A ray of light appeared on the horizon, moistening the dark blue sky and blooming with purple-red morning light.

Kitsuneya Nana yawned with his eyes closed, struggled to get up from the darkness, packed himself up like a sleepwalker, and walked towards the restaurant filled with the aroma of food.

……Today's rice smells especially strong……

……Smells like meat porridge……?

……The breakfast robot is a good thing...

Just like that, when passing by the guest room, Kitsune heard a"bang", which seemed to be a bouncy ball falling to the ground.

She stood at the door of the guest room for two seconds, and when she figured it out, she was shocked and pushed the door open and rushed in - no, she couldn't rush in at all, because the floor of the guest room was full of kitchen knives!


Kitsune Shichi screamed.

In the dark room, a yellowish rabbit was standing upside down on a sharp knife, its small paws pressing the sharp tip of the knife. It raised its head and looked blankly at the door.

In the darkness, its eyes were shining.

On the ground, there were several kitchen knives that had been smashed crooked.


Xieyang's ears twitched, and he tilted his head in confusion. His big golden eyes opened wider, clear and bright.

Then, as if performing a show, he used his front paws to step on the tip of the knife and"pop" jumped half a meter high, and then landed steadily on the tip of the knife. The kitchen knife he hit made a"bang" and was inserted deeper into the floor, and it was more... wobbly. The room was full of blades, shining coldly and shaky.

Kitsune Yaqi choked, obviously... maybe... Xieyang's request was... that household kitchen knives were not strong enough? ?

? ?

She woke up completely.

So this is how Gemini rabbits are trained?

That's not right, is there something wrong...? Could it be that it was because I took it to watch"Assassination Family" yesterday?

Kitsune Yaqi was in a daze. How could she remember that she just asked Xieyang to exercise in advance……

"Just wait, I will find a professional to customize a sturdy blade room for you.……"

Fox Seven hesitated and took out his phone


Xieyang's eyes suddenly lit up, emitting waves of expectation.

In the corner of the room, the lunch box that was full of elixirs yesterday was now empty.

"Hello... Is the AAAA training room custom made? Sorry to bother you so early.……"

As soon as the door closed, the room returned to darkness, and the setting sun instantly went silent. He stroked the hilt of the knife with a dark look in his eyes.

Yesterday, Karachi said that a wild fox ate 28 pills of his master in one breath, and not only was it not poisoned to death, but it also awakened two powerful skills.……

‘Kill, kill, kill! Kill that wild fox!!!’


A few minutes later, Kitsune Yashichi screamed again in the restaurant.——

"Ah, Susu! Why did you jump into the pot?"

In the pot, a black object named Crusu was seen paddling slowly with its tentacles, swimming on its back in the porridge...

The breakfast robot was stirring the porridge, doing its duty:"Master's preserved egg and lean meat porridge is missing a preserved egg.……"

"Xiao A, as an intelligent robot, can't you see... that preserved egg is alive?"

Fox Seven exhaled slowly.

Calm down, calm down, Su Su is a stone that is not afraid of boiling……

"Got it, Master! I'll stew it right away!"

The breakfast robot immediately took up the lid and closed it, then suddenly turned up the heat. The flames rose, and the porridge on the stove boiled in an instant, bubbling"gurgle gurgle gurgle"...

Then, it turned off the heat, opened the lid, and Crush slowly popped out of the porridge, its cat ears... shaking innocently.

The breakfast robot's eyes glowed red, scanning - the next moment it covered the pot again and turned up the heat like crazy!

This set of actions was obviously repeated more than once.

Crush swam happily in the porridge...

Kitsune Shichi stumbled and quickly held onto the door frame.

"Xiao A!!! That's not preserved egg! You can't use it to cook anymore! Take it out and wash it!"


Anyway, Kitsune Yashi had to do renovations and patch the breakfast robot this morning, so he didn't have time to eat. He was so tired that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Karachi, on the other hand, had worked the night shift and smelled of disinfectant, which even smelled a little bloody, but he was full of energy and looked happy.

Karachi: It's rare that I didn't see the slime this morning. What a good start...

Of course, he remained calm on the surface.

"Study hard, and if you get expelled, remember to call me in advance"

"……This is just the beginning of the school year, so it shouldn't be that serious.……"

Kitsune waved his hand and walked towards the school gate.


The main teaching building of Qilin High School has 23 floors in total.

The first floor is a comprehensive conference room and examination hall.

From the second to the tenth floor, there are three classes in each grade, and each class occupies one floor.

From the eleventh to the twenty-first floor, there are teachers' offices, with two teachers on one floor. The specific division and layout of the building are up to them.

The twenty-second floor is the principal's office.

The twenty-third floor, which was originally the rooftop, has now been temporarily converted into a classroom for Class F, which is far away from normal teaching activities. It is like a black sheep and is isolated from the herd. As

Kitsune Shichi took the elevator all the way up, she suddenly had a strange feeling of"entering society" and"starting work".

Soon, she reached the rooftop. The huge"Wings of Freedom" sign was shining with gold and hung on the iron fence door of the rooftop. The door frame was narrow and small, so Kitsune Shichi had to bend over to get in.

The sunlight was like golden silk, falling on this small garden (vegetable garden?). Three small round tables were side by side. The tables and chairs were warm orange-red with smooth and round edges.

"Good morning."

In the center of the garden, Miss Alice was drinking tea. Her bright pink eyes turned over, she gracefully put down the ceramic cup in her hand, and raised her hand to greet

"Good morning."

On the other side, Xu Fei also looked up and nodded.

On his desk was a pot of steaming black tea, exuding a faint fragrance.

It was a pity that behind the young master and the young lady, there were not beautiful flowers, but colorful fruits and vegetables.

"Good morning."

Fox Seven felt that this scene was a bit weird, so she could only go to the center and sit down, take out her electronic textbook and put it on the table, and take out an old cadre thermos cup.

Occasionally, a breeze blew, the leaves fluttered, rustling, and Rose Bell hid behind a golden fruit. Seeing A-Long stealing a purple unripe fruit, the sourness made Long's face wrinkled, and he covered his mouth and hummed.

Fox Seven also summoned Perfect, held it on his head, unscrewed the cup and took a sip of water.

In fact, she was not thirsty at all, but in this strange environment, she couldn't help but pick up the teacup.……

"What kind of tea is that?"

It's full of vitality! Alice found the blind spot

""Ahem," Fox Seven didn't know how to answer. He glanced into the cup and found that the tenacious young Karachi seedling was paddling gracefully in the cup...

I have to say that the psychological quality of some plants is really great.

"My family gave me tea, I don't know what it is.……"

Just as he was saying this, before Kitsune Shichi finished his words, he heard the door creak open again, and a simple wooden frame was sent in horizontally. Then, a dark blue head of a man with messy curly hair poked in. He struggled to twist himself into a strange curve and got into the narrow iron door.

"Who found such a shabby place to be a classroom?"

The visitor cursed and finally got in half-kneeling, brushed the dust off his knees, and got up from the ground.

"Hi, everyone, I am Ling Beile. I am invited by the Holy Lord to temporarily serve as your class teacher for the Wings of Freedom~"

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