Two short weeks passed in a flash, and it was mid-September in the blink of an eye.

During these two weeks, Kitsune Yachi attended classes during the day and trained at night. When he was tired, he took physical training pills, and when he was sleepy, he took energy pills. Under this high-intensity schedule, his mental strength quickly advanced to level 16, and began to fluctuate rapidly again.……

"……Your soul is very solid, your mental strength is strong and stable, and you may have another breakthrough in the near future. Pay attention to rest and don't let yourself be stimulated.……"

The school doctor adjusted his glasses, his tone uncertain.

Having worked in a top college like Qilin High School for so many years, he had seen all kinds of geniuses, but he never expected... someone could be so outrageous. He had just broken through level 16 last week, and this week he was already touching the edge of level 17!

He had never seen such a genius before!

"Thank you, teacher."

Fox Seven thanked politely and left calmly.

She thought it was normal, because during the two months of summer vacation, her mind was on studying. The rapid upgrade must be because she had laid a good foundation before, and recently she has accumulated a lot of experience...

As for what the school doctor said,"Don't be stimulated?"

Fox Seven sneered.

The reason is simple.

[Dragon Boat Race on Horseback] has become more and more outrageous.

First of all, Mosaic has changed from a pony to an iron warhorse, and the difficulty of controlling it has increased several times; then the pair of oars has now become two broad metal heavy swords; the terrain has changed from the track at the beginning, uphill, and canyon.

The valley has also added a secret passage (- you need to relax the horse's belly first, let the horse lie down, and at the same time kick the horse's belly hard to turn into a dragon and glide).

Then after the above changes, the ground has also evolved, and spikes will appear from time to time (- you need to control the oars to let the horse lift the corresponding legs to avoid injury). The sky has also evolved

, and hidden weapons will fly from all directions from time to time, such as knives, forks, and scissors, and heavy objects will suddenly fall on the head, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines.

At this time, Kitsuneya Nana needs to swing the heavy sword more frantically while moving forward, and furiously cut into pieces everything that hinders her progress.……

"Ling Beile! You better wash yourself and wait for me, I will kill you when I get out...Ahhh?! You--you can't take revenge on someone else!!!"

A tornado appeared out of nowhere, and its speed was so fast that it swept Kitsune Shichi up to the sky with his horse in the blink of an eye.

In short, this damn [Dragon Boat Race] has new changes every day, which makes people defenseless.

Kitsune Shichi: Haha... Hahaha...

There is no way, I go in vertically and come out horizontally every day. After a long time, even the most indifferent people will have dreams.

And Kitsune Shichi's latest dream is a strong desire for revenge... She just wants to beat Ling Beile up... It would be best if she could wave the oars and slap him hard on his face that deserves a beating!

So, there is nothing to say in class.

After class, roll, roll, roll! Roll you to death!!!

Kitsune Shichi exhales quickly, and it takes just ten minutes to turn his mental power back and forth. He does a round in almost every class, which scares Xu Fei and Alice so much that their eyes widen, and they are shocked.

As we all know, exhaling is the only way to exercise mental power, just like exercising to exercise muscles, exhaling is also a mental power exercise, but it revolves around the soul.

Normally, the soul Fragile and sensitive, so ordinary people require a [quiet] and [safe] environment when they exhale, and require themselves to be [emotionally stable]. They should exhale once every half an hour, and no more than three times a day. Exhaling is like a human being cannot run 24 hours a day. Excessive diligence is equivalent to suicide.

But Kitsune Shichi... she has no adverse reactions. When she is tired, she picks up Perfection and sucks it, and instantly returns to normal.

Elemental life is connected to the soul of the owner, just like a primary slime. It only has a lifespan of seven days. Once it is contracted by a human, whether it wants to live or not, it will be nourished by the soul power of the owner and cannot be completely dissipated.

Therefore, Kitsune Shichi's"suck" is actually absorbing the soul of Perfection.

And Perfection has awakened [immortality]. Even if its soul is bitten, it will recover quickly. There is no damage at all. At most, it just wants to eat a little more to replenish its energy.

Normal people, who would suck the soul of a pet?

And normal pets can't just cut off their own souls as snacks for their owners.

——This kind of basic common sense is on the same level as"don't commit suicide casually". It's not taught in the textbooks, and normally, it doesn't need to be taught at all.

However, there are always exceptions in this world.

Kitsune Shichi and Perfect, two guys who also lack common sense, one is quiet and the other is obediently being sucked, no one said a word, and no one took it to heart.

In short, Kitsune Shichi exhales eighteen times a day, and others are exhausted after exhaling, but she warms up after exhaling, and the whole person is full of energy, and even recites the text faster.

Xu Fei & Alice: ???

In close contact, the two have been hit hard. At first, Xu Fei thought Kitsune Shichi was holding on, and tried to persuade Kitsune Shichi kindly, but later... later... only one week later, she will be level 17? ???

This is totally inconsistent with objective laws. Xu Fei witnessed it with his own eyes. When she graduated at the end of June, Kitsune Shichi's mental strength had just reached level 11. It's only mid-September and she's going to be level 17?!!

Believe it or not, the result is in front of us.

So later, Xu Fei decided to go at his own pace and never let the genius King of the Roll influence his mind.

For him, this is a practice.

After staying with Kitsune Shichi for a long time, Xu Fei gradually changed. Now when he goes home, even if he is scolded by his father as a reference and listens to his father's endless praise of his eldest brother, he no longer cares. Instead, he feels that his father... is really a failure.

Xu Fei even began to think... that he is pretty good, at least much better than his father.

"My father hates me. He will never like me, no matter how well I do... he will hate me."

Yes, Xu Fei suddenly understood.

His father, Xu Yisong, had limited qualifications and lived in the strict hierarchy of the Xu family. His self-esteem was frustrated day and night until he had his first child, Xu Jinbai, who was SSS talented.

"Giving birth to offspring with good talents is a success, while giving birth to offspring with poor talents is a failure. He thinks that he has failed and can no longer turn the tables, so he puts the meaning of his life on us. It’s quite ridiculous to think about it... Am I right?"

It was a hot afternoon, the wind was not blowing and the birds were not singing. The asphalt avenue at the edge of the campus was baked and emitting black tar. Hu Shiqi squatted on the side of the street and listened quietly.

Originally, she wanted to arrange an auction because the medicinal materials she had were used up again, and she wanted to buy some better ones this time.

But Xu Fei, inexplicably talked about something else.

Hu Shiqi couldn't interrupt, after all, she had no parents and had to take care of herself since she was a child. Xu Fei's troubles... were too unfamiliar to her, so she could only listen.

Xu Fei also squatted on the other side, holding a branch in her hand and drawing circles on the ground,"My mental power is b-, which is a big flaw in my father's successful life. Maybe it is to prevent more of me from appearing that I have no brothers or sisters."

"So, I am lucky to meet you."

Xu Fei suddenly turned around and smiled. In the sunlight, his eyes were pure and bright, sweeping away the previous haze.

A few seconds later, Kitsune Shichi also raised the same pure smile.、

"I'm lucky to have met you. So can you do me a favor? Fight with me and don't fight back?"


"^ω^Please! Please! I really need this luck right now!!"

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