A blue evil spirit!

This is a high-level Sun-level existence!

How could an evil spirit of this level break through the seal so early and even reach the world of beast control?

You know, the higher the level of the evil spirit, the stronger the sealing effect of the seal array.

Judging from the time, it is not easy to have a few red evil spirits appear now.

What's more, this blue Sun-level evil spirit!

All kinds of doubts flashed through Xu Changsheng's mind, and he immediately wanted to retreat.

However, no matter how hard Xu Changsheng tried.

His legs seemed to be rooted in the ground, unable to move at all!

This Sun-level evil spirit actually has control skills! The cold bone spurs grew bigger and bigger in Xu Changsheng's pupils, and almost pierced his chest in an instant.

Even the whistling wind made Xu Changsheng's cheeks hurt.

The other seven red evil spirits were naturally not idle.

They rushed forward one after another, restricting Xu Changsheng's actions in controlling beasts.

At this moment, the incomparable time fluctuations suddenly spread, covering all the evil spirits present at the same time.

In an instant, both the evil spirits of the Haoyue level and the Yinglan evil spirit were stagnant.

The Yinglan evil spirit's bone wings paused slightly, and then it attacked Xu Changsheng at an astonishing speed.

But the speed was still much slower than before.

However, just this little bit of time gave Xu Changsheng the opportunity to counterattack.


A terrifying wolf howl came from behind Xu Changsheng, and then a huge black figure stood between Xu Changsheng and the Yinglan Evil Spirit.


The bone wing pierced into the blood shadow's swollen muscles and then quickly pulled out, bringing up a large amount of sticky black blood, which splashed on Xu Changsheng's face.

Then it kicked all six legs together.

The tremendous force was transmitted from the evil spirit's legs to the blood shadow's body.

""Bang! Boom!"

With a loud noise, the huge body of Blood Shadow, which was as big as a tall building, was kicked away by it.

Xu Changsheng was right behind Blood Shadow, so he was naturally pushed down by Blood Shadow's rapidly retreating body, and then pressed under its huge body.

Fortunately, Blood Shadow had not completely lost the ability to move. He forcibly controlled his body at the moment of falling and did not completely press Xu Changsheng.

Otherwise, with its current body weight of dozens of tons,

Xu Changsheng might have lost half his life with such a pressure.

Xu Changsheng lay on the ground, feeling severe pain all over his body, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

However, he was surprised to find that he could move!

After discovering this, Xu Changsheng endured the pain all over his body. The pain made him barely get up and lean against the wall, gasping for breath.

The Blood Shadow continued to stand in front of Xu Changsheng.

The wounds on its body were constantly bleeding.

Moreover, the blood had a strange stench, which was obviously caused by a severe poisoning.

Even so, the Blood Shadow still stood in front of Xu Changsheng without retreating.

And the Yinglan Evil Spirit, after failing to hit it just now, stood there without making any other moves.

The two sides were in a stalemate temporarily.

As for the other seven scarlet evil spirits, their resistance to the Zhulong [Time Stop] ability was obviously not as high as the Sun Evil Spirit in front of Xu Changsheng.

At this moment, although they could still move, their movements were much slower, and they could even... Normal black evil spirits can’t compare to it.

You know, after reaching the Broken Star rank.

Every time you upgrade your rank, the energy required is dozens of times the original.

This leads to the gap between Broken Star and Bright Moon, Bright Moon and Sun, which is so big that it is unimaginable.

Before this, eight or nine silver-rank beasts might be able to surround and kill a gold-rank beast.

However, dozens of Broken Star-rank beasts may not be the opponent of a Bright Moon-rank evil spirit.

Unless the former’s talent is much higher than the latter.

And now the red evil spirit’s movement speed is not as fast as the black evil spirit.

It can be seen how much the [Time Stop] ability weakens the enemy’s combat power.

And, if it weren’t for Zhulong and Without using his own time ability, Blood Shadow had no chance to resist this attack.

And Xu Changsheng must have died under the sudden attack of the evil spirit.

However, although the red evil spirits' ability to move was restricted, their defense was not affected at all.

With Xu Changsheng's ability to control beasts, only Zhulong and Blood Shadow could pose a threat to their lives.

The attacks of other beasts only left some scars, which were not worth mentioning at all.

And Zhulong had to use the skill of [Time Stop] with all his strength to maintain the current barely balanced situation, and he had no time to kill the evil spirit.

As for Blood Shadow, it had to prioritize Xu Changsheng's life.

Seeing this scene, others couldn't help but wonder:

"Can Xu Changsheng really win this time?"

After all, they saw with their own eyes that the black wolf that was as majestic as a god, the beast that strangled ordinary evil spirits like killing chickens, was kicked away by the blue evil spirit.

It didn't even have the ability to resist.

Moreover, they all knew that this beast was almost the most powerful beast Xu Changsheng had.

For a moment, despair rose in everyone's heart.

Even Jun'ichi Watanabe was no exception. He wanted to see Xu Changsheng get hurt or even die.

But he also knew that if Xu Changsheng died, he would definitely not survive.

Therefore, he, who cherished his life very much, was one of the people who most hoped that Xu Changsheng would win.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded.


Xu Changsheng listened carefully and found that the sound came from the blue evil spirit in front of him.

The strange sound continued for a moment, then suddenly stopped, and then a familiar language came out of the evil spirit's mouth:

"Now.....hand over......Xu Changsheng, and willing���The mother queen surrenders and pays tribute on time. We, the Tianling clan, will never wantonly kill humans. Remember, you only have this one chance!"

It was the Chinese language.

This bright blue evil spirit can actually speak!

Although there were some stumbling pauses at the beginning, it became smoother and smoother as time went on.

Its cold inverted triangle eyes swept over everyone present, as if giving them time to consider.

And everyone present was shocked by his words.

As long as Xu Changsheng is handed over, the Beastmaster World will not have to suffer from the torture and invasion of evil spirits in the future.

And the price is just to surrender to the mother of the evil spirit and pay tribute on time.

What's the difference between this and surrendering to Xu Changsheng? Anyway, Xu Changsheng also needs them to hand over various resources.

For a moment, fear was in their hearts. The head was slightly scattered, replaced by various strange thoughts.

After all, compared to the death battle with unknown results in a year, surrendering to the evil spirit seems to be a more clever method.

However, the price is Xu Changsheng's life. However

, what does Xu Changsheng's life have to do with them?

It must be said that if the evil spirit's words can be guaranteed to come true, it is really tempting for most people.

However, facing the evil spirit's verbal check, no one dared to believe it 100%.

Moreover, no one was willing to be such a first bird, causing Xu Changsheng's displeasure and jealousy.

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