Agent... No, the power of money is omnipotent.

In less than half an hour, Kitsune received the PPT provided by the agent. According to her requirements, the agency found three locations in detail, namely:

1.AA+Secret Realm, Youlin Valley.

Time flow rate ratio 12:1.

This secret realm is close to the forest of the present world, and the master of the secret realm is the emperor-level beast pet - Soul Devouring Nether Wolf.

Tip: The Nether Wolf King is on good terms with humans, and there are modern towns in his territory. Remember not to contract wolf cubs privately. Any beastmaster who wants to take away the wolf cubs must pass the test of the wolf king. Recommended choice.

2. CCC Secret Realm, Liuying Desert.

Time flow rate ratio 200:1.

This secret realm is close to the desert of the present world. No man's land. The secret realm is covered with quicksand, dry and hot. It is a gathering place for desert pupil snakes. It is suitable for three-star beastmasters above [general-level super-powered beast pets] to retreat.

Tip: This secret realm requires self-provided drinking water and food. The mortality rate is high, and it is easy to leave no bones. Please choose carefully.

3. Z-type secret realm, a quiet place.

Time flow rate ratio 1625:1.

Tip: This secret place is not suitable for ordinary people to go to. It is full of magnetic turbulence and there is no space gate. You need to prepare your own space anchor point and break the space to enter and exit. Not recommended


How come there is a Z-class secret realm?

Recommend Z-class secret realms to high school students, they are also great

"See, Susu? This is how unscrupulous merchants make money. When a customer asks you to recommend a product, you list one, two, and three. Most people will choose one and praise you for being professional. If you only list one, they will think you are perfunctory and may not choose it."

Kushusu pinched Crusu's little tentacles and pinched it with two fingers.


Crush cried out, stretched out his tentacles, and tried to poke the"Silent Place" on the computer screen.

The time flow rate ratio is 1625:1!

Even if it accumulates energy slowly, it can catch up with the contract! Anyway, it has [Indestructible]! It's just a magnetic turbulence, we have to find a way to let Karachi take it in!

Crush's ears trembled, and he looked at his master's knees calmly. The fourth child, Xieyang - this black-hearted rabbit has been rolling recently, but it has not rolled out any skills. When it cries miserably, maybe the master will soften his heart...

Just thinking about this, Crush saw Xieyang's ears move, and he raised his head and cried weakly.


The voice was soft, super cute, and vaguely melancholy.

The spoiled monster was activated!!! At this moment, Crush's mentality exploded, and his originally hesitant heart suddenly became firm.

——That’s right, we can’t just sit there and wait for death! We must find a way to bribe Karachi! Otherwise, its family status will be in jeopardy!!!


The setting sun called out weakly again

"Ah, Xieyang can't go. My upgrade speed is not that fast... But I will refine the elixir in the secret realm and bring it out for you."

Kitsune Shichi felt a little sorry, touched the soft body of his own rabbit, and his eyes fell on the light screen in the void.

【[Evolution Degree]: 66%

It's only been three months, and it's already 66%.

Kitsune Shichi frowned slightly. She knew that Xieyang wanted to evolve, but it was so urgent. If it couldn't hold it back, it would probably miss the best evolution direction... and evolve into an ordinary ghost rabbit in advance.

What to do?

The moon was hanging high in the sky, casting a silver glow. The house was very quiet, with only the teacup on the table slowly emitting hot air.

Kitsune Shichi sat in front of the computer, pretending to look at the PPT given by the agent. In fact, she was thinking about Xieyang's problem.

She was no longer the newbie who had just traveled through time. Naturally, she understood that Xieyang's upgrade speed was very terrifying, evolving to 66% in three months. If she didn't suppress it deliberately, she might evolve into an intermediate beast pet before the end of November.

Slime is an elemental body with the ability to devour. Anything eaten into the body will automatically convert into energy, so it is normal for it to upgrade quickly.

But the Gemini rabbits are not elemental bodies. Xieyang has eaten so many fire and wind elixirs, but has not learned [Fireball] and [Wind Blade]. This proves that it has no talent in this area and cannot release gorgeous spells. It can only temper its body and make itself a weapon.

If it were an ordinary beastmaster, he would have given up long ago if he had a pet like Xieyang. A disabled leg is not a big problem, maybe it will have it after evolution, but it has no skills, which is absolutely not acceptable.

Pets without skills are mostly poor in qualifications, and they usually have only one end: being euthanized. Unless someone is willing to buy them, the probability of this happening is extremely low.

However, Xieyang is different.

