Fake backstage: The ancestor of the Xu family who has lived in Xujia Island and has not left the house for 800 years.

Real backstage: The head teacher who answered someone's phone call in seconds and flashed into the scene.

When the disaster was imminent, Xu Jinbai didn't even have time to say"Don't!", and saw a thin man suddenly appeared in front of him. No matter how he looked at it... he didn't look like the legendary corpse.

Eight-star beastmaster, corpse, the left arm and right arm of the Holy Lord.

It is said that this person is the reincarnation of the Holy Lord's beast pet, but this is all said, there is no basis, and no one dares to confirm it.

According to records, the corpse has a treacherous personality, cruel and vicious, and has countless dead souls under his command. He has everything in appearance, talent, IQ, and EQ, but he lacks morality, and he lacks great morality.

However, at this moment, the man in front of Xu Jinbai was seriously deficient in Qi and blood, with pale skin that was almost transparent, messy short hair in small curls, standing with Hu Shiqi... like an innocent and lively young lady and her cowardly and incompetent poor housekeeper, even giving people the illusion that"the young lady's family is in decline, all the capable servants have run away, and only he can't find a new job."

Yes, it was indeed an illusion.

Just from the first glance at the meeting, Xu Jinbai felt like a rare pet, put on the auction table for people to watch, exposed to strong light, without any privacy

"Xu Fei's brother?"

Ling Beile looked Xu Jinbai up and down with great interest, and hadn't put down the phone in his hand yet.

"You are Xu Jinbai, I have heard of your name for a long time. You are a handsome young man, not bad, not bad, indeed not bad."

After saying that, he glanced at Hu Shiqi approvingly, and that expression seemed to say:

Good vision, this can be carried into the house.

Hu Shiqi suddenly broke out in a sweat, and then he remembered that Ling Beile was a real ancient person - and in the ancient times of this world, only the right to match and combine the strong was important, men and women could support the family, and whoever supported the family would have the right to pass on the surname to their descendants.

Of course, this was not the point.

So Hu Shiqi waved his hand and directed Ling Beile's attention directly to Xu Jinbai.

Diverting the trouble to the east, that was so straightforward

"He wants to talk to you about something, he said it's Lingle Technology or something, are you still running a company outside?"

At this moment, someone completely forgot why Xu Jinbai added her contact information - wasn't it just to"avoid being visited by Alex"!

"Just do it casually. I, your teacher, also need to eat.……"

Ling Beile glanced at her and a smile appeared on his face, which was a sign that he was about to cheat someone.

""Why, do you want to help him?"

Ling Beile raised the corner of his mouth happily.

Hu Shiqi's heart was shocked reflexively, and he immediately shook his head like a rattle, took two steps back and distanced himself from Xu Jinbai!

"He just wants to meet you, you two can talk on your own, I just want to create an opportunity for you to achieve common prosperity……"

So Ling Beile's eyes turned again and fell back on Xu Jinbai,"Oh? Common prosperity?"

Xu Jinbai... At that moment, he really wanted to pinch his nose bridge, just feeling that he couldn't breathe well.

But on the surface, he was still neither humble nor arrogant:

""I'm sorry, I heard from my elders that you were going to transfer the group's business to Blue Star, so I wanted to try to visit and see if there was any chance for me to work for you."

Kitsune Shichi was also amazed...

What kind of company or business could make the eldest son of the Xu family say"work for you"?

You two are opposing organizations, have you forgotten?

"There is no chance, and I don't have time to do it in the short term."

Ling Beile also quickly refused, shrugged his shoulders, and glanced at Hu Yaqi again, with a look of disappointment.

Then, as if he was deliberately saying it to Hu Yaqi, Ling Beile sighed heavily.

"Alas! Don’t listen to your elders’ nonsense. There is no way to enter Blue Star. The old guy asked me to promote the young master to five stars or above before he made this opening for me. But look at her - she only knows how to play with handsome guys! Let’s wait for her to level up slowly!"

Kitsune Yaqi was at a loss: Huh? Who plays with handsome guys? What do you mean? You two eight-stars and nine-stars... what are you planning in private?

Then, she followed the two men in front of her and turned around subconsciously, and saw... Perfect standing in the sun, sparkling and ablaze.

Originally standing motionless, but when she turned her head, that stern face... instantly smiled.

Perfect: *罒▽罒*~~

Fox Seven:...

Xu Jinbai:...

Ling Beile shook his head:"……Tsk."

The cold wind blew slowly, and the leaves swirled down, adding a bit of sadness to someone's sigh.

Kitsune Shichi began to regret that she shouldn't have called and called Ling Beile!

He was not a human, but a devil!

"I believe that Hu Ya will understand your efforts and upgrade to five stars as soon as possible."

Xu Jinbai said

"I don't have such high expectations for her."

Ling Beile forgot about the compliment and didn't take it to heart. After saying that, he turned his eyes away, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, and smiled shyly.

"As long as she can beat you in the high school league next year, I will ask for credit. Maybe the Lord will find out that he has a successor and help me get the job done. Xu family boy, you also help her. I find that handsome guys are more effective than me.……"


Kitsuneya Qiyi choked, his pupils constricted!

"Please be a human being! This brother is so much older than me, and he has three stars! I’m only one star!"

Ling Beile sneered at the words:

"His bone age is no more than 20 years old, how can he be older than you?"

Considering his age of more than 3,000 years old, 15 years old and 20 years old are the same! How much difference can there be?

"Is this the point? The point is that I only have one star!"

"What's wrong with you being one star? You are weak, so you are right? You are not ashamed, but proud? We are all SSS. When I was your age, I had already signed two!"

"So you are awesome?"

Fox Seven was furious, but her reason stopped her.

——She is a time traveler who just arrived in this world at the end of June. How can she compete with the native geniuses of this world in cultivation speed?

"That’s right, I’m awesome!"

Ling Beile admitted it instantly, feeling very proud!

"……you you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm going to file a complaint! I'm going to file a complaint at the Holy Lord's house!"

"You don’t even have that boss’s contact information!"

"Haha, idiot! His house is a famous tourist attraction on Blue Star. It is marked on the map and anyone can go there!"

This time, it was Kitsune Shichi who was very proud.

"Damn, young people nowadays really know how to have fun! When you go there, remember to take some good stuff from the old man's house, such as teacups and pen holders. Take as many as you can. He doesn't have any rubbish.……"

"Be brave, I'll bring him straight to you"


Xu Jinbai:...

This world is too crazy. It has finally become something that respectable people cannot understand.

He is so tired. He wants to leave.

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