As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

This was a naked humiliation without any disguise!

No matter which country, kneeling is definitely the most solemn act of apology.

And Junichi Watanabe was able to kneel down and beg for mercy in front of Xu Changsheng with peace of mind before, because Xu Changsheng's status was far higher than his.

It was reasonable for the lower to kneel down and beg the higher, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

But now, Xu Changsheng actually asked him to kneel down and apologize to all the Chinese people!

Among them, there were countless civilians that he would never look at.

The higher kneeled to the lower? Unheard of! Unseen before!

How could Junichi Watanabe accept this!

What's more, he was exposed to the scorching sun for ten days and ten nights, and he couldn't eat at all.

Even with the body of a diamond-level beastmaster, the probability of survival was very small.

After all, during these ten days, he had to endure tremendous torment not only physically and mentally.

He couldn't even draw energy from anything, how could he survive!

Xu Changsheng had no intention of letting him live!

Looking at Junichi Watanabe lying on the ground pretending to be dead, Xu Changsheng was not in a hurry, but just whispered:

"Have you thought it through? Do you want to die now, or fight for a chance of survival in ten days?"

"Moreover, I can tell you very clearly. If you don't agree, I will be very unhappy. When I am unhappy, I like to settle old scores. And there are too many scores to settle between Japan and China."

His words were light and gentle, as if old friends were reminiscing about the past.

But the meaning in his words made Junichi Watanabe and everyone else shudder!

Yes, Japan owes China too much in the past thousands of years!

If you really want to count, it would not be too much to let all the islanders be buried with him.

Of course, for an extreme egoist like Junichi Watanabe, even if all the Japanese died, there would not be a ripple in his heart. What really moved him was the first sentence Xu Changsheng said.

A glimmer of hope in ten days!

For a person like him, what is more important than being alive?

Besides, Junichi Watanabe endured the pain just now, so what's the harm in holding on for another ten days?

With this thought, Junichi Watanabe simply stopped pretending to be dead, forced himself to get up, and said respectfully to Xu Changsheng:

"Thank you for your grace! The punishment you just gave me made me understand many truths. Thank you for your teachings!"

Xu Changsheng smiled when he saw this scene.

You see, after beating him up, he still has to thank us!

Even after being beaten up like this, Junichi Watanabe still praised Xu Changsheng.

It must be said that he is also uniquely thick-skinned.

"Go ahead."

Xu Changsheng smiled and waved his hand, but there was a stinging coldness in his eyes.

If this old man really couldn't die in these ten days, then he didn't mind letting Dijiang use his spatial ability to kill Junichi Watanabe without anyone noticing.

What a joke, you offended him, Xu Changsheng, and you still want to live?

How naive!

Even if someone doubts him, what can he do?

Is there anyone who dares to question him in person!

Unless that person doesn't want to live!

Looking at Junichi Watanabe, facing the scorching sun, he knelt deeply in the direction of China.

Shen Wuyan, Yan Hua and other Chinese high-level combat forces all had a hint of Joy and satisfaction.

They had long been annoyed with the old scoundrel Junichi Watanabe.

They were the ones who stepped on Junichi Watanabe the hardest just now.

Now they saw this Japanese leader kneeling down in front of the hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

An emotion that could not be expressed in words surged in the hearts of all the Chinese people present.

Their admiration and recognition of Xu Changsheng deepened a lot.

This is a good leader who truly works for China and seeks the welfare of China!

As for the Japanese citizens of Luoying City, they were shocked to see the highest leader of their country kneeling down. And he was kneeling down to his old enemy, the Chinese side. His face turned pale, as if his parents had just died.

But due to Xu Changsheng's strength and pressure, they dared not show it, and even dared not have any verbal or eye contact.

As for the beast masters from other countries, most of them applauded when they saw this scene.

After all, the Japanese side's indiscriminate excretion of waste will not only affect China, but the whole world.

Therefore, although Xu Changsheng's actions were cruel, they were recognized by most people.

Just when everyone had different thoughts because of Jun'ichi Watanabe's kneeling.

A series of powerful and strange fluctuations, Coming from the sky.

Xu Changsheng's originally indifferent face suddenly tensed up, and the casualness in the depths of his eyes disappeared, replaced by solemnity and caution.

He had felt similar fluctuations in the Evil Abyss!

And the source of the fluctuations was those strange red evil spirits, whose strength was about the Haoyue level!

If enemies of this level appeared in large numbers.

Even now, he would find it difficult to resist!

Almost at the moment when Xu Changsheng felt this strange fluctuation.

A series of red figures passed by the sky and appeared in Xu Changsheng's sight.

One, two, three......

This time, there were seven evil spirits of the Haoyue level who appeared together!

"This strength......"

Xu Changsheng's heart sank.

Such a large number was far beyond his imagination.

However, now that Zhulong had evolved to a mythical state, his overall strength had greatly increased, and he might not be without the strength to fight.

Just as Xu Changsheng was preparing to fight, a bright blue figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

Then, the sharp bone wings, mixed with the shrill sound of the wind, instantly pierced his throat!

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