It's not that it has no talent, it's just that its talent lies elsewhere, and because this talent is beyond the imagination of the world, the gem is covered in dust. That's all.

She has told it this sentence many times.

Of course, Kitsune Shichi also knows that it's useless to say it again and again. Xieyang can't let go of his knot. He just wants to prove his ability, and the sooner the better.

"I don't know if there is any martial arts training like Tai Chi in this world... You can't just stay in your room and do knife dances by yourself. Otherwise, I'll find you a master, preferably one who is more sunny, to change your mood.……"

Kitsune Shichi put Crusoe aside, rubbed Xiyang's head, thought for a while, and muttered to herself.

She simply searched on the Internet.

As a result, there was nothing?

How could there be nothing? Tai Chi was gone?

Kitsune Shichi couldn't believe it, and even searched on the interstellar network, and the result was really gone!

Not only Tai Chi, but even the Five Animal Play was gone!

There are a lot of martial arts in TV dramas and novels, but they are all mentioned in passing, and it is impossible to practice...

In the world of beast taming, everyone tames beasts, especially on Blue Star, which advocates civilized combat, and the strength of force depends entirely on the beast pets.

Normal humans will not fight and kill, and the beast pets compete on the stage mainly by throwing skills at each other, rushing up to slap a few claws at most, and even rarely bite each other.

Kitsune Shichi took a look around the forum and posted���Everyone's pets rely on skills to survive. Even fighting pets have skills such as [Collision], [Acceleration], and [Infinite Strength].

So it's no wonder that Xieyang is not confident. This broken world doesn't give it the chance to be confident.

Kitsune Shichi was at a loss. Could this be her golden finger? Promoting traditional martial arts in the world of beasts? ? ?

Good guy! Really good guy!!!

So, someone suddenly got excited, threw Xieyang on the table, pushed the chair, stood on the open space with great confidence, and performed a white crane spreading its wings on the spot!

Xieyang & Crusoe: ? ? ?

The two little ones tilted their heads at the same time, very puzzled.

""Look, do you feel anything? Do you feel a great force? Can you apply this posture to actual combat and slap the enemy's head off with one slap?"

Kitsune maintained his posture, full of anticipation.


The setting stretched out its claws obediently, danced slowly, and also did a white crane spreading its wings, but its brain stopped thinking.

——Who can tell it how to swat its enemy's head with such a slow and soft movement?

For a moment, the room fell into an eerie silence.

"……Ahem, it seems that this golden finger is not open. I must have thought too much. You two just pretend that I never said anything."

Hu Yaqi coughed and sat back.

Just when she was feeling embarrassed, she looked up and saw the moon hidden behind the dark clouds and the stars twinkling in the night sky.

The moon?

Xu Fei?

Hu Yaqi was stunned!

Yes, the Xu family must have a martial arts teacher... Or ask Xu Fei? What if you can learn it by paying some money?

"Xieyang, wait a moment, I'll go ask for you, maybe I can find a teacher to help you out of your current situation!"

Kitsune Shichi also suspected that she was stupid, she had such a good resource at hand but she didn't use it, letting Xieyang figure it out by himself every day, forcing the child to dance on the edge of a knife every day, is this what a human being does?

She is such an incompetent master!

"Sorry, the number you dialed is powered off"

"Sorry, the number you dialed is powered off"

"Sorry, the number you dialed is powered off"

……What's wrong with you, little fox ball? Little fox ball! Why don't you answer the phone! Are you hiding in ice water to fight the effect of the medicine?!

Seeing that Xu Fei's phone call couldn't be reached, Hu Shiqi turned to look at Xu Jinbai's mobile phone number. She was just thinking about it and looking at it casually, but when she opened the photo, her eyes were fixed, and she couldn't help but linger on the other's good figure...

Who doesn't like handsome guys?

Hu Shiqi sighed in her heart. Although she had seen many handsome guys, the brothers of the Xu family were so handsome that they made people happy...

To be honest, Xu Fei and Alice's beautiful faces were also one of her motivations to get up early to go to school every day!

So, after Hu Shiqi looked at Xu Jinbai, she looked at Xu Fei again. He was also handsome, but he was wearing too much, which made her sigh in her heart-

Brother, why are you wrapped so tightly? With your skills, you should not be afraid of being attacked? Can't you learn from your brother and be a male bodhisattva who saves all living beings?


Xiyang made an urging sound.


Crusu also recalled Karachi's books, and then associated it with the human forms of Perfect Big Brother and Karachi - Sure enough! It also needs a handsome human face! At this moment, Crusu suddenly realized! It secretly glanced at the setting sun and found that this silly rabbit was still worrying about its strength. What is this called? This is called being on the wrong track. It is not a competitor at all!

