"Madam, you have 5 million Orpheus coins in your account. The most recent remittance arrived at 10 o'clock this morning. There is an interstellar time difference. Do you need help to exchange it?" The service staff at the bank counter smiled and her hair was neatly done.

This is a beautiful woman, but behind her is a blood-red giant python more than five meters high. The scales on its body are crisscrossed, and it makes a"clicking" friction sound as it sways slowly.

So Kitsune Shichi sat upright, with a correct attitude and eyes straight ahead,"Orpheus coins? What's the exchange rate?"

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone to check. She thought it was the name of a city, but it turned out to be an alien planet.

"1:1.2, it hasn't changed in many years."

The beautiful teller still had a smile on her face. Although she was used to seeing large sums of money, 6 million in current deposits was not a small amount, not to mention that the customer was a child who had just reached adulthood.

She directly showed the most standard service attitude, smiling with eight teeth showing,"Do you need me to find your account manager?""

I still have an account manager? Kitsune Yashichi was becoming more and more curious about his previous life's experience,"No need to find an account manager, can you see who transferred the money to me?"

"I'm sorry, Orpheus is a neutral country, in a no-man's land, and the money sent from there is usually unverifiable. But I can tell you that the remittance records show that the other party has been calling Orpheus for five years every year on your birthday."

The beautiful teller smiled and added in her mind: for example, the proceeds from murder and robbery, the proceeds from smuggling, and the alimony of the illegitimate children of the mistress.

These are the unspoken rules, but although the money comes from unknown sources, it is legal in terms of process. It is a loophole opened by the superiors for their own convenience. Ordinary people can only pinch their noses and accept it.

Fox Shichi also saw that Orpheus is a famous neutral planet, but it is more famous for the ruler of the planet: the Emperor Storm Silver Dragon King.

It is not only terrifying in strength, but also beautiful and unparalleled in its transformation.

Every frown and smile is breathtaking.

There are two quarters of the year when it is a man and two quarters when it is a woman.

There are also three lovers, one is a king-level thorny shadow ring snake (male), one is a king-level white beast shark crocodile (male), and there is a human female, who is a three-star beastmaster...

Wonderful, it is really wonderful.

Fox Shichi was stunned. He never thought that the world could be played like this!

"Please exchange one million for me."

Soon, this part of the money was converted into universal currency that could be spent on the Blue Water Planet, and Kitsune Yachi suddenly became the millionaire she had dreamed of in her previous life. It was not until she walked into the coffee shop with Perfect that she suddenly realized something was wrong. Could pie really fall from the sky?

If this pie was so delicious, why didn't her predecessor take the money? Her parents died when she was young, and her mental power was damaged. This six million yuan... is either a pension or compensation. If it is paid annually, plus that inexplicable black letter, I'm afraid... the person who wrote the letter is the one who caused the mental power of the predecessor. The culprit of the damage.

Do you want to verify?

Kitsune Shichi's eyes were stern. The melodious music in the coffee shop could not dispel the coldness in her heart. She closed her eyes and thought about it. Without waiting for the coffee to come, she overturned her own conclusion.

The predecessor chose death and cleared all the evidence - this proved that she did not want to pursue the matter.

The predecessor did not touch the money, probably because she did not want to forgive that person, or perhaps, she thought that person did not owe her, and she just wanted to let things go.

The suicide note only mentioned that her mental power was damaged, her life was meaningless, and she lived in pain, but did not mention hatred.

"……All right."

Kitsune Shichi sighed. She knew too little. Even if she wanted to investigate and seek revenge, she had to wait until she was strong enough... Now she should go and solve the mess of Perfect.

Just like that, this morning passed. She completed the procedures for adulthood and went to admit her son's mistakes. Fortunately, after counting, Perfect only swallowed 16 street lamps, 28 stone pillars, and some outdoor fitness equipment.

After a simple calculation, the staff of the office told her that the compensation was about 800,000, and asked her to come back next week to pay, because depreciation had to be calculated.

"The construction waste you helped to clean up will also be included in this fee. It's a pity that you are an adult today. If the law on the protection of minors can be applied, the amount will be even lower."

"The accident happened yesterday! I was a minor yesterday!"

"Hey, wait a minute.……"

So the final amount was not determined, and the staff of the office reported the incident, and the result came out in five working days.

Kitsune Shichi was overjoyed, who said that learning the law is useless, it is universal in another world~ Although the content is different, the principle is the same

""Ring, ring, ring~"

The phone rang, and it was another unfamiliar call. Kitsune Yashi had just returned to the coffee shop and sat down - mainly because she had nowhere to go now, so she could only use the Internet here, and the next step was to find a house. There were not many people in the coffee shop at the moment, and no one was reading or sleeping, so she walked to the corner and answered the phone


"Hello, classmate Kitsune, I am Xu Fei from class three."

"Sorry, I don't have your phone number saved."

"It's okay, we didn't know each other."

"OK, what's up?"

Kitsune Shichi found that this brother was really good at chatting.

