Did Karachi explode?

No, Karachi was fine.

Anyway, that night, there was a loud bang in the sky, and Kitsune was startled. Before she could feel the power of the earthquake, she saw Karachi suddenly appear at the door, with red eyes staring at her.——

"Ah my waist!"The movement of Fox Seven's head turning was too violent, and he was not careful for a moment and screamed.

Karachi subconsciously healed, he was so angry just now... I didn't expect that there would be such a scene in the house!

In the open space in front of the window, Wanmei, who was forced into a maid skirt, closed her eyes, dragged the dinner plate with one hand, and hooked Fox Seven's waist with the other hand, and the whole person was sideways to her.

Fox Seven, she touched the ground with one foot, bent her waist to the extreme, and the whole person was almost bent into an N shape.

——To be honest, the photos turned out pretty good, but the scene was a bit weird, like one wanted to lean over and kiss, but scared the other one so much that he had to dodge even though he was curled up like a noodle.

In short, Slime didn't look very happy.

Karachi tilted his head and actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Photographer Gu Jiaqi took the photos and turned his head to look over."Are you Karachi?!"

——Regardless of whether it was an explosion or an earthquake, as a professional worker, she firmly squatted in the same place, her body leaning back strangely, holding a piece of gauze in her hand, trying to half cover the camera, creating a hazy mood for the photo.

""Yes, I am."

Karachi replied, and his hair, which was originally loose, was automatically tied up and neatly coiled behind his head. Then he walked into the house, and while Kitsune Shichi was rubbing her waist, he picked up a skirt next to him - it was also a maid outfit.

……Human hobbies are always so strange.

Karachi had a stern face, looking at the maid outfit with a bit of disdain, but still turned his left hand into a vine and got into the clothes.

But in just a few breaths, he changed from"he" to"vine", and then from"vine" to"she".

The black skirt brushed across the ground, Karachi straightened his cuffs, untied the loose apron, tightened his waist neatly, and tied a bow again.

Handsome men and beautiful women, pleasing to the eyes!

Gu Jiaqi shed tears of envy.

Even if she had to go to school tomorrow, she was not sleepy at all at this moment!

And she made up her mind to let her pet turn into a human as soon as possible!

At this moment, Gu Jiaqi's mind was opened, and she spoke directly:"Slime helped Qiqi sit down, the rabbit went to stay in Qiqi's hand, Karachi - sorry, I gave you a direct order - you go over there and get a pair of high heels, and wear shoes for this scene.


Fox Seven: Wait, it was clearly a perfect private photo! Why did you bring Karachi with you? ? ?

Seeing Karachi coming with high heels, his fingers still retaining the residual warmth from releasing skills, and the vaguely restless energy filled with the breath of destruction and destructiveness... He is definitely jealous!

Karachi pinched his feet, and Kitsune Shichi tensed up and didn't dare to move at all. He wanted to cry.

Next time, she must remember to call him! This time it was mainly because she couldn't help it, she really couldn't wait...

Click, click, click! The sound of taking pictures rang out continuously.

In short, after taking several more pictures, Karachi finally lost his murderous intent, and the expression on his face was no longer cold, and even a little smile appeared...

When Gu Jiaqi left, Kitsune Shichi was exhausted. He finally finished washing up, and then he heard a crackling sound in the living room. Karachi had typed on the computer and it was smoking.

"What are you doing?"

Kitsune walked over and took a closer look. Karachi was actually writing an email to protest that the hospital had scheduled too many shifts for him!

"I want to return to my family."

Karachi said with a gloomy face, clicked send


If you don't come back, your home will fall apart!……"

"No, 20 hours a day is too much. I asked them to reduce it to 15 hours."

"……Actually you can go back a little longer, 15 hours is too much, really"



Anyway, after the photo session, Kitsune's life returned to a routine. He went to class during the day and left for the evening class early.

Extracurricular activities were still dragon boat racing, but the competition was expanded to the interstellar space, and even real people were fighting.

