For a moment, the battlefield was extremely silent, with only the sound of each other's heavy breathing.

The evil spirit broke the dead silence again, and it continued to speak:

"Don't worry. We, the Tianling clan, will not lie to low-level creatures like you."

Its tone was flat, but anyone could hear the disdain in its words.

This evil spirit not only calls itself a Tianling, but also regards humans as low-level creatures! As soon as the evil spirit finished speaking, its blue figure moved suddenly.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng tensed up, and the other beasts were also facing a great enemy.

Blood Shadow was always ready for battle, waiting for the next raid.

However, to everyone's surprise

, the evil spirit's target this time was not Xu Changsheng, nor his beast, but a person kneeling on the ground, Junichi Watanabe.


The evil spirit's bone wings immediately pierced into Junichi Watanabe's shoulders, skewering him like a skewer.

After doing all this, it returned to its original position and continued:

"I can feel your emotions. Anger, resentment and......The desire for life. Tell me yourself, do you want to hand over Xu Changsheng?"

Junichi Watanabe was speechless.

The flesh on his shoulder was rapidly rotting, and large pieces of rotten flesh fell from his body like molting, without even a drop of blood flowing out.

It was enough to see the horror of the poison in this Yinglan evil spirit.

Xu Changsheng even believed that if it hadn't deliberately held back.

With Junichi Watanabe's strength, he would probably have died of the poison the moment he was injured, and there would be no possibility of survival.

"Hand over, hand over! Sir, hand over! Xu Changsheng is a piece of shit, and he is worthy of going against the Tianling clan. He is really tired of living!"

Under the fear of death, Junichi Watanabe immediately said

""Hahaha, well said!"

Hearing this, the evil spirit laughed wantonly, and a drop of blue blood emerged from its heart.

In an instant, it drilled into Junichi Watanabe's body.

Then, its bone wings slightly lowered, placing Junichi Watanabe on the ground.

Not long after, amazing changes occurred on its body.

The blue light almost completely enveloped Junichi Watanabe's body.


Two pairs of bone wings pierced his flesh and blood and drilled out of his body.

And Junichi Watanabe's body also expanded rapidly. Two limbs that looked like hands but not hands, and feet but not feet grew out of his armpits and waist respectively.

This appearance is exactly the same as the evil spirit!

This bright blue evil spirit actually has the ability to transform ordinary people into evil spirits!

Moreover, looking at Junichi Watanabe's appearance, he is not an ordinary black evil spirit.

The black muscles on his body are faintly glowing with red light.

Obviously, he is about to break through to the Haoyue level.

Moreover, from his expression, it can be seen that Junichi Watanabe still maintains his rationality as a human being!

He knelt directly in front of the bright blue evil spirit, and his flattering words rained down like raindrops:

"Thank you for your grace of giving me a new life! I, Junichi Watanabe, am willing to work like a slave for you and sacrifice my life for you."

This sharp-tongued look doesn't look like his rationality has been affected at all!

Yinglan Evil Spirit waved his hand and said:

"From now on, you are a member of my Tianling clan. With my blood essence, it won't be a problem to break through the Haoyue in time! If there is any opportunity, it is not impossible to reach the Sun like me."

Hearing this, Jun'ichi Watanabe was even more excited.

Not to mention the Haoyue level, even the Broken Star level was a realm that he dared not even dream of before.

But now, he is about to break through the Haoyue? There is even a chance to achieve the Sun?

Moreover, the lifespan of the evil spirit is endless.

For someone like him, what could be more important than this?

He knelt on the ground, his expression extremely respectful. I am afraid that he has never respected his parents like this.

Jun'ichi Watanabe wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the Yinglan Evil Spirit:

"The first five surrenderers can enjoy this treatment! Joining the embrace of our Tianling clan is an opportunity that all living beings crave!"

After he said this, some people who were already tempted became even more tempted.

After all, the improvement in strength is real.

Moreover, if one becomes a part of this evil spirit, his life will naturally not be in any danger.

Xu Changsheng, standing behind Blood Shadow, looked at the performance of the evil spirit coldly.

He couldn't figure out what was going on in the evil spirit's mind.

Even if everyone surrendered to the evil spirit, what could they do to him?

Xu Changsheng's strength was real, relying on the beast, not other people.

At the same time, he was also taking the time to repair his physical injuries.

The wounds on Blood Shadow's body were also quickly repaired under the effect of Fuyao's green light, but the wounds in the body were difficult to force out for a while.

It could only be suppressed temporarily so that the toxins would not affect Blood Shadow's combat ability.

"Don't listen to the evil spirit's nonsense! Remember one thing, those who are not of my race must have different hearts! If the evil spirit is allowed to control the life and death of our human race. Then our future life will be like pigs in a pen, at the mercy of others!"

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of others, Shen Wuyan directly dissuaded them.

He could not tolerate even a punctuation mark for the evil spirit's nonsense.

The traditional culture of China has long integrated the eight characters"those who are not of my race must have different hearts" into his blood.

He could not bear that his fate was in the hands of others, and they were not even human beings, but other creatures!

Other Chinese high-level officials nodded in agreement and dissuaded everyone.

Maybe people from other countries would be moved by the words of the evil spirit.

But the people of China would never!

However, this impassioned speech could not stop some people from wanting to surrender to the enemy.

A figure jumped out of the crowd and knelt in front of the evil spirit:

"Sir of the Tianling clan, I am willing to surrender!"

Shen Wuyan stared at this man, furious, and couldn't help but say:

"Han Junhao, you!"

This person is a top warrior in the Korean country, and he even had a friendship with Shen Wuyan in his early years.

He never thought that Han Junhao would be the first person to surrender!

With this person taking the lead, two or three people walked out of the crowd at once.

They walked quickly, even like running, for fear that they would not be able to squeeze into the top five.

When the blue evil spirit saw this scene, the inverted triangle of cold eyes flashed with excitement.

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