"Good morning, little master. The temperature today is 7°~12°, and it is windy. Please remember to put on more clothes to keep warm."

A flat electronic voice came from outside the door, and the small household robot pushed the door and slid in. The worn and aging tires rubbed against the floor, making a"creaking" noise.

Kitsune Shichi, who was lying on the bed, also woke up slowly. She opened her eyes, rubbed them hazily, picked up the phone beside the pillow and looked at it: 8:50. Ha, it's almost nine o'clock?! She quickly kicked away the quilt, jumped up from the bed nimbly, picked up her only set of clothes from the shelf at the head of the bed - that is, the school uniform, and changed clothes in half a minute. What is poverty

? It's just a set of clothes that are washed and worn, and fortunately there is no sign of fading for the time being.

"Good morning, Big A.

She smiled hastily at the robot.

Although she knew it couldn't understand, she still made a gesture of thanks to it.

After that, she grabbed the bagged bread on the tray and threw it into her schoolbag.

It took her three minutes to brush her teeth, wash her face and comb her hair.

Before leaving, Kitsune looked back with some nostalgia.

Although this house was small, it was a place for her to stay.

Unfortunately, it would soon no longer belong to her.

There was no way.

What had to be faced had to be faced.

"Goodbye! I will be back early today too!"

She said, running towards the school.

The robot A also executed a programmed answer after she closed the door:"I wish you, my young master, smooth sailing and prosperity in martial arts!"

Liuheng No. 3 Middle School. At the school gate.

Kitsune Shichi ran all the way, almost running out of his lungs, and rushed into the school gate before nine o'clock.

——Ever since she traveled through time, being late has become her daily routine, but there is nothing she can do about it. Anyone who has just graduated and received an offer is full of confidence and is ready to start a new life, and then inexplicably goes back to ten years ago in the next second, and finds herself back in junior high school and has to start all over again. Moreover, the world has changed drastically, and her parents are missing...

She was considered to have a strong psychological quality because she didn't collapse on the spot.

New life, what a new life!

At this time, a girl with purple hair suddenly approached and took Kitsune Shichi's arm affectionately:"Qiqi! Why are you here just now."

Several girls aged twelve or thirteen stood behind the purple-haired girl, looking at Kitsune Shichi with longing.

Kitsune Shichi had a stern face and let this unfamiliar purple-haired girl hang on her. She is currently studying in a public high school, and is fed by little girls like a pretty boy every day.


Should I say it's a good thing she's a girl?

Wait, girls can't do that either. Even if you're poor, your spirit can't be poor!

Kitsune Shichi was tough at first, until she drank the nutrient solution for three consecutive days. She wanted to vomit when she saw the water. She trembled and accepted the beautiful girl's feeding... because she was too hungry, she was really too hungry……

"I couldn't sleep yesterday and slept late."Konishichi has adopted the cold personality of his predecessor. Anyway, the high school entrance examination is coming soon, and we won't see each other after it's over. There's no need to expose myself

"Ah, have you decided which Beastmaster Academy to apply for?" One of the younger girls asked. She was only in the second year of junior high school and was just curious.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Kitsune Shichi hesitated for a moment.

"That means we can just find one nearby." The purple-haired girl didn't mind,"Qiqi will be an adult soon, right? If you have any difficulties, you can stay at my house. My house is big and has many rooms. Usually, only my aunt and I are here."

"Xiaoyao, don't scare Qiqi!"Several girls who were traveling with her laughed. Even though they all had colorful hair, tongue studs, ear piercings, and lip studs, they were all cute and innocent at this moment.

These were all young ladies, and their situation was different from hers. Kitsune Shichi knew very well that she was not really fifteen years old. Not to mention whether she had the talent to tame beasts, she had no money first, and her academic performance was ridiculously bad. It was impossible for her to be admitted to a reliable beastmaster academy, let alone become a beastmaster.

You said that she traveled through time and space and found that the earth was no longer called the earth. People on the street spoke Chinese mixed with English and occasionally a few words from a foreign language. ——collectively known as the [Common Language of Blue Water Star], not to mention the content of the exam.

For example, what is Dudu grass? How many times does the elegant seedling hatch a day?

How do you expect her, an Earthling, to answer such questions?

Then, a living tiger becomes the class teacher, and its bloody mouth can fit a person's head; the hunched-backed red shrimps are not only inedible, but they will also sit in bubbles and tell them how the world originated...

Everyone generally thinks that a two-meter-tall tiger is more likable than a cooked red shrimp - is this reasonable?

So, if nothing unexpected happens, Kitsune Shichi feels that he will be admitted to an ordinary university. He has already traveled through time and space. Weeks have passed, and she still hasn't adapted. She is often startled by this world. She watches videos on her phone every day, and is so shocked that she can't sleep at all.

According to the Internet, this world was normal at first, but a thousand years ago, countless monsters emerged from the cracks in time and space. They have mysterious powers, and their lifespans are generally three or four times that of humans. They treat humans as food, causing purebred humans to almost become extinct.

Later, beastmasters evolved among humans. They can sign contracts with monsters, tame monsters into pets, connect to their souls, and fight for them.

The upgrade of pets can reverse By feeding and controlling the master, the beastmaster will become stronger and live longer, and there is even a chance that the"superpowers" will be activated, becoming a supernatural being like the pet beast...

Thus, with the continuous improvement of the beastmaster system, the world has become one where the strong are respected, and beastmasters with absolute strength have become the most respected people.

With strength comes status and power. Becoming a powerful beastmaster is the dream pursued by everyone in this world, without exception.

