Facing this fatal blow, Huangmao still had a disdainful and satisfied smile on his face.

He was just a mid-level beastmaster who had just reached platinum level, but he could actually scold the evil spirit that even Xu Changsheng was helpless against.

Huangmao felt that he had completed his merits and died without regrets.

Even if he went to the underworld, he could still speak with his back straight in front of his ancestors.

The bone spur was about to scratch Huangmao's neck.

Suddenly, the evil spirit retracted its bone wings and quickly pounced to the side.


Just as it moved away, a pure white light ball arrived in an instant and hit the position where the evil spirit was originally standing, causing a roar!

Yinglan Evil Spirit is indeed a high-level existence of the Sun. It can sense danger in an instant and directly avoid Bai Ze's long-accumulated attack!

The body of the evil spirit was blown away by this terrifying wave, and its body fell to the distance like a kite with a broken string.

The two pairs of bone wings behind it were also shattered by the aftermath of this attack, leaving only the upper bone wing in pieces.

The evil spirit desperately waved its only remaining bone wing , and only then could it barely stabilize its body in mid-air to avoid being hurt by the second impact.

Even so, the evil spirit felt as if its body was falling apart, and every part of its body was screaming in pain!

It looked at Xu Changsheng with a look of horror in its eyes!

It never thought that this beastmaster, who was only a star-breaking level, could actually burst out such a powerful attack!

Even in its prime, it might not be able to take on this kind of attack head-on.

What's more, its strength has been reduced by half now!

Fortunately, the high-level realm and perception of the Sun are still there, this The evil spirit narrowly avoided the fatal blow.

However, before it could mobilize its physical strength to repair its injuries, the originally stagnant white light ball suddenly came alive and attacked the evil spirit!

This movement shocked the evil spirit!

It waved its broken short wings and tried desperately to escape far away.

However, the only remaining wing was not enough for it to move quickly.

What's more, Zhulong's [Time Stop] was constantly reducing its speed.

In the past, Yinglan Evil Spirit would not be very sensitive to such a situation. Time control was not taken seriously at all.

But now, its strength was reduced by more than half, and it was seriously injured.

The time control of the candle dragon became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

The evil spirit's bone wings frantically flapped, but its body was as slow as an ant.

Moreover, since it only had one bone wing, it felt a little shaky in the air, and its route was crooked, like a drunk person.

In this case, the attack formed by [Slash Life] naturally caught up with the Yinglan evil spirit quickly!


As soon as the white light ball touched the body of the blue evil spirit, it shone brightly.

The white light directly swallowed up the blue body of the evil spirit.

After a moment, the light dissipated.

Everyone looked in the direction of the light ball with expectation.

However, there was nothing there, not a single thing!

【The [Severing Life] strike actually turned this high-level evil spirit of the Sun into the tiniest powder, without even leaving a corpse!

What a horrible injury!

Seeing this scene, the battlefield suddenly erupted with deafening cheers.

"Win, win! The Great Emperor Changsheng really won!"

""What the hell?! What did I say? What did I say? Please call me a prophet!" said the young man who spoke first, his expression was furious.

It was as if it was him, not Xu Changsheng, who killed the evil spirit.

As for the others, they were also screaming wildly, venting the fear buried in their hearts and the excitement of suddenly seeing life!

After all, under the oppression of the blue evil spirit just now, almost everyone thought they were doomed.

However, the reality was a shocking reversal!

If Xu Changsheng didn’t make a move, it would be fine. Once he made a move, he killed the arrogant evil spirit instantly!

This was a thorough kill!

Everyone could see clearly that the evil spirit didn’t even fight back. They don't even have the qualifications!

No! Not to fight back, it can be said that they don't even have the ability to escape!

However, not everyone's heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

Those who had surrendered to the evil spirits before, or even transformed into evil spirits, looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

And Junichi Watanabe, while others were cheering, slowly retreated.

Then it moved its bone wings behind it, and prepared to flee from here.

In its view, as long as it stayed away from Xu Changsheng, it would have stepped half a foot into the realm of Haoyue.

In this big world, where else can it go? No?!

However, fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cold and cruel.

How could Xu Changsheng forget those who stabbed him in the back at the critical moment?

I saw that the time fluctuations on Zhulong's body suddenly shook, and then enveloped the defectors and the remaining seven evil spirits.

After all, the seven evil spirits were at the realm of Haoyue, and they could still resist a little in the field of [Time Stop].

However, under the attack of Xu Changsheng's many beasts, their resistance was still in vain.

In just a few minutes, the seven Haoyue evil spirits died and turned into nutrients for Xueying, Duxie, and Bai Ze..

And those defectors, no matter what, are only at the Shattered Star level, and they can't resist Zhu Long's [Time Stop].

After all, Zhu Long is also at the Shattered Star level now!

And its talent is even more terrifyingly mythical. It is almost a crushing existence when dealing with enemies of the same level.

These defectors, naturally, can't escape Zhu Long's control!

They are not completely unable to move, but they move slower than ordinary turtles.

Just a simple action of lifting a leg and then putting it down takes more than ten seconds!

Therefore, even if they are in Xu Changsheng���They fled frantically within the time it took to kill the red evil spirit.

The distance they walked was only a few meters, which was a waste of effort!

At this time, Xu Changsheng was also flying in the air on the Bifang, looking down at these defectors who were previously human but now became evil spirits.

Behind him, Shen Wuyan, Yan Hua and other senior officials followed closely.

Other mid-level beastmasters were also walking on the ground, constantly approaching Xu Changsheng, looking forward to his treatment of these defectors.

After all, defecting in battle has been the most disdainful thing for everyone since ancient times!

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