While Xu Changsheng was thinking, he ordered others to deal with the evil spirit's body.

First, dig out the heart, and then burn the body.

With Xu Changsheng's current status, everyone on the scene obeyed his orders.

Moreover, the green light of Fuyao was still pouring on them.

Therefore, even after the battle, everyone still felt full of energy.

And the evil spirit formed by blood had already fled far away.

It is estimated that it followed the connection between blood and went to find the mother body far away in the evil abyss.

"This time, it's all thanks to you!"

At this moment, Shen Wuyan also came over and looked at Xu Changsheng with a gratified look.

This young man, whom he had long been optimistic about, was now like a flying dragon, showing his talent and strength.

As Xu Changsheng's principal and guide, how could he not be gratified.

The top masters from other countries also followed Shen Wuyan to Xu Changsheng's side, and naturally they couldn't help but compliment him.

The masters from Japan even cried bitterly to Xu Changsheng, wishing they could kneel down and kowtow to him to express their gratitude.

However, Xu Changsheng didn't buy it at all.

He looked at the hypocritical tears on the face of Japan's top leader Junichi Watanabe with cold eyes, and said with murderous intent:

"If I find out that you guys are doing anything wrong again, today's evil spirits will be your fate tomorrow!"

As he said this, he slapped Junichi Watanabe to the ground with his backhand.

This blow stunned everyone present.

Only Shen Wuyan showed a little satisfaction in his eyes. Xu

Changsheng would naturally not get angry for no reason.

He had heard before that in order to save time and money, the Japanese side dumped all kinds of domestic waste into the sea.

The domestic waste in the world of beast control is different from that in the previous life. It is not just food, clothes, garbage and the like.

Instead, it contains excrement and natural secretions of various beasts.

Some of them are beneficial to the human body and can promote cultivation, while some are highly toxic.

Not only will it have a huge negative impact on humans, but it will also have a huge negative impact on the ecology of the world of beast control!

And the processing of such things will naturally cost countless manpower, material resources and financial resources.

Therefore, even if there are many obstacles, Japan still insists on its own way and dumps a large amount of waste into the sea every year.

Junichi Watanabe is the proposer and decider of this decision, and he would even risk fines and compensation to do so.

And as China, which is adjacent to Japan, has naturally been greatly affected.

The production of seafood in China has dropped sharply in recent years.

There are even cases of people being poisoned by eating seafood.

After Xu Changsheng conquered the world, Japan's actions were slightly restrained.

But it was just a transformation of the actions in the open to the dark, and a slight reduction in waste emissions!

The funny thing is that Junichi Watanabe and others still think they can hide the truth!

Little did they know that Xu Changsheng had already known about this. It was just because of his training that he had been too lazy to pay attention to them!

Now that he has arrived in Japan, he will inevitably give Japan a warning and make an example of them.

Junichi Watanabe was slapped to the ground by Xu Changsheng, and his left cheek was swollen.

An obvious palm print appeared on his face.

Junichi Watanabe's head was buzzing after being hit by this slap, and it took him a long time to recover.

Seeing that Xu Changsheng's face was already cold, he trembled, hurriedly got up from the ground, knelt in front of Xu Changsheng, and couldn't stop saying:

"Hi! You are right! We will never do anything to displease you again! Sorry! Please forgive me!"

As he said this, Junichi Watanabe bent his body to the lowest point, with his forehead and even the entire upper body pressed against the ground, not caring about the smelly blood and dust on the ground.

This is the most solemn way of apology from the Japanese side.

This Junichi Watanabe was able to put aside his face as the highest leader of Japan.

Seeing that he was so tactful, everyone present was slightly relieved.

They were afraid that Junichi Watanabe was brainless and dared to confront Xu Changsheng. Not only would he lose his life, but Xu Changsheng would also be angry at them.

Now it seems that this person is... Still has some brains.

In a place where no one can see, a trace of disdain flashed in Jun'ichi Watanabe's eyes.

According to his experience, as long as he apologizes sincerely.

Youngsters like Xu Changsheng will definitely not be able to save face and will just let the matter go. He doesn't even need any compensation!

He, Jun'ichi Watanabe, knows these young people too well!

Moreover, he will stay out of the limelight for the next few days and come back after a few days.

What can Xu Changsheng do to Jun'ichi Watanabe? At most, he will apologize again!

For someone like him For the Japanese, apologizing has almost become part of their blood and has become an instinct!

Thinking in his heart, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, as if he had already played with the extremely powerful young man in front of him.

Looking at the extremely humble Japanese supreme leader in front of him, Xu Changsheng's face was as cold as a pond, without the slightest fluctuation.

Can the apology of the Japanese be an apology?

It clearly means:

I'm sorry, I was wrong, but I will dare to do it again next time!

For thousands of years, when has the Japanese side not adopted this attitude when doing something wrong?

Xu Changsheng has long been tired of these people's hypocrisy.

What's more, since he chose Junichi Watanabe to start with, how could he let him go so easily.

If so, how can it serve as a warning to others?

Seeing that Xu Changsheng had not spoken for a long time, Junichi Watanabe suddenly felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Just when he wanted to look up and observe Xu Changsheng's expression.

A huge force suddenly came from the top of his head, directly crushing his head into the hard ground.

At the same time, Xu Changsheng's voice as cold as a pond came from above:

"Did I ask you to lift your head? Get down on your knees!"

He said, crushing me with his feet.��


The sound of skull fractures came from Xu Changsheng's feet from time to time, which was terrifying to hear.

Soon, bright red blood flowed out from under Xu Changsheng's feet.

Seeing this scene, he lifted his feet, revealing the face of Junichi Watanabe under his feet, which had been trampled beyond recognition by him.

The skull was sunken in a large area, and the facial features of the whole face were blurred due to friction and blood.

The most prominent nose was directly ground flat, looking hideous and terrifying.

Seeing his miserable appearance, everyone was afraid of Xu Changsheng.

This young man was too cruel and violent, and he didn't play by the rules at all!

And Xu Changsheng's next words made everyone feel like they were falling into a cold cave!

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