"Mr. Fang, I saw a child here with a rare pet. It seemed that he had awakened superpowers and was wearing a school uniform."

Zhou Xuanhong hurriedly got into a taxi and signaled the driver to follow the vehicle in front. The driver gave him a strange look.

"Brother Zhou, you must have seen it wrong."

From the other end of the line came the hearty laughter of an elderly man, and at the same time the clattering sound of playing mahjong. It was obvious that his hands were busy, holding the phone between his face and shoulder.

"Children of this generation all like to wear colored contact lenses. My daughter is one of them. She bought several pairs to wear alternately. I was shocked when I saw her the other day. They looked just like the real thing."

Speaking of this, Fang Xu also sighed. God knows how excited he was when he saw his daughter's eyes glowing blue - wasn't that the energy dissipated after she had just awakened her superpowers?

But after a closer look, it turned out to be colored contact lenses.……

"Alas, Lao Zhou, young people nowadays, you can’t trust their appearance. Their eyes glow, their heads grow horns, their mouths spit fire, they are all fake! They call this cosplay! … No matter how you look at it, it looks like they have really awakened.……"

"I'm not kidding." Zhou Xuanhong frowned, thinking back to the black-haired girl and her water pet. He felt that the pet was a little familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it before.……

"The girl's pet might be a water fairy."

He paused. He had been studying water pets for more than 60 years, but this was the first time he felt so unconfident. On the other side of the phone, the sound of playing mahjong also stopped.

The water fairy, the legendary pet of Qilin Province, is born with the magical skill of increasing the lifespan of all things. It is rare. This creature cannot reproduce and is only born in water. Moreover, the principle is unknown, so it can be found anywhere, any time.

Just like many years ago, a teenager from Qilin Province found a water fairy in his kettle, and thus became the darling of all forces...

Once this person has money and power, he wishes he could live as long as the sky and until the end of time, almost without exception.

Of course, the probability of finding a water fairy in your own kettle is lower than winning the lottery. Even if it is true, ordinary people will just listen to it as a story.


The sun was shining brightly, and two taxis, one black and one white, were speeding along the wide road, one in front of the other.

Zhou Xuanhong sat in the car and looked out. Not far away was the gate of Liuheng No. 3 Middle School, where a group of students were standing sparsely. The white car in front also slowed down and stopped at the school gate. The black-haired girl in school uniform also got out of the car.

"Lao Fang, that girl is a junior high school student. Do you know her at Liuheng No. 3 Middle School?"

"You are still following me, don't be disrespectful and scare others, or I'll call the police and arrest you"

"Her pet may be a water fairy"

""Okay, okay, I got it. Wait for me three minutes and I'll find someone for you right away." Fang Xu surrendered.



Liuheng No. 3 Middle School, at the school gate.

Before Kitsuneya Nana got off the car, she saw a group of classmates waiting for her. Although they all looked familiar, she actually didn't recognize any of them.

……Fortunately, the previous body was cool.

She got out of the car and was about to take a step when a big black umbrella opened above her head, blocking out the sunlight.

"" Queen, please get off the bus!"

Three boys shouted in unison, and two of them made faces at the boy holding an umbrella, pushing and shoving him.

Kitsune Shichi was completely embarrassed, crouched down, and nimbly slipped out from the edge of the umbrella."What are you doing?"

After all, they had been together for a week, and she had some impression of these boys, especially the one holding an umbrella in the front, who was tall and thin with a dark skin. When the teacher asked a question in class two days ago, she didn't answer it, and this guy laughed the loudest.

But she really didn't know his name.

"Kitsune Shichi, I heard that you have already contracted a beast pet?"

"What does it mean to sign the contract? Come out and let us see it!"

"Can you afford to buy an expensive pet?"

"Did you find a rich boyfriend?"

"Young Master Xu is rich, so even if his mental strength is lower than yours, he still looks down on you!"

"What else can they sign? It must be the kind that girls like - soft and cute, and they will cry if they punch them! Hahaha!"

Several people laughed loudly and unrestrainedly.

In the past, they looked down on Hu Shiqi. Her grades were not good, her mental strength was not good, and her family was hard to describe. She was just good-looking, but her personality was cold and she didn't give them face, and she refused to accompany them to play.

Now, when they heard that she was going to form a doubles competition with Xu Fei, they instantly thought: Wow, this girl, she climbed up to Mr. Xu in just one day and became his nth ship... It's good to be rich, it's easy to pick up girls.

Is this... coming here to make fun of her? Hu Shiqi frowned. She didn't expect that"herself" here lived so miserably, with nothing to eat or wear, and even no friends. Even her classmates treated her like this... It was really hard to describe.

She looked around. In addition to these three people, there was another group of girls not far away, but they were not wearing school uniforms and looked very unfamiliar. They were not from Class 4 and were looking at this side.

"Degrading my beast pet can help you raise your spiritual power to level 10? You are jealous because you can't eat grapes."

Hu Yaqi sneered and turned away.

The three boys' smiles froze for a moment. After a few seconds, their faces turned red, especially the leader Sun De. He had originally been interested in Hu Yaqi, but the latter had always been arrogant and refused to pay attention to him. Now he looked down on him. He was so angry that his face turned red.

"Hey! Don't think you're so great!"He shouted.

Kitsune Nana didn't even turn her head. She didn't even know the names of these people, and there was no need to know. Anyway, they would never meet again, so she would delete and block them later.

No, she should just change her account.

There is a saying that goes, don't argue with idiots. It's meaningless to convince them. They just want to drag you down.

