With Xu Fei's experience as a lesson, after returning home that day, Hu Shiqi urgently checked the rabbit's body. After the check, he rubbed Xieyang hard, kneading him into a furry rabbit.

Xieyang resisted the urge to lick his fur, curled up limply, and made a weak cry:"Ji……"

Karachi glanced over, and after a few seconds, he grasped a ball of snow-white vines in his hand. He saw the branches twitching and weaving, and soon they had weaved themselves into little rabbits. He ran over and jumped hard!


Xieyang jumped up immediately, his rabbit ears erect, his whole body tense, and angrily confronted the rattan rabbit (Karachi).

Fox Seven glanced at the two of them, and with a flick of his hand, he took out two body-building pills from the space, one on each side, and skillfully pushed, blocked, and pressed them, and stuffed them directly into the throats of the two"rabbits".


Karachi grabbed his throat and his face changed.


Xieyang's mouth was small, and his cheeks bulged instantly. His big golden eyes were misty, and he looked pitiful.

This body-refining pill is good in every way, but the taste is a bit hard to describe... Anyway, Kitsune Shichi himself would vomit every time he ate it.

"I, your master, am a master of alchemy. So, good things are like cabbage. Don't fight or grab them. Everyone will have what they deserve.……"

Kitsune Shichi showed a devilish smile, lifted the two rabbits' ears, shook them as a warning, and continued to rub.

Xiyang spread his claws and spread his belly comfortably.


Beast pets are different from pets. Even the primary beast pets have physical fitness several times that of humans.

The twin rabbits are fighting beast pets, and their bodies are so strong that even if they are pressed on the washboard and rubbed hard, not to mention lifting their ears, they won't lose a hair. But now they are lying weakly, humming.

——Is this reasonable?

Karachi made a"tsk" sound, tilted his head, and continued reading, thinking that out of sight, out of mind.

After rubbing for a few minutes, Kitsune Shichi realized something and looked up at Karachi again:

"Why can't I go to the secret realm for tutoring?"

The speed of time in the Qingxi Secret Realm is 5:1 compared to reality. She studied at home for two months. If she goes to the secret realm, she can study for ten months. Even if she can't make up for the junior high school courses, she can at least go through"Energy Science"...

The teacher actually said that she wrote nonsense!

Thinking of this, Kitsune Yashichi was upset and paused while touching Tutu's hand.

She just listed all the formulas she remembered on the test paper. How can this be called writing nonsense? It was clearly dictation!

However, she dared not say this out loud.

"Of course I thought about it, but your tutor is unwilling to go to the secret realm, even if the price is increased tenfold."

Karachi sighed, and at the same time glanced at a human with a"short lifespan"

"They said that their lives are short, and if they get used to this way of making money, a 100-year life span will be equivalent to only 20 years left. They also said that there is no Internet or electricity in the secret realm, and they can't contact their families if they are locked in there... In short, there are a lot of reasons, so I didn't make such arrangements."

There is no other way, Fox Seven can only give up.

Facts speak louder than words. Watching online classes is too inefficient, it is better to learn with a teacher.……

"By the way, the people you asked me to help you find are missing, and they disappeared a long time ago."

Karachi remembered something again and frowned.

Hu Shiqi was stunned for a moment,"Including Zhang Yudi?"

Zhang Yudi is the"Sister Zhang" who sat in the house with Freddy and smoked at the beginning, but she is not called Zhang Yudi in the list of Shengxu, but Diyu, a spy lurking in the Zhongyong organization of Shengxu.

The reason why Hu Shiqi could recognize her is because Diyu has a snow-melting butterfly, and the little black cat specially marked this sister with a code name: Smoker.

Even if it is a planet, there are not many young three-star beastmasters.

Off topic, although beastmasters have good looks, before six stars, if they want to be young and beautiful, they must pay attention to maintenance. Even if they are four-star beastmasters, if they are exposed to the sun and wind and sand every day, their faces will still be full of wrinkles and red and black spots.

"Yes, including her."

Karachi said expressionlessly,"Those people are missing. They probably changed their identities or were killed by the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Then the manipulator behind the scenes can't be considered too evil. If no one instigates, it will basically be clear under the light."

Kitsune Yaqi said casually.

She is not a novice now, and naturally she has studied the politics of Blue Star. To put it bluntly, there are two factions in Blue Star: Zhongyong and Shengxu.

At the beginning, the two factions fought to the death and fought whenever they met.

Later, both sides gradually realized that fighting was of no benefit.

So they joined forces to govern and reap the benefits of the world.

Up to now, Shengxu and Zhongyong have become"you are good, I am good, and everyone is good" groups. They are still in opposition in name, but the fight has been brought to the ring, which is more like a face-saving project... Those core interests are always in the hands of those eight-star bosses.

It is actually very easy to understand, Kitsune Shichi looked at the history, studied those famous figures, and sorted it out.

On the Zhongyong side, there are constant new bloodlines, but they just can't cultivate nine stars. And on the Shengxu side, except for the Holy Lord himself, no one can cultivate new nine stars.

In the end, maybe because there are no nine stars on both sides, the Holy Lord has been invincible for too long, and he feels bored, so he doesn't go out. If he doesn't work himself, he has to find someone to work for him and support his extravagant life...

And the Holy Lord now has two heirs, one is Kitsune Shichi, and the other is in the Gin family in Nine-tail Province. The old man is also approaching the end of his life, and it seems that he will not be able to survive.……

"Is it possible that... the old man saw that I was not dead and was afraid that I would take revenge on the Yin family, so he killed the spy himself?"

Hu Shiqi frowned.

She thought of the Yinyue Auction House, because the Yinyue Auction House was the property of the Yin family. Those water plants that were obviously delivered to the door, and the bracelet that she was wearing at the moment...

Thinking about it this way, it was really terrifying.

Hu Shiqi put down the setting sun and turned the bracelet on her hand again. This thing is not common.

She had bid for a lot of jewelry at the beginning, and she was the only one bidding in the whole venue. If this was deliberately given to her by the Yin family... then it was really... scary. Hu

Shiqi turned over her palm and took out the extremely complicated pill recipe. After looking at it carefully again, after a while, she smiled and shook her head.

Although the materials are complicated, the medicinal materials on it are not particularly rare, and the years of the medicinal materials are not marked...

She has no family inheritance, and no elders to teach her. Once she has money, I am afraid she will definitely try this pill recipe. Who calls this pill recipe"Soul-soothing Pill"? It looks so tempting, as if it can improve the soul level.

And the consequence of refining medicine casually, so many kinds of medicinal materials are mixed together... The scene of the explosion must be grand?

"What a good plan. Really a good plan.……"

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