"Something's up." The voice on the other end of the phone was very serious,"Can you do me a favor? People from Xingyao Middle School are here to mess things up. There are two people in their class with a spiritual power level of ten. Ru Junna has gone to another province with her family to see a beast pet. If you are willing to help, I have a long-horned beast egg here."


Beast pet eggs, you can just give them away as a gift?

Isn't this an attempt to win them over?

……He is only a teenager, and he has already started to consider such complicated interpersonal relationships...

Kitsune Yashichi suddenly understood what a wealthy family is. Although she didn't know what a long-horned beast was, the price of any beast pet here was five figures.

She couldn't accept such an expensive gift.

"Sure, I'll be there right away. But I can't take the egg, thank you very much for your kindness."

After all, Xu Fei is also her schoolmate, and it's just a provocation from another school. It shouldn't be a big problem for a primary beast pet to fight against each other. She thought to herself

"And yesterday I met a pet that suits my taste and have signed a contract with it." She then said,"How are you?"

"I've signed a contract, too." Xu Fei answered over the phone, pausing for a moment,"Then come to the school stadium, the arena is ready, I've asked our school's teacher Zhang to be the referee. You haven't experienced a fight before, so you can look for a video first. Don't worry, I'm here."

After hearing this, Kitsune Shichi felt like she was just making up the numbers, and maybe it wasn't an illusion.

But it was true, after all, she had no money, and no connections, and they were all novice beast tamers who had just started fighting. The strength of the beast pet directly determined the direction of the battle. He was a young master, so it was normal for him to look down on her, a civilian beast tamer.

"OK, I'm in the city center now, it may take more than 30 minutes to get there"

"Tell me the location and I'll call you a taxi."

On the other end of the phone, the eldest son Xu Fei knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and said bluntly:"Don't refuse, because everyone is waiting here, and you are doing me a favor. Come as soon as possible, thank you"

"Okay." Kitsune Shichi didn't refuse.

She decided to take back what she said before. This young master is quite a man. She hung up the phone and walked back to the table, picked up the coffee that had just been served and drank it in one gulp.——

""Puff! It's so hot!" She forgot the hot drink she ordered!

Just like that, Kitsune Shichi covered her mouth and gasped, a star array lit up in the palm of her left hand, and a trickle of water emerged from the summoning array like a tornado, gently reaching down and sucking away the coffee in the ceramic cup.

Operation Light Plate, never waste

"Want dessert?" Fox Seven asked, pointing at the beautiful little cakes in the glass counter.

Perfect, who was almost twisting herself into silk, shook her body to refuse, and Fox Seven responded with"that thing is too small, not enough to fill the gaps between my teeth."

In the coffee shop, a silver-haired old man raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him. Under the light, a dark blue light flashed in the eyes of the black-haired girl. The meaning of it shocked him and he put down the cup in his hand.

He was about to get up, but Fox Seven had already walked out of the house with Perfect. Thinking of her million-dollar savings, she got into the taxi that Xu Fei called for her and didn't even notice that there was an old man following her.

——No, that wasn't her million-dollar savings, it should be called the gift of love left by her predecessor.

Kitsune picked up her phone and checked the beast battles.

Before, the big data on the Internet pushed to her were all general-level beast battles, and the strength of the beast masters was generally above five stars. The scene was colorful and full of light effects, and the beasts were tall and majestic, each one like���The building was more exciting than the Hollywood blockbusters in her previous life.

As for the battle between one-star beast masters...

She finally found one, the turquoise bird vs. the little hyakuhyakuki. The battle began, and a emerald green bird slowly emerged from the beast master's summoning array, flapping its wings and chirping crisply. It was smaller than a pack of tissues. And the little hyakuhyakuki was even more transparent black and gray, extremely inconspicuous. It launched a sprint, but ended up rushing off the track...

There were two or three"so cute hhh" scattered in the comment area.

The scenery outside the car window flew by, and Kitsune Shichi fell into silence. Why did she feel a little ashamed? Do we really have to fight in the stadium? And let the teacher be the referee? Can't we negotiate with others and find a dark corner for both parties to solve it secretly...?

Perfect became unhappy again.

It thinks it is very handsome, the master of all realms, and the top of the food chain...

Kitsune Shichi patted it to comfort it: Okay, okay, okay, good boy... You are the best, I like you the most.

It gradually calmed down and rubbed Fox Seven's face affectionately. It was soft and cool, like a piece of jelly.

"I know you are powerful, but you must not eat anything you want, let alone eat other people's pets. Do you hear me?"

Seeing the familiar school gate approaching, Kitsune Shichi hurriedly taught it the rules, fearing that it would do something shocking like cannibalism.

"If you encounter danger, run away immediately. Young Master Xu is so rich, his pet must be very powerful. When the time comes, we will let him lead the way while we stay behind.……"

At the school gate, the bright blue water meanders down, clear and transparent, like the darling of the sun, bright and dazzling.

The girl smiled slyly.

"Learning to fish is the greatest learning."

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