Sure enough, it is the smartest!

Crusu leisurely jumped off the table, hopped back to the kitchen, washed himself skillfully, and jumped into the pot happily.

Anxious? No, it is not anxious, because if it wants to have a place in this family, being beautiful is the most important thing! Strength, that is secondary!

——The scrolling skill is not as good as the curling type!

——That’s right! It must surpass its two big brothers and become the most beautiful!


On the other hand, Hu Shiqi was still struggling over whether to call Xu Jinbai, because in theory, as a SSS, Xu Jinbai must have more power in the Xu family.

This world is so realistic. As a member of the Xu family, some things are very difficult for Xu Fei and he can't do them at all. But for Xu Jinbai, maybe it's just a matter of convenience or a casual order.

Hu Shiqi thought about it for a few more minutes.

Since Xu Jinbai gave her the contact information, and he took the initiative to give it to her, it means that he is willing to communicate with her, so...why not ask first, no matter if it's okay or not?

"Beep, beep, beep... Hello?"

This time, the call was connected.

Kitsune was stunned. Perhaps it was because the phone was too close to his ear. The word"Hello" brushed past his ear with a slightly hoarse sound, bringing a bit of piercing itchiness. Almost subconsciously, Kitsune held the phone away and glanced at the phone screen as if he was looking at a monster.


The other end of the line asked again, the voice seemed to roll out from the depths of the throat, the breathing was a little rapid and a little heavy.

"What are you doing?"

Fox Seven's brain was tickled, and he actually asked directly.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

A few seconds later, Xu Jinbai suddenly laughed.

The laughter was almost like air flow, piercing the eardrum. Fox Seven had to hold the phone farther away, increasingly doubting that he had called at the wrong time... Could it be that he was woken up while sleeping?

Don't say it, it really looks a bit like it.

Fox Seven realized it belatedly and began to feel embarrassed.

It was all because the two brothers looked too much alike, which caused the sharing function of favorability to be automatically turned on... What should I do now?

Silence spread. Fox Seven frowned, not knowing for a moment whether to ask or just say that he had dialed the wrong number.

"You dialed the wrong number."

After a few seconds, the person on the other end of the line said.

This was a step forward, and Kitsune Shichi breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, I didn't call the wrong number. I just want to ask you something. Xu Fei's phone is turned off and I can't find him."

"Then you ask"

"My rabbit wants to learn how to fight, but I can't find any method online. I want to ask how to find a martial arts teacher?"

Fox Seven asked directly, but she regretted it now. Alas, it was all because she acted too quickly. In fact, she could ask Xu Fei tomorrow when she went to school.……

"Looking for a teacher for the rabbit, and found our house?"

Xu Jinbai really laughed this time.

Even if he could hide the bad things in his family from the public, he couldn't hide them from the young master of the Holy Ruins.

"……You can't eat pets!"

Fox Seven was also speechless. Why was this guy joking? Although the law stipulates that people can't eat pets, there are really no relevant regulations for pets to eat each other... There was a very slight exhalation sound on the other end of the phone, which sounded like a laugh, but it made people feel unsure. In short, it made people feel itchy.

Although it was not deliberate, combined with the current situation, Fox Seven felt that it

Compared with Xu Fei's twelve-timing, his brother is the real horror, so the ungrounded form in the video is all character setting! This guy obviously knows his own charm! This is definitely seduction! Otherwise, why didn't he hang up the phone! If it was Xu Fei, he would have hung up long ago!

On the surface, Fox Seven remained calm.

Privately, he had already started shouting in his heart:

——Vixen, back off, back off! Ahhhhhhh!

"If you trust me, then we can find some time to meet and talk. In addition, if you choose me, it is best not to look for Xu Fei again, because the best fighting resources of the Xu family are all leaning on me."

Xu Jinbai said directly.

He spoke in his own inherent rhythm, neither hurried nor slow, and sounded very polite.

"Okay, what's there to worry about? When are you free tomorrow? Where shall we meet?"

Hu Shiqi quickly agreed.

Of course, she understood that Xu Jinbai wanted to exchange interests with her and was trying to show his advantages. What he wanted must be her refining of pills, or something in her future...

On the other end of the phone, Xu Jinbai was also very straightforward.

"The location doesn't matter, the key is the time."He said,"At noon, I can go to you. At night, you can only come to me."

Kitsune thought for two seconds. It's not good to go to the fox spirit's house at night, and you still have to be careful to avoid suspicion.

"Then let's do it at noon." She said

""Okay." Xu Jinbai replied.

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