As he finished speaking, everyone present could no longer hold back their excitement and commanded their beasts to madly attack the motionless evil spirit.

Some even muttered to themselves:

""You're allowed to mess with me, right?! See how I deal with you, you stinky thing!"

Such scenes appeared in every corner of Luoying City.

The people, whose hearts had long been filled with fear and despair, regained the motivation to fight.

Some people even broke through on the spot under great joy and sorrow!

Xu Changsheng reversed the situation on the entire battlefield with just one encounter!

The humans, who had been defeated on all fronts, actually gained the upper hand in an instant!

As for Xu Changsheng's other beasts, they were naturally not idle either.

Sticky and strange shadows enveloped the entire battlefield. In the shadows, musical notes jumped, as sharp and ruthless as swords, reaping the lives of evil spirits.

Red flames shot up into the sky, and groups of exploding fireballs raged among the evil spirits. The strongest and fiercest flames corroded the enemy's body all the time. Weird and twisted space wormholes appeared from time to time in various places on the battlefield, and the powerful suction strangled all the evil spirits around them. It was broken into pieces and powder, without even a corpse left.

At the same time, a strange fragrance spread between everyone's noses. The fragrance was so strong that it even diluted the stench on the battlefield.

As the strange fragrance spread, groups of imperceptible light green miasma emanated from Duxie.

Wherever the miasma passed, the evil spirits fell one after another like wheat harvested in autumn.

Moreover, the sturdy muscles on their bodies, which were intertwined like the roots of ancient trees, were also shrinking rapidly.

Drops of green mucus emerged from the fallen bodies of the evil spirits, and then quickly rushed towards Duxie.

Tens of thousands of bright green liquids rushed in one direction together, converging into a magnificent green waterfall, which was very terrifying.

Even bystanders could feel the terrifying vitality contained in this green waterfall.

Xu Changsheng naturally noticed this scene.

Fruit As he expected, poison-attributed beasts would surely be extremely effective on such a large battlefield.

However, as a large-scale war beast, the role of the Poison Evil is naturally not just that simple.

I saw the green waterfall pouring towards the Poison Evil.

Such a huge amount of vitality almost burst its body, and its body expanded rapidly like a balloon.

In just three or two breaths, the size of the Poison Evil quickly expanded from the size of an ordinary buffalo to twenty meters, as high as seven or eight floors!

And the ferocious snake tail behind it was even more radiant and flashing with various colors of light. It was obvious at a glance that it was no ordinary creature.

With the influx of the green waterfall, the life source of the Poison Evil has been fully replenished.

It is also time to use its other invincible ability, [Poison]!

This skill not only poisons the battlefield, but also The low-level evil spirits on the field will trace back to the most primitive mother of the evil spirits according to their bloodline, and then cause damage to it!

Although the current poisonous evil is only diamond level nine, it will certainly not cause much damage to the mythical evil spirit mother.

However, ants bite dead elephants!

When tens of thousands of evil spirits are shrouded by [poison] together, the toxins condensed at that time will inevitably cause considerable damage to even mythical evil spirits! While

Xu Changsheng was thinking, a stream of colorful mist quickly emerged from the back of the poisonous evil's colorful snake tail.

Then, this colorful mist spread rapidly on the battlefield at an astonishing speed.

In just a blink of an eye, all the evil spirits in Luoying City were completely shrouded!

The colorful mist was beautiful and shrouded the battlefield, making the originally tragic battlefield look a bit like the fairyland.

However, don't think that this mist is just beautiful, but not lethal!

Once tens of thousands of evil spirits are shrouded by evil spirits, they don't even have a chance to struggle, and they are corroded by the colorful mist into pools of black blood.

Without exception!

Pools of black blood almost covered the ground of Luoying City.

Feeling the sticky and smelly blood under their feet, everyone was unable to recover from the high-intensity fighting just now.

They looked at each other, and they all saw shock and relief in each other's eyes.

What was shocking was that Xu Changsheng's beast was so powerful, and he killed tens of thousands of evil spirits in a flash.

Fortunately, they had surrendered to China before, and they were very obedient to hand over resources and offer sculptures.

Otherwise, with Xu Changsheng's character, he would definitely not care about his life or death!

With this thought, everyone looked at Xu Changsheng with a little more awe.

Just when everyone was congratulating themselves for successfully saving their lives, something strange happened!

The black blood on the ground quickly gathered, and then it jumped out of thin air, forming an evil spirit made of blood.

The crowd had never known the power of the poisonous evil, and for a moment they thought it was another powerful evil spirit.

The nerves that had been relaxed suddenly tensed up.

Some people even commanded their beasts to attack the evil spirit.

Even top fighters such as Shen Wuyan and Allen were no exception.

No matter how you look at it, this evil spirit condensed from blood and water is much more ferocious than the previous black evil spirit!

Ordinary evil spirits are already so ferocious, how can they resist this blood evil spirit?!

At this moment, Xu Changsheng's faint voice came at the right time, suppressing the panic of the crowd.

"Don't be nervous. This is my ability, which can directly attack the mother body that produces evil spirits."

This sentence immediately made everyone present exclaim in surprise.

The mother body of evil spirits, that is a mythical creature!

Xu Changsheng has actually reached this point? Can he go head-on with mythical creatures?!

Hearing their voices, Xu Changsheng naturally knew what these people were thinking.

He thought to himself:

If he, Xu Changsheng, was really that strong!

Don't look at Xu Changsheng dealing with tens of thousands of evil spirits at the same time, it seems extremely easy.

However, in fact, he almost used up all his tricks for this battle!

If Zhulong had not successfully evolved into a mythical beast, his control ability would have been greatly improved.

Under the control of time, all evil spirits have lost their ability to move and their defenses have been greatly reduced.

This battle will never be ended so easily by him.

After all, the evil spirits that are still able to move will not foolishly wait for the poisonous evil and its The attacks of his beasts eroded his life, so he would fight back desperately. The desperate counterattack of tens of thousands of broken star-level enemies was difficult for Xu Changsheng to bear even with his current strength.

Even the number of people who could survive would inevitably decrease sharply.

The overall strength and development potential of mankind would also be greatly reduced after this raid.

After all, the battle in Japan has almost gathered all the masters from all countries in the world!

If they died in this battle, the consequences would be disastrous! After all, it is almost impossible to train so many masters in a year!

Fortunately, Zhulong evolved successfully!

And the influence of mythical creatures on a large-scale battle is so huge!

After this battle, Xu Changsheng was even more determined to train every beast to a myth.

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