However, for Kitsune Shichi, becoming a beastmaster is too psychedelic. Anyway, she has traveled through time for a week and has not seen the golden finger. The original owner only left a suicide note and passed away.

Because the original���Kitsune Shichi, whose mental power was damaged when she was young, knew that she was not qualified to become a beastmaster, and it was even possible that she could not contract a beast pet. She was depressed on weekdays, had no elders to comfort her, and had a cold relationship with her classmates. Finally, she made the choice to give up her life.

But for Kitsune Shichi now, since she came from a world without fantasy abilities, whether she could become a beastmaster or not did not affect her much. If she had the opportunity, she would go out to play and gain experience. If she didn't have the opportunity, she would watch it on the Internet. When she had money, she would raise a small animal, which was also a beast.

Of course, having said that, since she was here, she also wanted to become a beastmaster. As for how to become a beastmaster, she also checked. First, her mental power must meet the standard. The higher the level of mental power, the more beast pets can be contracted, and the more chances there are to stimulate"superpowers".

The second is to sign a beast pet that loves you, otherwise the human and the beast will be disgusted with each other, and their emotions will be communicated, just like quarreling over the phone, and the kind that cannot be hung up for 24 hours.

As for beast pets, different races have different level caps. For example, the upper limit of the dragon family is the strongest star level. There are also many newly discovered powerful beast pets. Although they have no names at the beginning, they will also be classified as dragon family.

The third is financial resources. Money is very important.

Just like the immortal cultivation novels that Fox Seven had read before, most of these beast pets need energy and natural treasures to evolve. They cannot be evolved casually. Even if we put aside evolution and only consider three meals a day, some larger beast pets can eat ordinary people into bankruptcy.

As for the last Fox Seven, she was penniless and her parents died early. She was adopted by an institution since she was a child. Although she looked good and had good physical fitness, no one was willing to adopt her because of her damaged mental strength. Tomorrow she will be fifteen years old - that is, an adult in this world. When the time comes, she will be kicked out and homeless.

In addition to yesterday's final exam... oh no, it should be the middle school entrance exam in this world...

Fox Seven raised her eyebrows. Anyway, she filled in the test paper, although some of the nouns were unseen and unheard of... She didn't even understand the questions.

With her current education level, her future is very bumpy.

As for her university - haha, she studied law, which is of no use in this world, a complete waste.

"The holiday started on Friday, and today is the last day. The teacher said that a test was arranged for the fourth grade. You can test your mental strength again. There will be rewards if you exceed level 15."

"What rewards?"

"It seems like a three-day trip to the neighboring province?"

"Oh, that's lame, why don't you give me a pet?"

"Do you dare to use the gift from school? You must buy and choose your own pets"

"What are you thinking about? Level 15, you can sign a contract if you are 10 levels above. How can a god who can control beasts in junior high school appear in our school?"

Fox Seven walked into the classroom, and the room was in an uproar. Everyone was discussing summer vacation arrangements, and there were also a few people checking answers, and some were talking about the beast control competition. No one cared that Fox Seven was late, after all, she was a marginal figure.

Although Fox Seven was beautiful, she was only famous in the lower grades. When she reached the upper grades, no matter how beautiful she was, she was not as strong as her strength. The taciturn strong man was the boss, and the beautiful weak man was just air. That's the reason.

As for the mental power test, generally speaking, if the mental power reaches level 10, you can sign a contract with an ordinary young beast pet, that is, a one-star beast master. At level 20, you can sign two, that is, a two-star beast master. Level 30, level 40, level 50, level 60... In theory, the mental power level is unlimited, but it is only a theory, because 80% of people will never reach level 20 in their lifetime.

And every time the mental power is increased by 10 levels, the mental sea will be opened up once, and there will be an extra space in the brain This space is called the Beast Taming Space, where the contracted pets can hide and rest.

The last Kitsune Shichi had his mental strength tested a year ago and was only level 5. At this rate, it will take at least seven or eight years before he can sign the first pet.

As for pets, Kitsune Shichi's preferences are very ordinary. She likes furry things, such as cats and dogs. She can't accept insects, and she doesn't like undead creatures. Although combat effectiveness is important, appearance is also important - and most importantly, it must be easy to feed and eat less.

Forget it, she should think of a way to feed herself first.

Just as she was thinking, a big snow-white tiger strode in. This was a big guy who stood nearly three meters tall, wearing human clothes, and his orange-yellow vertical pupils were as big as half of Kitsune Shichi's fist. Just standing on the podium, the pressure was overwhelming.

It was a tiger-shaped orc, and didn't like humanization, so it always walked on the original four legs.

"Silence." The beast pet class teacher raised his paw and patted the table."Little bastards, you are my first and last class of students. When the master passed away, I accepted his will and took you on the last journey. Today, this mission is over, and you, like me, have completed a not-so-simple mission. A great life is about to begin!"

Thunderous applause and clapping of the table broke out in the classroom. Both men and women simulated tiger roars, which were very lifelike. Only Kitsune Shichi's mouth twitched, and he felt like covering his face.

If your master knew that you turned all his students into little tigers, fighting with all four limbs and even biting people, he would definitely crawl out from the ground and pull your ears.……

""Quiet, quiet! Stop making noise!" Big Tiger said again, obviously very satisfied,"Let's go, let's test our mental strength with me!"

"Oh yeah!"Teacher, where are you going next?"

So, a group of people jumped and followed, and Kitsune Shichi walked at the end of the team. Even though she couldn't recognize all the names of the class, she was a little excited.

She also wanted to become a beastmaster...

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