But Xu Changsheng naturally wouldn't care about just an ordinary evil spirit.

His target was all the evil spirits covering the Dongying city area!

"Go ahead. Kill all the evil spirits! Don't hurt any human!"

Xu Changsheng ordered loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, nine beasts rushed out in an instant.

Only Fuyao, who had no fighting ability, stayed beside Xu Changsheng.

Above Luoying City.

Shen Wuyan's face was ugly, and he was commanding his beasts to fight with dozens of evil spirits.

The originally ferocious and mighty five-clawed golden dragon, fighting against the evil spirits of the same level, no longer had the invincible posture of almost crushing other enemies.

Relying on its huge body and super strong defense, it twisted its dragon body back and forth in front of the evil spirit tide and broke up their formation.

The other abilities of the five-clawed golden dragon were also used by it at this moment.

A brilliant golden ball of light poured out of his mouth.

The light ball exploded, and there was no large-scale explosion as imagined.

Instead, it was surrounded by a dozen fearless evil spirits.


A dull sound came from the evil spirits.

The evil spirits surrounding the golden ball were blown to pieces, and countless flesh and blood were scattered.

However, with their blocking

, the subsequent killing ability of this light ball was greatly reduced, and it could no longer cause serious damage to the evil spirits of the same star-breaking level.

And this is already the strongest ability that Shen Wuyan can use!

And it also has great side effects!

"Old friend, today we have come to an end."

Allen's weak voice sounded in his ear.

Shen Wuyan did not look at him, but frowned and looked at his five-clawed golden dragon with worry.

Its scales that originally emitted a bright golden light had dimmed.

Its huge dragon eyes also lost their former brilliance.

The previous attack had consumed most of the five-clawed golden dragon's physical strength.

Even so, it only killed a dozen evil spirits.

This kind of casualties is not worth mentioning for the evil spirit tide of tens of thousands!

At this moment, countless evil spirits are flying towards Shen Wuyan, the five-clawed golden dragon and other beasts.

Obviously, they also found that Shen Wuyan is the strongest here.

"hehe......Can we really win?"

Seeing this, Shen Wuyan smiled helplessly. He looked up at Allen beside him.

He found that his old friend was already covered with all kinds of hideous wounds.

The wounds were black and smelly, with countless rotten flesh, pus and blood flowing out of them, and even maggots could be vaguely seen wriggling.

Obviously, this once second strongest man in the world has run out of energy.

If he had not been hanging on for a breath, he would have died long ago.

Shen Wuyan looked around and found that the high-level combat forces in the Beast Taming World had already been surrounded by countless evil spirits, and many of them were seriously injured, no better than Allen.

He was actually the best person in the whole game?


Suddenly, a black evil spirit broke through the defense of Shen Wuyan's beast.

The pale bone wings on its back were like sharp swords, swinging towards Shen Wuyan's chest.

His skin was as fragile as tofu in front of the evil spirit, and in an instant, countless blood spurted out.

Once there is one, there will be two.

Shen Wuyan's beast's defense has been broken, and at this moment countless evil spirits are waving their bone wings and attacking Shen Wuyan.

""Swish, swish, swish~"

A shrill sound of breaking through the air passed by Shen Wuyan's ears.

The severe pain in his body made his consciousness a little blurred.

Even so, he was still commanding his beasts to return to defense, and strangled the evil spirits with his last breath!

Not only him, but other high-level combat forces also did the same.

Facing the surging tide of evil spirits, no one retreated!

"Here......"Is it over?"

Shen Wuyan murmured, feeling the rapid loss of vitality in his body.

Suddenly, his whole body relaxed, and the severe pain in his body seemed to disappear in an instant. This sudden extreme relaxation of the body even made Shen Wuyan groan uncontrollably.

"turn out to be......Death is such a comfortable thing.

Shen Wuyan thought randomly in his heart.

""Xu Changsheng is coming! Xu Changsheng is coming! Xu Changsheng is coming!!!"

Suddenly, Alan yelled hysterically, pulling Shen Wuyan out of that illusory state.

Hearing this name, Shen Wuyan's consciousness suddenly became clear.

His eyes widened, watching a green light spread from the ground, quickly covering everyone present.

And in the center of the green light, it was the frighteningly handsome Xu Changsheng!

And everyone wrapped in the green light felt an indescribable sense of relief.

Not only were the injuries on the body healing quickly, but even the stubborn diseases that had accumulated in the body were also dissipating quickly.

Moreover, the originally terrifying attack of the evil spirits did not seem to hurt much now that it fell on the body.

Super large-scale powerful healing and enhanced defense!

This is the current strength of Fuyao!

Although it has no output ability, its role on the battlefield is no worse than any other beast!

With it, the casualties on the battlefield can be minimized!

"Just a beast is so terrifying......."

This was the surprise that rose in the hearts of countless people.

However, the surprise that Xu Changsheng brought to them was definitely not just this.

A blood-red figure rose out of thin air, and a candle dragon that looked like Xu Changsheng but had a snake tail appeared in front of everyone.

Its cold and ruthless vertical pupils stretched across its eyebrows, scanning the entire scene.

Then, a mysterious time fluctuation suddenly emerged and expanded rapidly!

Those evil spirits that were originally slaughtering crazily suddenly stiffened and were completely motionless!

This shocking change naturally could not escape the eyes of everyone present.

Needless to say, it was naturally the work of Xu Changsheng!

For a time, their respect for Xu Changsheng in their hearts had reached the highest point.

If they had to listen to Xu Changsheng's words because they were afraid of his strength before.

But now, masters from various countries only have deep respect for Xu Changsheng, and no other thoughts.

They who have thoroughly witnessed the power of evil spirits understand.

If Xu Changsheng did not exist, they would definitely die within a year!

And not even the bones can be left behind!

At the right time, Xu Changsheng's loud voice came:

"Everyone, seize the opportunity and strangle the evil spirit!"

The voice was heavy and majestic, like an emperor who made people obey.

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