#SSS Fox Yashichi is playing both sides, and the Xu brothers are caught in one fell swoop!!

#SSS Xu Jinbai pursues love across schools! High-profile prying of his brother's girlfriend? He is uncharacteristically cheerful and talkative throughout the whole process!

#Childhood sweethearts + a lover from heaven, but in the end, they couldn't resist the class teacher's decision to separate them!

#Losing love is painful, losing weight is joyful

#In the Star Cup, Tang Yuzhuo lost in the quarter-finals. After the game, he said:"It's not mature yet. We'll fight again next year.""

#XXX made a comeback recently with a drastic change in style, and made a stunning appearance on the red carpet with a new look!



In the classroom, Hu Shiqi pinched his philtrum, and despite the dizziness, he clicked on the hot search terms. After just one glance, he was blinded by the keywords on the screen...

Brothers' Donburi, Xu's Donburi, Twins, Stand-in, White Moonlight, Sadomasochism, Robbery...

Hu Shiqi suspected that he had read the wrong terms. The key point was that these gossips were accompanied by pictures!

Most of the pictures showed two people walking side by side - obviously the actual distance was very normal - but because of the tricky shooting angle, the two little people in the photo looked like they were stuck together, and their faces were always facing each other.

Then enlarge the picture and take a closer look. Xu Jinbai, wearing a white uniform, was smiling, and there was a layer of pink filter on his face. In addition to making him look white, he also looked gentle and considerate.

What's more, there was a picture of"Ling Beile falling from the sky" at the back. He stood between the two people. He was a big man of 1.9 meters, half a head taller than Xu Jinbai.

The last picture shows Xu Jinbai walking towards the teleportation array alone. This part is covered by a dark filter. His figure is tall and slender. Although the photo only shows Xu Jinbai's profile, it can be seen that the corners of his mouth are flat, and he has obviously lost his smile.

Fox Seven:...

Don't mention those who don't know the truth. After looking at this whole set of pictures, even she herself would believe that Ling Beile"broke up the couple".

Flipping down a few more pictures, there are also photos of Fox Seven and Xu Fei having lunch together at noon.

Fox Seven:...? ? ?

This shameless sneak photographer actually cut out Alice on the opposite side! There were clearly three people at the table that day!

"We ate together every day, but he joined us once.……"

Kitsune Shichi was dumbfounded. Xu Fei usually sat at a table by himself, but that day was the only time she asked Xu Fei to help her with an energy calculation problem, so he sat down with them... and that was the only time!

"Someone has put you on the hot search list."

Alice also glanced at it, not very interested.

It can be said that if there are 100 topics on the hot search list, Alice already knew half of them long before they were on the hot search list, and the remaining half were either made up or fake, so there was no point in reading them.

Xu Fei didn't read it either, because he knew what those people would write, and they would inevitably compare him with Xu Jinbai.

After resting for most of the day, his face looked much rosier, but he still showed a sense of fatigue.

"Something is wrong. The shooting angle of this photo is not right. Some are close and some are far away... It's okay to take a photo of me, but how can you capture Ling Beile?……"

Kitsune Shichi flipped through the pictures again, and the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong. Is it that easy to take a picture of an eight-star beastmaster? And these pictures made Ling Beile look... particularly majestic? His coat billowed and lifted up, making him look particularly cool!

It was him! It was definitely him!

"With a"clang", Kitsuneya Qi pushed the table away and rushed out!

"Hey, class starts in two minutes, where are you going?"Alice shouted from behind.

Kitsune Shichi stopped and turned back angrily:

"I'm going to find Ling Beile! He must be the one who ruined my reputation! Alice, please ask for leave for me!"



Teaching building, 23rd floor.

This was originally the principal's office area, but because Ling Beile joined, the principal emptied out his activity room and conference room, demolished the wall, and connected the original small rooms to form two large rooms. Ling Beile did not decorate the office after he moved in. The desks, chairs and cabinets were all matched. Only the refrigerator was rich in variety, with some alien snacks and various drinks that looked like juice but actually contained alcohol.

""Ling Bei Le!!!"

The door was open, and Hu Shiqi rushed in directly. As soon as he entered the door, he was stunned.

Including Ling Bei Le, there were a total of six people sitting in the room, with colorful hair and hairstyles. There was also a mouse-sized mini dragon on the table, and a pet that looked like a pen holder.

Among them, there was a"person". Except for the face and neck, the rest of the body parts were twisted by transparent"ghost hands". The face was also very beautiful, with eyebrows and eyes like paintings, and red lips like blood.

This person must be the Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor.

Hu Shiqi recognized him at a glance.

She was also surprised that a ghost could be so virtuous and dignified, not at all ghostly, but instead reminded people of the mistress of the ancient times, who was in a high position at a glance.

The other few people were also pets, each with their own characteristics. They either covered their faces or blocked their eyes. No matter what their original bodies were, they were obviously not easy to mess with.

One of them had long silver-white hair emitting laser light, and his body was full of CDs and headphones. He was shaking his head to the music, but he also turned his eyes and looked at Hu Shiqi.



What are they doing? Are they in a meeting?

This scene is indeed worthy of being Ling Beile's pet. Kitsune Shichi can only think of one word: a riot of demons.

""Alas... you're here. Okay, I was just about to find you, but I haven't organized my words yet. Look at what you've done."

Ling Beile leaned back in his chair, waved his hand and closed the barrier again. He seemed to be holding something in his hand, and the second half of the sentence was obviously directed at the thing in his hand.

"Did you post those on the Internet?"

Kitsune Shichi... her anger calmed down instantly.

She had to calm down. So many emperor-level pets, although they all restrained their momentum, were staring at her.

