On the playground, a slim black-haired female staff member was presiding over the situation. She stood on the back of a water turtle pet, holding a large silver loudspeaker in her hand, and shouted to the newly arrived class:

"New class, go to the right, wait in Area A!"

Fox Seven has good eyesight and saw the work badge on the man. He is a staff member of the Liuheng City Beast Control Research Institute. He looked into the distance and saw two dark blue cat-shaped beast pets with a circle of colorful petals around their necks. They were circling around a black energy tester. They were the second-order evolution of the psychic flower-driven beasts. It seemed that they had space-related skills.

So cute...

Fox Seven looked at them enviously. Psychic and fairy beast pets are very expensive. In the past life, it was no less expensive than buying an airplane. Most people would not even think about it. However, these two types of beast pets can generally learn to fly and Space-related skills are only inferior to dragon-related skills in terms of rarity.

She followed a group of people, craning their necks to watch the tests of other classes. At this time, a male researcher came up. He had thick eyebrows and a handsome face, and he was no less handsome than the actors in his previous life.

The upgrade of a pet will benefit the beastmaster. From the surface, the skin will become better and the whole person will be more energetic. Therefore, as long as the higher-level beastmasters are not born too ugly, they will look different from ordinary people and look exceptionally beautiful after a little grooming.

The man also turned his head to look at Kitsune Shichi's class, his eyes fell on Baihu, the head teacher, and quickly moved away

"Now, students whose names are called come up to take the test.

Don't be nervous.

We have brought the most professional equipment this time.

Put your hand on the red tester, and your brain will feel a slight tingling sensation.

This is normal.

Even students who have just tested their mental strength can test it again.

Mental strength is a mysterious power.

In the past, many students suddenly relaxed after the exam and their mental strength increased greatly.

I hope everyone present will have this good luck!


The class that was to be tested first suddenly became agitated.

At this time, Kitsune Shichi saw a good-looking boy who was surrounded by people.

He was the only one in their class whose mental power level had broken through the ninth level.

At the age of fifteen, breaking through the ninth level of mental power is still considered a top student in an ordinary school, but it is not good enough even in the city, let alone in the province.

After all, there is a gap between schools.

Liuheng No.

3 Middle School is just an ordinary junior high school, which cannot be compared with those top schools.

Kitsune Shichi is a person who has seen the world.

When she was in college, the girl who worked on the same project with her was a super rich second-generation.

She would occasionally take her out to play, which really made her see the extravagance and also let her see They have come to understand what it means to be a child of destiny with no blind spots in all aspects - no matter their looks, figure, conversation or knowledge, everything is far superior to that of ordinary people.

That is the confidence that their families have given them with real money.

Ordinary people should never think about competing with them, otherwise they will get angry to death.

But it is different in this world of beast taming, because the talent for beast taming is not inherited. Even if the parents are geniuses, the children born are likely to be ordinary people. The talent is completely random...

Kitsune Shichi shook his head. The wealthy families in this world are probably going to give birth to many children, and the competition will be even more intense.

On the playground, six classes have already stood in place. The female staff member standing on the turtle's back has a screen in her right eye, on which a string of names are rolling out.

"Class 1 starts! Gu Fengyi."She shouted.

A boy with yellowish hair walked out of the crowd, stood slowly in front of the test bench, raised his head and looked at her nervously, waiting for instructions foolishly.

""Student, put your hand on it, on the red mark, gently." The handsome male staff patiently instructed.

So the boy put his hand on it, and an electronic screen suddenly appeared above the dark instrument. Bright green numbers flashed from 0 to 7 in full view of everyone.

"Level 7." The woman called out his level loudly. Although her voice was loud, anyone could tell she was bored."Next, Liu Jiuran!"

"It's okay, your mental power will increase with age."The male staff member comforted everyone.

Although this level 7 seems low, it is not low in this school, and it can even be considered upper-middle level.

At this rate, ordinary people can become beastmasters around the age of 20.

Because even the mental power of plants has level 1, and human babies can naturally reach level 3 mental power.

However, the mental power growth rate of most people is very slow.

If they cannot pass level 10 at the age of 15, it means that they may not be able to pass level 20 even if they live to 80, because as the level of mental power increases, the energy required for each level increases exponentially.

Many people stared at the screen for a long time without saying a word. Although most people will become beastmasters after the age of 20, most of the rare geniuses in the world have made their mark in high school. In junior high school, they have already contracted their first beast pet and started the road to training.

What, you said geniuses are rare? But in most TV dramas and biographies, the protagonists are eleven or twelve years old.

Regardless of everyone's mood, the test continues.


"Level 6"

"Hu Huayu"

"Level 8"

"Cong Kai"

"Level 6"



Kitsune Shichi discovered that most people's mental power hovered between 6 and 8, and no one was higher than 10. But when she was watching videos yesterday and the day before yesterday, there was a super genius with a mental power of level 12 in the neighboring school. Although that school was the best junior high school in Liuheng, it was not surprising to have one or two geniuses, but netizens said that the appearance of a level 12 was too shocking...

Of course, Kitsune Shichi didn't understand what they were shocked about. She could only look at the comments and figure it out. It was said that the mental power growth rate of the genius girl was a rare A+, which means that this girl could reach level 40 at the most conservative level in her life, and after the four beast pets fed her back, she could live at least 500 years - a full five centuries.

The so-called immortality is probably this. This is much easier to understand than the abstract adjective"superb talent".

