As soon as Xu Jinbai left, Hu Shiqi immediately straightened his expression, and his expression changed so quickly that Ling Beile was not used to it.

Is there anything worth caring about this Xu Jinbai?

Ling Beile really couldn't figure it out.

Mixed-blood is definitely not the right path, a human-animal hybrid, with high initial talent, but an unstable soul. The body is stronger, but the immunity is low. It can only be said that it is not as good as the best, but better than the worst.

Look at the one in front of him, let alone anything else, the soul is so strong! Only one star and has two skills!

Ling Beile has seen a lot of mediocre people, it is rare for him to find a"kindred spirit", such understanding, such talent, such fearlessness, it is really pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.……

"Alas, that old man is not good in any way. The only good thing is that he has a very good vision."

Ling Beile sighed and recalled his past. For a moment, he wanted to complain, so he moved his mind and several ghost hands appeared beside him, pinching a transparent barrier.

Kitsune Shichi immediately retracted the perfect, this situation is to have a private chat, she is used to it

"How did that old guy find you?"

Ling Beile added three layers of barriers in a row.

"I was just sitting on the bus, and suddenly there was no one on the bus. I turned around and saw him sitting there. He looked ordinary... just a middle-aged uncle."

Kitsune Yachi recalled. She had forgotten about this incident a long time ago. Thinking about it now, it was indeed a bit strange.……

"At that time, it seemed that someone outside was attacking the barrier... He blocked it all. Was there anyone else outside at that time?"

Kushi Qi was shocked, but realized it later!

Ling Beile was not surprised, and he opened his mouth to expose:

"Did you know that the old guy has the ability to predict the future? He must have seen you in the future, so he went to intercept you!"

"No wonder!"

Fox Yaqi almost slapped her thigh. When she woke up from the hospital, she heard a group of people talking about how Shengxu forced her to sign a contract with Slime...

Oh my god, it turns out... there was a normal big guy who liked her before, but he was scared away by the Saint Lord's tricks!

"At that time, I had contracted a slime, and he laughed out loud in front of me like a lunatic. I was speechless... What was so funny?"

This was something that Kitsune Shichi couldn't figure out before. What was the Holy Lord laughing at? What was there to make him so happy? Wasn't it just a contract with a slime? Even if she said it was god-level - considering her age, she was a child and her words were innocent, which was normal, right?

Ling Beile didn't hide it:"Then it must be that the future has changed! Just like me, I was staying well in the cemetery, but he insisted on showing up and saying that he would give me an official position... I said I would not go, even if I died. He said that I would be snatched away by the returning Dragon King and become the Dragon King's 68th male wife.……"

"This sounds like a lie! Do you believe it?"

Kitsuneya Qi was stunned, this is also possible???

"Everyone has a time when they are young. I didn’t have any education at that time and I didn’t even know the characters.

So I agreed with a horrified look on my face…

Ling Beile rolled his eyes.

At that time, the Holy Lord was laughing happily, rumbling like setting off firecrackers.

"So you are also the heir?"

Kitsune Yachi thought it was outrageous.

"No, I refused. It's okay to refuse. If you don't want to be the leader, he won't force you to do it."

Ling Beile scratched his hair, and suddenly his expression changed. He smiled mysteriously, looking very proud.

"Did he ask you for anything? Guess what I asked for?"

"I have... asked. I can't guess."

Kitsune Shichi has a bad feeling.

"Hahahaha! I want his head! He actually twisted it off and gave it to me! I decided right then! I must follow him!"

Ling Beile burst into laughter, overjoyed!

"I just turned it into a clothes hanger a while ago, and now it is hanging on the balcony to be exposed to the wind and sun!"


Fox Seven slowly typed three question marks.

She simply couldn't imagine that scene!

This Holy Ruins is full of psychopaths... It's no wonder that others organized to resist it! Can you die if you act normally?

After laughing for a long time, Ling Beile remembered his question and asked curiously:"What did you want?"


Kitsune Shichi is very tired:"Members list……"

Huh? This time it was Ling Beile who was stunned.

A while ago, A Luo knocked on his door, measured his height and asked about his weight, even his hobbies and taboos. He thought the old man saw that he was living too happily outside and decided to send him out for marriage...

But this guy was making a fuss here???

"So your code name is really weird."

Who calls someone a corpse... It's so unlucky.

"It was normal for us to not have a name in our time. I see that you have no parents, and if you were in the past, you would have ended up like me, either a corpse or rotten."

No way, Kitsune Shichi rolled his eyes,"So what exactly does Lingle Technology do?"

"You jump around too quickly."

"Goodbye, I'll check it myself!"

Run away!

Kitsune no longer wanted to talk to the idiot, so he called out Perfect and got on the motorcycle. Ling Beile raised his eyebrows and untied the barrier, watching her rush into the sky like a whirlwind.——

"The classroom is in that direction!" he looked up and shouted

"I want to go to the cafeteria!"

Kitsune Yachi also lowered her head and roared.

It was almost time for class and she hadn't had lunch yet!



In short, I don't know how many people were heartbroken on this day.

Anyway, Kitsune Shichi was in a bad state.

She never expected that Lingle Technology actually made games! And it was the legendary holographic online game!!!

It has many popular products on the Internet, such as"Beast Domination World" and"The Invincible Driver".》……

No matter what qualifications you have, no matter if you are a human or an animal, as long as you recharge in place, you can experience"I am the peak"!

Open world! As long as you are willing to spend money, there are beasts everywhere! The time flow rate is 20:1, lying in the nutrition warehouse, life is extended 20 times!

It is because these holographic games are too fun and too depressing, which will seriously affect normal life. Some people even don't want real life, and live directly in the game.

Therefore, Lingle Technology was collectively boycotted by the eight-star rulers of Blue Star... and resolutely refused to let the game warehouse step into it.


Kitsune Shichi, just want to say, what the hell.

What did Ling Beile say at the beginning?

He said [I am a serious teacher, widely praised by students in the outer galaxy! ], repeating over and over again how much he is loved by young people, so proud...

Damn, you are a game developer, it's a miracle if you are not praised!


So... it was also on this day that Kitsune Shichi had a sudden enlightenment.

"As long as I work hard to reach five stars, the Holy Lord will help Ling Beile break down the [wall] set up by the eight-star old-fashioned people, and everyone on Blue Star will be able to play holographic games... This merit is absolutely worthy of being enshrined in the Imperial Temple!!!"

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