After being challenged, Xu Fei's expression was:=_=

He pursed his lips and raised his chin slightly, silently expressing his refusal. Then he stepped back quickly - back, back, back, directly into the grass, and then lay down.

"Come on, don't lie down, fight with me?"

Fox Seven stood up and picked up the branch thrown by Xu Fei. She was about to poke someone, but when she turned around, she found...

Xu Fei rolled his eyes at her!

"You really ruin the atmosphere."Xu Fei reprimanded

"Then what do you want me to say, praise you for doing a great job, and encourage you to have a big fight with your father?"

Kitsune Shichi had no choice but to sit down on the grass, grab a handful of grass, and fiddle with it in her palm.

In this world, people with low strength are like this grass. If no one wants to pull it out, they can live an ordinary life. But if they are unlucky, like the grass in her hand, she will pull it out by the roots, and no one will come to her to reason with her.

Thinking of this, Kitsune Shichi sighed:

"If you don't have enough strength, it's useless to say anything. So what if you are a genius or a loser, one star is still one star. I can only advise you to be more open-minded and just live like me."

A breeze blew, Xu Fei turned his head, and felt that the girl beside him had a calm expression. Her shoulder-length black hair brushed her cheek lightly, casting a light shadow on her eye sockets. She looked a little tired and a little gloomy.

Xu Fei turned his head and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Of course he understood that geniuses also have their own troubles. As a civilian without any background, Kitsune Shichi had a much harder time than him.

After all, the cake on the plate is so big. For every extra person to grab it, the cake in the hands of others will be a little smaller. There are already enough old members to share the cake, and no one welcomes newcomers to join, unless... this The new guy is in the same group with him.

In other words, now only the Holy Lord hopes that Kitsune Shichi will grow quickly, and the other eight stars... are not good people.

Alas. Xu Fei sighed again, staring at the sky with empty eyes, staring at the sun, letting the dazzling sunlight burn colorful white spots on the retina.

He can't take care of himself now, and he is not very good at comforting people, let alone the strength to help her... Not to mention anything else, he can't even control his transformation. When the moon shines on him, he will turn into a little fox ball. He also has to overcome shame and crawl on the ground with four legs...

Having said that, his heart is empty.

"……Although I really want to help you, I don’t think I can do much for you. You will become stronger and stronger in the future. I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with you in a short time."

Xu Fei closed his eyes and sighed softly.

??? Instead, Kitsune Shichi opened his eyes wide, turned his head uncertainly, and carefully observed Xu Fei's expression, but saw that Master Xu...even with his eyes closed, he looked melancholy, as if he was serious!

He was actually serious???

He actually felt that he could not help???

"Are you kidding me?"

Kitsune couldn't help himself. Is this a common problem among rich people? They are so rich in material things that only spiritual pursuits are left?

"Of course you can help me. You bought my medicine and gave me money. You didn't blame me when I cheated you. You also took me to a high-end auction. And - I'm sorry, brother, although I don't want to hit you, but I really need it.】!"

Kitsune's eyes sparkled.

To be honest, there are many benefits to improving your spiritual power, such as"being able to sign more beast pets" and"being able to live for 10,000 years."

But these are too far away for her, far less than"not having to do homework.""!

【No homework from now on】!

——What an intuitive joy this is!

"Good brother, you will definitely help me, right?"

Fox Seven rushed over quickly, squatted beside him, and poked Xu Fei's face with a small branch.

"I can help.……"

Xu Fei opened his eyes and tilted his head, his mouth slightly curled.

His face was poked too itchy, so he dodged a little and put his arm under his neck.

Maybe it was a psychological effect, the sun suddenly didn't seem so glaring, and his mood was also affected by someone's cheerful tone, and he became much more relaxed.

"But... I can help you, but if anyone can tell that I'm letting you down, Ling Beile won't give you a reward either, he's not a kind person."

Xu Fei could only tell the truth.

There was no other way. After his bloodline awakened, he could easily penetrate a two-centimeter-thick steel plate, completely out of the realm of humans.

"If you really want to skip homework, you either convince him or beat me with your real strength. There is no other way."

After saying that, Xu Fei sat up, frowned and began to think seriously:

"No, there is another way. As long as you raise yourself to level 20 within a week, maybe SSS can really work a miracle. The second pet is a steel gorilla. Yes, that's right. You also need to find a steel gorilla that is at the junction of the primary and intermediate levels.……"

Xu Fei nodded, and the more he talked, the more he thought it was feasible.

Three levels in one week? Kitsune Shichida was speechless:"Listen to what you are saying? Is this human language?"

"I think you can try it.……"

Xu Fei argued, then smiled helplessly,"If it doesn't work, then there's nothing we can do."

He can cooperate infinitely, even if he fakes himself out, but the key question is whether Ling Beile recognizes the result of this game.

"That... Actually, I already have a solution."

Fox Seven coughed, feeling guilty, but he forced himself to be ruthless, staring at Xu Fei without blinking.

"What method? Give me a laxative?"Xu Fei was curious.

"No... that's too mean. My method is more fair and aboveboard, but... can you play along with me, pretend to be arrogant and look down on me, and change the time of the game?"

Kitsune's eyes rolled around, feeling even more guilty.

Change the time? Xu Fei was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly understood.——"Do you want to change it to after extracurricular activities? No problem, I can use up my energy, but……"

Does Ling Beile admit it? He is not stupid.……

"It's okay, as long as you agree to it, I'll take care of the rest." Fox Seven sighed sadly,"I'm sorry, Xu Fei, I might have to trick you... but I can't tell you now"

"It's okay, whatever you want, I can do it."

Xu Fei became more and more curious, and really couldn't figure out what tricks the man in front of him had come up with.

Hu Shiqi was very moved,"Thank you, so can we go to the auction this week? You may not want to talk to me next weekend, I want to buy things in advance."

Xu Fei was even more curious:"Is it so exaggerated?"

Hu Shiqi nodded, feeling very ashamed.

After that, no matter how Xu Fei asked, how he threatened and induced her, she kept her mouth shut and refused to say anything.

"There are still seven days left, you will know when you wait!"



Soon, after the weekend, on Tuesday, a reply email from the school appeared in Kitsune Shichi's mailbox.

[Dear Kitsune Shichi, the new extracurricular activity you planned: [Swamp Mara Song] has been approved by all teachers!]

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