For a beastmaster, the growth rate of mental power is very important. It represents potential. For ordinary people, they must first become beastmasters to have everything, whether it is reputation, money, status, or a stronger body...

Just like that genius girl, the Internet said that she has been admitted to the best high school in the province, and her future is bright.

On the playground, testing continues


"grade ten!"

"Wow! Level 10! Who is that?"

"It's the third shift.……"

"Oh, I remember that I was ahead of her in the last exam!"

"Wow, she's actually level 10, doesn't that mean I can contract a beast pet now? That's amazing!……"

"Wow... I want to be happy too...……"

People around were talking about it, and the girl at the center of the conversation was so happy that she almost jumped up. She hadn't thought that she would actually cross that line. She had just taken the test this week and her score was 8. At that time, the staff told her that there were no signs of a breakthrough. Who would have thought that she would encounter such a good thing as a breakthrough after the test?

"Congratulations, you can choose your favorite pet to make a contract. You can go to the meeting room and wait. Your principal will���There are several high schools. You can ask the parents to talk to them. The female staff member finally smiled and looked at Rujunna with the same appreciation as she would see her peers.

""Thank you, sister!" Rujunna answered excitedly, her voice loud and clear, and she walked off the stage quickly.

Then the test continued, and no mental power above level 8 appeared again, until——

"Xu Fei"

"Level 10."

Another level 10!"

Kitsune Shichi had been distracted, but when she heard another level 10 mental power, she looked up, only to find that it was the boy from before. But wasn't he level 9? He actually passed level 10 at this critical juncture. In such a small school, two"geniuses" appeared before the test was halfway through, and both of them were temporary breakthroughs... It seems that mental power is indeed mysterious.

Maybe, as it is said on the Internet, level 10 is nothing at all, just a threshold.

Kitsune Shichi touched her chin and flipped through her phone indifferently. She has been very interested in various cat-shaped pets recently, but unfortunately, everyone likes good-looking pets, and the prices are rising. It is really outrageous. The cheapest one costs 100,000 yuan, and there are only... The two evolutionary forms can only be cultivated to the intermediate level... With the same price, you can buy a pet that can evolve to the advanced level.

Human beast masters are divided into one star, two stars, three stars according to their mental strength levels... and pets are also divided into primary, intermediate, advanced, general, king, emperor, and the legendary god level according to the number of evolutions.

The ecology of Blue Star is fragile and not suitable for pets above the king level, so except for a few emperor-level pets that stay on Blue Star as weapons, most of them go to other galaxies to live.

Of course, this is still a legend, which Kitsune Shichi found in the encyclopedia. She knows too little about this world. She was so overwhelmed when she first arrived. She didn't even explore the area where she lived, let alone the vast interstellar space.

On the other side, the classmates were talking about it.

"It's Master Xu. Level 10 is normal."

"But this is still too low for him, after all, he is a member of the Xu family, and his brother is simply a god... By the way, last time I heard that Xu Fei broke through the ninth level, he was almost taken back by his family, but he could only take the high school entrance examination here, so it has been delayed."

"Oh, he must have been blocked again. Someone doesn't want him to go back."

"Big families are trouble."

"It's not that serious. He will just deliver food when he goes back. He can only show off his power here."

"Deliver food? That's not something we can touch."

"Don't laugh at yourself. He is awesome, but what does it have to do with us?"

So he is the exiled young master...

Kitsune Yashichi looked at him twice more. She was just complaining about the life of the rich children, but she didn't expect to see him alive so soon - being kicked out of the house because of lack of talent, isn't this the classic routine of a loser rising to prominence? If he is also rejected by a beautiful woman, he is simply invincible.

It was after this boy's test that the discussion of the girls next to her suddenly changed direction:

"Xu Fei indeed"

"He seems to have dumped LK"

"The first thing he did when he got ashore was to kill his ideal person. He must have felt that LK was no longer worthy of him."

"I heard he was having an affair with GWW"

"Ah~ Really, really~ I think I heard someone say that too, please tell me in detail……"

Kitsune Shichi was forced to listen, and the more she listened, the more speechless she became. It seemed that no matter where you were, gossip was the primary productive force. She had also seen on the Internet that people seemed to be quite accepting of the fact that the strongest man had multiple relationships at the same time... provided that this unfortunate thing didn't happen to her.

Blue Star, like Earth, still practiced monogamy, but as long as they didn't get married, it was difficult for high-level beastmasters who were unfaithful to be condemned, because their lifespans were too long, and while their ordinary lovers gradually aged, the beastmasters were still in their prime, and even got younger and younger because of the support from their beasts...

Forget about love, even family affection was hard to maintain.

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi suddenly heard her own name.

""Kitsune Shichi!" the female staff member shouted.

Kitsune Shichi hurriedly walked out from her classmates.

At this moment, few people were looking at her, but she was still uneasy.

After all, the original owner had just been tested, and she suddenly became a different person.

She was afraid that she would be seen...

Would there be special beast pets in this world that could see souls? I don't know if her situation is considered as possession.

No, this is originally her body.

It is her in a parallel world.

Even the mole on her chest is in the same position.

The moment she put her hand on it, Kitsune Shichi found that even her arms were shaking, and another extremely unfamiliar energy rushed to her brain along her fingertips.

It was numb like an electric shock, but it didn't hurt.

She seemed to be shrouded in a water cover.

Everything in the outside world became blurred and buzzing.

She only heard a familiar female voice above her head - yes, Kitsune Shichi finally understood why the female staff member shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, because if she didn't do this, she couldn't hear her voice at all.

"Level 11!"

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