PS, after two weeks of voting, the"Swamp Marathon" was retained, but more new rules were added, such as [Participants can choose to be invisible], and they can also choose to [block other participants]】……And so on and so forth.

When he got home, Fox Seven began to make pills.

Alchemy can also exercise mental strength. The disadvantage is that it is more tiring than breathing, but the pills can be sold for money.

As for how to sell it for money, Fox Seven handed it over to Crusoe so that Crusoe would have something to do.

Once it is busy, it will not be so anxious.

For Crusoe, Fox Seven also specially studied the psychology of light-based beast pets. After learning it, she felt it was useless, so she turned to study early childhood psychology.

So she found that the essence of Crusoe's anxiety was that it felt that it was"dispensable" and felt that it was useless.

Because it is very smart and can surf the Internet by itself, it naturally understands the world's pursuit of"powerfulness". Just like Karachi, it also wants to make a breakthrough in its military strength.

This is normal, and no one is willing to be a foil.

And Fox Seven's approach is also very simple-since Crusoe feels that he is useless, then find a way to make him feel useful! Let it make a great contribution to this family!

Then shout it baby and praise it crazily!

"What Susu is doing is very important. Money is very important. With money, our family can have enough food and clothing and not wander the streets.~"

"Look at your brother Karachi, he works 15 hours a day. Brother Wanmei has to deal with radioactive waste every week. They are all workers, and being a worker is very hard, so Susu must work hard and lead us to the top!"

Of course, having said that, Kitsune Shichi would not let Crusu worry too much. Since they decided to set up a company, they had to do a good job. Fortunately, there were few products and they were expensive, so they only hired one finance and one purchasing, plus customer service and logistics. The entire company had less than 10 people.

Moreover, the flow of [Hot Powder] was very fixed, almost all of them were to the Jinwu Xu family, and the recipients were all"Xu xx".

In short, Crusu's mood was much better. Although he still jumped the pot at every turn, this had become his hobby (?), and was no longer a means of relieving stress.


Just like that, the dull October passed in a flash. At the end of October, Kitsune Shichi went to test his mental strength, and his mental strength reached level 17, which was still a long way from level 20.

On the Internet, the Star Cup has entered the semi-finals - yes, the one where Kitsune Shichi gave up - the Blue Star players have long been wiped out, but everyone has long been accustomed to it.

On the TV screen, a golden-red parrot fish was cruising in the air, and behind it was the summoned dark sea water. Countless water cannons condensed in the sea water, firing sea water shells with amazing speed and even more amazing heat all over the sky.

On the other side of the venue, a huge green centipede twisted its body, half of its body buried in the ground, covered with a twisted poison shield, constantly launching venom attacks.

"Boom! Boom!——"

The more than two-meter-high trees were trampled down by the centipede, and they looked like small grasses. The colorful venom and the black water cannon met in the air, splashing water.

Through the screen, the audience could not see the danger, but only felt the beauty, and cheered loudly when there were occasional interruptions. There were occasional shouting and cursing, of course, there were people who gave advice online, as if they knew more than the contestants.

This is inevitable. It is difficult for ordinary people to see the true appearance of the emperor-level beast pet in their lifetime. That kind of powerful power is just"video" and"theoretical knowledge" to them.

Because of ignorance, there is fearlessness.

Kitsune Yachi leaned back on the sofa, watching the gorgeous fights on TV. She has seen truly powerful forces, so she has learned the true"hurry up and save the world"."

"After the StarCraft Cup is over, after December, it will be the high school league. If I only have perfection, I will be easily targeted.……"



Crusu and Xieyang, who were watching TV with him, jumped up together, then glared at each other, neither of them giving in.

"Don't worry," Kitsune Shichi held them both down and reached out to take out his phone.

Special times call for special measures!

"Hello, Mr. Agent, I need a secret place. The danger level is not important. The faster the time flow, the better!"

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