
Yinglan evil spirit laughed strangely, looking at Xu Changsheng with mockery in his eyes.

The reason why it did this was to humiliate and attack Xu Changsheng's beliefs.

Let him know how stupid his idea of protecting humans is! How unrealistic!

And the reason why he humiliated Xu Changsheng was naturally because the [poisonous] ability of Duxie had hurt the evil spirit's mother body.

The evil spirit mother body is the supreme existence for all evil spirits.

He gave them endless life, gave them enough strength to conquer everything, and also gave them a forever loyal character!

Every evil spirit will serve the mother body and protect the mother body as the most important goal in his life!

And the reason why the evil spirits killed lives so crazily was to provide enough nutrition for the mother body so that it could become stronger and hatch more evil spirits.

But now, such a supreme existence among the evil spirits was actually injured by Xu Changsheng's beast!

Even under the guard of more than a dozen evil spirits of the Sun rank, the evil spirit mother body was still unstoppably seriously injured!

This is simply a shame for the Yinglan evil spirit!

It is also a shame for the entire evil spirit group!

Therefore, even if it costs a huge price, the Yinglan evil spirit still forcibly breaks through the seal array.

Even if the price is its strength, which is weakened by half when passing through the seal array.

Now it is only slightly stronger than the evil spirit of the ninth level of Haoyue.

However, as a high-level day, it has an advantage that the evil spirit of the Haoyue level cannot match.

That is resistance to various attribute abilities!

Therefore, whether it is Zhulong's [Time Stop] or the various toxins of the poisonous evil, it is difficult to have much impact on it.

This also means that its strength is almost absolutely crushing for Xu Changsheng!

However, the Yinglan evil spirit is not in a hurry to kill Xu Changsheng, but wants to shatter Xu Changsheng's beliefs, and die in despair under the betrayal of everyone!

This kind of creature that originally lives on killing, after having thoughts and emotions, is even more cruel than humans!

"Jiejiejie! Jiejie!......"

The Yinglan evil spirit laughed wildly, and turned all the people kneeling in front of him into evil spirits.

However, Xu Changsheng watched the Yinglan evil spirit's clown-like performance with cold eyes, and his heart was unmoved.

As for these people joining the evil spirit, what does it have to do with him?

From the beginning to the end, Xu Changsheng really wanted to protect only the country of China!

In other words, it was the people in China who had given something to him.

Lin Hang's family, Principal Wang Ping, Liu Anxue, Shen Wuyan, etc.

These are the people he wants to protect.

As long as they stand behind Xu Changsheng, then other people can do whatever they want, even if they commit suicide on the spot, Xu Changsheng doesn't bother to care.

And the reason why he stood there and patiently watched the Yinglan evil spirit's performance was naturally Xu Changsheng's own thoughts.

He turned his eyes slightly and looked at the beast with white hair all over his body and four hooves as bright as fire beside him.

It was Bai Ze!

In Xu Changsheng's mind, Bai Ze was being pulled by countless pure white silk threads at this moment.

And the beginning of the silk thread was the long-dead evil spirits!

Following the white silk thread, countless pure forces of destiny quickly flowed into Bai Ze's body.

Although its body shape has not changed in the slightest, its inside has undergone a qualitative change.

The total capacity of its life source has already become several times that of before!

Xu Changsheng could tell with a little perception that Bai Ze's life span has increased from the original one thousand years to at least three thousand years!

And this improvement is still continuing!

This is the power of [Life Devouring]!

This invincible skill finally played its role in the large battlefield!

Not only Bai Ze's life span has been improved, but Xu Changsheng's life span has also been improved.

However, for Bai Ze, life span is not just life span, but also the engine that drives another invincible skill!

The more life span, the stronger the maximum power that [Life Slashing] can exert!

And it can also keep itself from dying immediately after using this taboo ability to the maximum extent!

And these things.

No one knows except Xu Changsheng!

Including the arrogant evil spirit!


The evil spirit's wild laughter gradually stopped.

It seemed that seeing Xu Changsheng's cold expression, it felt that its goal had not been achieved.

So it rolled its eyes, and a cruel look suddenly appeared on its face.

"So now......It's time to kill! Who should I kill first? Let me see......"

The blue evil spirit flapped its bone wings behind it and flew into the air.

Its eyes were cold and ruthless as it looked down at everyone present.

The evil spirit's powerful daily-level pressure almost condensed into substance, making it hard for everyone to breathe.

Under this pressure, several people couldn't stand it anymore and knelt down under the evil spirit, willing to surrender.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirit's wanton laughter resounded throughout the battlefield again!

And those beastmasters who were watching on the sidelines, seeing those powerful men who were the best in the world, now rebelled, felt sympathetic and despair rose in their hearts.

Some people even couldn't control their emotions and began to sob softly.

The depressed and sad atmosphere spread quickly among the crowd like a virus.

"Maybe......"Does the Great Emperor Changsheng have a chance to win?"

Someone muttered, and laughed after he finished speaking, thinking that he would actually say such nonsense.

The person next to him refuted mercilessly:

"Win? What can you win with? Do you think the gap between the Broken Star rank and the Sun rank is the same as the gap between your bronze and gold?! This is the gap between heaven and earth!"

Perhaps because he felt that he was doomed, he did not lower his voice.

Because of this, not only the beastmasters who were watching heard these discouraging words. Even

Xu Changsheng and others, as well as the evil spirit floating in the air, also heard these words!

The evil spirit's eyes lit up, and it flapped its bone wings and flew to the person who was speaking, and said with appreciation:

"Boy, you are pretty good! I will give you a chance to transform into an elf!"

When these words came out, some people were shocked, and then countless envious eyes looked at the young man with dyed yellow hair. The yellow-haired young man also showed a trace of surprise on his face, and then a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

""Fuck your mother, you stupid thing!"

He didn't think Xu Changsheng could win.

But this didn't mean that he didn't have the self-esteem of a human being, nor did it mean that he would turn to the evil spirit! Anyway, he had to die sooner or later, and now this Yinglan evil spirit took the initiative to approach him.

Then Huangmao felt that if he didn't scold him, he would be unworthy of his human identity!

Although this Yinglan evil spirit was not very proficient in Chinese, he could hear from Huangmao's tone that what this person said must not be a good thing!

Therefore, a burst of cold light suddenly broke out in its eyes.

The pale bone wings flapped violently, and the violent sound of breaking through the air was deafening!

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