"Come here, one kick each, just like I did just now. If I find out that someone is letting him win, you will end up like him!"

Xu Changsheng's cold and ruthless words echoed in everyone's ears, like the devil's voice coming from the depths of hell.

He almost trampled Junichi Watanabe to death just by himself.

What if there were more than 20 of them, and each of them kicked him with such force.

Even if Junichi Watanabe had ten lives, it would not be enough to squander!

Moreover, the strong men from all over the world stepped on the highest leader of Japan.

This is simply the biggest insult to the Japanese side!

In addition to the presence of these world's top combat forces, in this huge battlefield, there are thousands or even nearly ten thousand beastmasters who are carefully watching the movements on their side.

This means.

The fact that the Prime Minister of Japan was stepped on today will inevitably spread around the world.

By then, I am afraid that the Japanese will not have the face to go to other countries.

Even walking on the street will be severely laughed at.

"Oh? You don't want to? Whoever is unwilling to stand up, you will suffer for him."

Xu Changsheng raised his eyes and swept across the crowd of people in front of him with different expressions, and added.

His voice was low, but full of irrefutable arrogance and arrogance.

Everyone knew that with Xu Changsheng's lawless character, he would definitely do such a thing! When

Junichi Watanabe, who had been stepped on by Xu Changsheng and was unconscious, heard this, he forced himself to crawl to Xu Changsheng's feet.

He hugged Xu Changsheng's calves tightly with his bloody hands, and tears flowed down his eyes.

Junichi Watanabe pleaded bitterly:

"Lord Changsheng, I was really wrong......Please be magnanimous and spare my life. Please......From now on, you will treat me as your dog.......As long as you don't kill me, anything is fine!"

As he said this, he stuck out his tongue and began to pant like a dog, even making"wow wow" sounds from time to time.

Junichi Watanabe finally became the top leader of Japan, and he didn't want to die like this!

For a person like him, as long as he can survive, what does dignity matter?

His embarrassed and humble posture, let alone others, even Xu Changsheng couldn't stand it.

The leader of a country can be so humble.

In a way, this Junichi Watanabe is also a talent, a shameless talent!

Xu Changsheng frowned slightly, looking at the upper of his left shoe that had been stained with blood on Junichi Watanabe's face, and a feeling of displeasure suddenly rose from his heart.

He withdrew his right foot slightly, and then kicked out suddenly, hitting Junichi Watanabe's chest


This kick was so fast that even the air made a terrifying sonic boom.


With a muffled sound, Jun'ichi Watanabe's body drew a perfect arc in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

This kick directly kicked him twenty meters away!

And Jun'ichi Watanabe's chest cavity was now sunken to an incredible degree.

He lay on the ground weakly, coughing miserably, and bits of meat mixed with various organ fragments were spit out together.

Xu Changsheng's kick had already shattered all the organs in Jun'ichi Watanabe's body!

It can be seen how cruel he was!

Being his dog? Is Jun'ichi Watanabe worthy?

Xu Changsheng rolled the toes of his left foot slightly on the ground, wiping off the stains on the upper of his shoes bit by bit.

"Go quickly. While I am only a little unhappy now."

Xu Changsheng's face was indifferent, without any expression.

But anyone could hear the anger hidden in his tone.

It was like a volcano ready to erupt, just a little bit, and it would erupt in an instant!

This time, no one dared to hesitate.

They were afraid that Xu Changsheng's anger would be ignited by carelessness.

These top powerhouses who were famous in one side, now lined up in front of the half-dead body of Watanabe Jun like elementary school students after class.

And then, one after another, they imitated Xu Changsheng's previous actions and crushed Watanabe Jun's head.

Moreover, these people were worried that Xu Changsheng would not be satisfied, and felt that they and others were letting him off, so they even deliberately increased their strength, almost completely crushing Watanabe Jun's head!

Under the boundless pain, Watanabe Jun's screams became more and more miserable, just like the legendary Like an evil ghost.

It makes people feel scared just by hearing it.

However, what everyone present feared the most was not Jun'ichi Watanabe's cry.

But Xu Changsheng, the instigator of all this, who was standing aside and watching the show with a calm face!

Today, they have a deeper understanding of the character of the current ruler of the beast world.

The little thoughts in their hearts also disappeared at this moment.

They made up their minds that in the next period of time, if Xu Changsheng asked them to go east, they would never go west!

And any actions that may infringe on the interests of China and the interests of Xu Changsheng will be stopped after today!

After all, no one wants to end up like Jun'ichi Watanabe!

Gradually, due to excessive blood loss and severe injuries, Jun'ichi Watanabe's screams gradually weakened, and his vital signs disappeared rapidly.

Seeing It won't be long before the top leader of Japan will die under the feet of everyone.

However, among the twenty-eight strong men, only nine of them stepped on him.

The torture that Junichi Watanabe has endured is obviously far from enough!

It would be too early to die now.

With this thought in mind, Xu Changsheng raised his hand and waved.

Fuyao beside him immediately understood, and a strong green light poured down, wrapping the dying body of Junichi Watanabe. The majestic vitality quickly repaired his body that was as broken as a rag bag.

In just a few seconds, Junichi Watanabe's injuries that were enough to kill a person were almost recovered.

And his consciousness, which had already fallen into a coma, was also forcibly awakened.

For Fuyao now, as long as it is not an injury to the origin or a wound caused by an attack that restrains the healing ability.

Other injuries, than For example, the trampling wound on Junichi Watanabe's body was too easy to repair.

He opened his eyes in a daze. The hard and cold ground made Junichi Watanabe, who had always been pampered, feel quite uncomfortable.

He was about to curse, but suddenly remembered his current situation.

In an instant, Junichi Watanabe's consciousness was completely awake. He opened his eyes in horror and was about to beg for mercy.

However, a big foot stepped on his face tightly.

The original words of begging for mercy instantly turned into muffled sobs.

The shrill screams rang in everyone's ears again.

And in the following time.

Whenever Junichi Watanabe was on the verge of death and was about to be freed, Fuyao would use his healing ability to pull him back from death and endure the hellish torture.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have gone crazy because of the extreme torture.

However, Junichi Watanabe could become the highest leader of Japan. Although his strength was not the top, he had reached the diamond level.

His soul strength was also extremely tough.

It was because of this that he could clearly feel every torture.

The pain and humiliation made him want to commit suicide every second.

However, even such a humble wish could not be fulfilled under Fuyao's supervision!

Half an hour later, all the strong men had completed trampling on Jun'ichi Watanabe.

At this moment, his face was covered in blood, and his body was covered with countless footprints, especially on his head, which was extremely miserable.

Just when everyone thought that Xu Changsheng would let Jun'ichi Watanabe go.

He made a new request again!

Xu Changsheng's face was indifferent, his lips moved slightly, and a new punishment came out of his mouth:

"You kneel down in the direction of China for ten days and ten nights. You are not allowed to eat during this period. If you can survive, this matter will be over and I will not pursue it any further."

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