

I'm afraid no one can tell.

But one thing is certain, this number will definitely not be less than 100,000!

In other words, if Zhu Long tries his best, he can even summon hundreds of thousands of at least Haoyue-level beasts in one breath. Assistant!

Such a terrifying ability, if used in the final decisive battle, may be enough to reverse the situation on the entire battlefield.

Of course, if this is done.

Zhulong will probably die suddenly due to exhaustion in an instant.

According to Zhulong, with its current strength of the first-level Broken Star, it can maintain the existence of up to ten assistants of the Haoyue level at the same time.

If the number of helpers summoned is more than this, it will take a lot of mental and physical energy just to maintain the existence of these assistants.

In this case, Zhulong’s remaining five abilities will be difficult to use, and its combat effectiveness will be worse than before.

However, as Zhulong’s rank increases, the number of helpers it can maintain at the same time will inevitably increase rapidly.

There is no doubt about this.

As a mythical creature of the time system, Zhulong’s various abilities are undoubtedly related to time.

【【 Time Distortion】 has a powerful and strange effect. It can quickly consume the remaining vitality of the enemy, causing them to watch their faces age, their body abilities weaken, and then turn into a pile of dry bones.

After all, Xu Changsheng has more than just Zhulong as his beast.

When the field of 【Time Distortion】 opens, his other beasts will definitely fight to hold the enemy back and prevent them from leaving Zhulong's control range.

And Zhulong also has another powerful skill, 【Time Stop】! Zhulong, who has evolved to a myth, controls time without the limitations of space and time.

As long as it wants, no matter where the enemy is, Zhulong can stop his time forever!

And the skill of 【Rewind】 is also a magical skill among magical skills.

It can actually reverse the time of the entire world for 24 hours!

What a terrifying ability!

What a terrifying concept!

It can be said that with this ability, Xu Changsheng's tolerance for mistakes in life will be greatly improved!

No matter what terrible things happen, just go back!

He is almost invincible by nature.

After all, who can stop Xu Changsheng who can rewind infinitely?

Of course, this terrifying ability has its limitations.

Although Xu Changsheng has not yet learned the consequences of disturbing the river of time.

But even the [Eye of the World] reminds him to use it with caution, and the side effects must be huge.

Xu Changsheng will never let Zhulong use this ability easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

As for the two skills [Lord of Time] and [Zhulong True Body], although they are powerful, there is nothing much to say.

It's just a simple accumulation of numbers.

But the accumulation of numbers is really abnormal!

If put in the game, once these two abilities of Zhulong appear, they will inevitably be criticized by countless players.

But reality is not a game.

For Xu Changsheng, his own beast is naturally as strong as it can be, the stronger the better.

It would be best if it is so strong that the enemy despairs at the sight of it, and it is so good to defeat the enemy without fighting.

""Good, good, good!"

Xu Changsheng looked at the Zhulong in front of him and praised it repeatedly.

With this last evolution, Zhulong's appearance is getting closer and closer to the legendary one. It has a human face and a snake body, and its whole body is a deep red color, as if it has dried blood for a long time, which makes people afraid.

Moreover, Zhulong's face looks very similar to Xu Changsheng before he was baptized by incense and vows.

However, its eyes are not horizontal like humans.

Instead, they have vertical pupils like snakes.

There is only one vertical pupil, which stretches across the center of the eyebrows. When this eye opens and closes, it seems that day and night rotate, filled with the mystery of time.

Except for the eyes, the other facial features are As for the facial contour, it is almost the same as the previous Xu Changsheng.

This also caused him to have a weird feeling of looking in the mirror every time he looked at Zhulong.

Coupled with the hideous snake body that was dozens of meters long under Zhulong's face, this weird feeling became more obvious.

Perhaps it was because it accepted Xu Changsheng's blood when it was born, so that the deepest part of its genes carried a trace of Xu Changsheng's mark.

Of course, along with the weird feeling, there was also an indelible sense of intimacy and familiarity in Xu Changsheng's heart.

After all, the two of them signed a soul contract and were fighting partners who shared life and death!

Xu Changsheng even regarded these beasts as his own children.

"Look, there are all kinds of nuts you like to eat. Practice well, I will rely on you in the future."

Xu Changsheng touched the scales on Zhulong's chest, pointed to the pile of nuts behind Zhulong, and said softly.

Hearing this, Zhulong opened his vertical pupils, and joy appeared in his eyes.

Every beast is not the same as a machine, but has its own personality and hobbies.

Zhulong likes to eat all kinds of nuts, and swallows them into the stomach together with the hard skin.

Xueying likes to eat all kinds of meat, especially the meat of high-level beasts.

Of course, these meats are specially roasted, not only without the previous fishy smell, but also delicious, and can invisibly enhance the physique of the beast.

Bifang is like a young girl among humans, and likes all kinds of sweets.


Looking at the beasts that were practicing seriously and devouring the hearts of evil spirits, their preferences flowed through Xu Changsheng's mind like water.

As the owner of a beast, the most basic thing is to understand the preferences of the beasts and treat them as the closest people to you.

In this regard, Xu Changsheng felt that he had done a good job.

And those beast masters who ordered the beasts around because of the contract, even beat and scolded them at will, or even abused them.

No matter which country they are in, they are despised.

Of course, if the beasts are disobedient or even hurt people randomly, they should be beaten and killed.

They can't be spoiled with bad tempers.

Looking at the various beasts that were holding back their practice, Xu Changsheng smiled slightly, and then walked towards the myth blood pool.

For beasts, the broken star rank is an extremely important rank, and it is the first threshold to move towards myth.

And for beast masters, the broken star rank is equally important.

Often when a beast master enters the broken star rank, some wonderful changes will occur to himself or the beast space!

There was even a strongest beastmaster who awakened a second talent when he entered the Star Shattering Rank.

He also relied on these two talents to dominate the world and was almost invincible.

According to historical records, this beastmaster finally volunteered to seal the Beast God and never came back.

But Xu Changsheng knew that the final outcome of this strongest was to become the food of the Beast God.

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