Seeing this, several female classmates from Class 3 shrugged their shoulders and looked at the three boys in a mocking manner. One of the girls with twin ponytails rolled her eyes at them, and then trotted after them.

"Students in front, wait! We are from Class 3. Xu Fei is in the stadium. He asked us to come out and pick you up!"


Not far from the school gate, Zhou Xuanhong stood under a street tree and watched quietly. His vision and hearing were three times that of an ordinary person after being fed by his pet.

After just a few minutes, he knew: the black-haired girl was called Kitsune Shichi. Her family conditions were not good, but she was not someone who would suffer a loss. She was eloquent and a little smart.

If this girl really contracted the water fairy...

No, she became a one-star beastmaster in junior high school. Even if she didn't have the water fairy and didn't awaken her superpowers, it wouldn't hurt to make friends with her with this qualification...

Zhou Xuanhong touched his chin, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found his unlucky grandson, and called him. As soon as it rang, the other party answered in seconds.

Very good, this silly boy is quite sensible...

Zhou Xuanhong nodded, very satisfied with his position as the"emperor" of the family - there was no way, he could only find a sense of existence in his grandson now. So he said coldly to the phone:

"Get ready, brat. I'm going to take you to see someone tonight!"

The other end of the line suddenly stopped and a scream came:

"Another blind date? Grandpa, let me go! I just got my holiday!!!"

At the same time, another call came into Zhou Xuanhong's phone. He glanced at the caller and hung up his grandson's phone without hesitation, switching seamlessly.

"Hello, Lao Fang?"

"What...what did you say? This little girl was attacked by the Holy Ruins' messenger, and her contracted pet is a slime?!"



On the other side, inside the Third Middle School.

There were about twenty people in the stadium, both boys and girls, chattering away. On the table next to the ring were several cups of fruit soup and unopened milk tea. As soon as Kitsune

Shichi walked in, she saw Xu Fei, and on the other side of him, there were five boys in sportswear. They were probably the boys from Xingyao Middle School who were said to be here to cause trouble.

Anyway, at first glance, she didn't recognize anyone, and even this stadium was her first time...

Kitsune Shichi found it difficult to suppress her curiosity. In her original world, no stadium had a large stone ring in the center. Usually, there were green grass, or basketball courts and tennis courts.

""Xu Fei, is this the person you are waiting for?"

A boy with a duck voice asked in a hoarse voice. His ears were particularly large, and he wore earrings. He also wore three layers of necklaces around his neck, which shone brightly under the light.

But he didn't have any problem with Kitsune Shichi being a girl. The strong do not distinguish between men and women. After evolving to a certain level, even the boundaries between beasts and humans gradually blurred, not to mention high-level beast masters and ordinary people, they are simply two different species

"Do you choose beast masters based on appearance in No. 3 Middle School?"

Another boy from Xingyao Middle School also laughed. This boy had several strands of blue in his hair."Beauty, we have some personal grudges with Xu Fei. Don't worry, we won't involve you."

Kitsune Shichi walked to Xu Fei's side. His height of nearly 1.7 meters did not look petite in comparison with the other girl's height of 1.8 meters.

""What's your beast pet?" Xu Fei asked casually. He didn't really care about the provocation from the other side. The reason why he had to call Hu Yaqi was that, on the one hand, the most common competition system for one-star beast masters like them was a double competition. On the other hand, he did have the intention of making friends.

Hu Yaqi had no power to rely on and was an SSS-level genius, so of course he had to take this opportunity to make friends with her.

"Slime." Kitsune Yashichi didn't hide it,"What about you?"

"……Uh,"Slime?" Xu Fei was stunned for a moment, his mind went blank, staring at the cute and delicate profile of Fox Seven, and suddenly he felt like his mind was stuck,"Noli Flying Dragon……"

"Dragon?!" Kitsune Yashichi was really surprised. It was so high-end. People on the Internet said that dragons were rare. He was indeed the eldest son of a wealthy family!"Is it a real dragon?"

"Um……"Xu Fei didn't know what to say for a moment, and it was a bit awkward, but he couldn't lie either, after all, he was going to fight soon, and he really didn't want to show off his dragon to his classmates whose families were so poor.

"……It's a bit of a waste for you to sign a contract with a slime with your SSS-level mental strength," he said softly and tactfully,"Why don't you consider the longhorn beast? I can't use it anyway. It can be upgraded to a Pegasus in the future. It has good attack and defense power and can fly in the sky... It was given by others, and I really can't use it."

"It's okay," Fox Seven could naturally see his good intentions, and suddenly felt better,"Actually, I'm not interested in fighting and killing, I just want a gentle, obedient and easy-to-raise pet... Just upgrade it and raise it casually.……"

God-level or something like that is too stressful. As long as you reach the king-level... no, the general-level will be fine, then you should be able to play safely in this world. Kitsune nodded, relieved.

Xu Fei's mouth twitched and his eyelids twitched when he heard this. Is this what an SSS like you should say? Who are you trying to piss off?

But looking at the gentle and virtuous girl next to him, who seemed to have a dreamy expression, and then looking at her thin shoulders, the white neck and face, and the long eyelashes as slender as butterfly wings, he suddenly... was speechless.

……She is like this……

……It seems reasonable not to like fighting.……

……No one has stipulated that SSS must be a battle maniac, right? Although contracting a slime... is really a waste……

"Everyone is here, right?"

At this time, the referee, Mr. Zhang, who had just gone to the bathroom, finally arrived. He looked around and found a seat. He took out a portable camera from his bag and quickly set it up on the ground.

"Each of you pick a side and stand ready to start!"

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