Those scrutinizing eyes were the best fire extinguisher.

Pets have a close relationship with their beast masters, and most of them have a sense of dependence and love. Kitsune Shichi dared to be presumptuous to Ling Beile, but she didn't dare to say anything in this situation, to avoid one of his pets being eager to protect its master and retaliating wildly behind his back.

It was at this moment that she finally felt the reality of"Ling Beile is an eight-star beast master"

"It was emitted by it."

Ling Beile sighed and shook the"thing" in his hand again.

But there was nothing in his hand.

Kitsune looked over in confusion, and after looking at it several times, he found that Ling Beile was holding a beam of light in his hand, a thin, transparent, colorful aurora.

It doesn't matter, just ask if you don't understand. The beast culture has developed for so many years, and new beast pets and new evolutions appear every day. The world is full of wonders.

"Is that a pet too?"

Kitsune Shichi asked as she stood by the door.

To be honest, she wanted to just turn around and leave - no wonder Ling Beile had left the door open, he was probably waiting for her here!

"Yes, it is Wensi Aurora. We usually call it Wensi, you can also call it that."

Ling Beile curled his lips and let go of his hand.

Then, Hu Shiqi didn't know what Ling Beile did, and the surroundings suddenly darkened, reflecting the beast pet more clearly.

At this time, a sparkling crystal chair suddenly appeared on the open space next to it, next to Ling Beile and the Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor.

Hu Shiqi looked around, not knowing whose masterpiece it was, but this chair was obviously for her.

In front of so many emperor beasts, she could only walk over obediently. She was nervous and almost walked on the stage - but it was not her fault. Normal people, who would be surrounded by a group of emperor-level beast pets when they were one star?

Hu Shiqi sat down obediently and quietly, with her legs together and diagonally placed, with a smile on her face.

After she sat down, the surroundings became darker, with only a few pairs of colorful eyes glowing faintly in the dark.

An in the office It was so quiet that only the breathing sound could be heard. Even the pet that had been wearing headphones to listen to music took off the headphones and turned to look over. It was obvious that it attached great importance to the conversation that was about to begin.

This situation was not good.

In one sentence, it can be summed up as follows: It's over, I'm going to be tricked again...

Kitsune Shichi's brain was working at high speed, and at the same time, she tried hard to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. Although she didn't know what happened, this situation... She was actually given a chair and asked to sit next to the Thousand-Handed Ghost Emperor. Regardless of what they were going to talk about, it was obvious that she was asking for favors.

But how could she help Ling Beile?

They wouldn't ask her to assassinate the Holy Lord, would they?

At this moment, a beam of light floated over lightly and stopped in front of Kitsune Shichi. It was thin and transparent, like a gorgeous ribbon, and also like a cluster of burning flames.

Outside the barrier, the sound of the school bell could be heard faintly.

""It seems like class is in session?"

Fox Seven reminded.

According to online inquiries, the lifespans of eight-star beast masters and emperor-level beast pets are much longer than those of ordinary people, and their sense of time is also different from that of ordinary people. If they are left to ponder, they may sit here for a year, and they may not speak even after a year.

There is no other reason. Long life, deep meditation���gas

"Actually, it is like this. Ling Beile thought for a moment and said,"This is Wensi Jiguang, my fourth contractor, who has been with me for 3,600 years. Due to the extreme conditions for its upgrade, it is still in the primary stage."

"You want to give it to me?"

Fox Seven was stunned. Ling Beile is an eight-star beastmaster, but his fourth pet is still a beginner. Does this mean he doesn't want it anymore and is going to find a good home for it?

Wensi Jiguang was also stunned, and instantly twisted into a circle.

"Don't dream, who wants to send you one?"

Ling Beile almost rolled his eyes again.

To be honest, normal people would tremble when seeing him, but this one in front of him, his mentality is particularly awesome, often leaving him speechless.

"But you sound like you're asking someone to take care of your child."

Kitsune Shichi calculated that eight stars means more than three thousand years old, which is almost the end of the life span. Generally, they only live to 4,000 years old. Ling Beile lacks a pet to feed him, and I don't know how many of the handsome men and beautiful women present are turtles.

"Can you please stop dreaming of pie in the sky?"

"I don't know who dropped the pie, but my contract position is already number 4, so I refuse to cut in line."

So the group of beast pets present watched their 3,000-year-old master bickering with a one-star human cub, and after two sentences, they completely deviated from the topic.


The Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor coughed gently.

Ling Beile paused, then he remembered the important matter.

"Then let me briefly explain that the articles you saw on the Internet today were not accidents, but my experiments."

Huh? Kitsune Shichi was shocked

——Ling Beile actually admitted it, so what was the benefit of him doing this? Was it to see her reaction, to have fun? Or to train her ability to deal with things?

However, all of her ideas were wrong.

"Wensi Aurora... It is a pure elemental body, a special race that advances by the law of cause and effect. In simple terms, it needs to use the power of words and images to stimulate the emotions deep in the hearts of the people, and gain the emotional power of others to upgrade. The upgrade conditions are currently unclear."

Ling Beile put his arm on the armrest of the chair, supported his head with one hand, and was a little speechless.

He was really speechless.

In order to upgrade Venus Aurora, he did a lot of experiments in the early stage, such as asking Venus Aurora to write a farewell poem, and then read it to the experimental subjects, and then kill them after listening.

This method is useful, but too slow.

So in the later stage, Ling Beile specially set up a game company. Young people have rich emotions and are easier to mobilize. He also asked Venus Aurora to learn to write character settings and copywriting.

So, 365 days a year, Venus Aurora did not stop for 24 hours, writing, photographing, painting, editing videos, and marketing planning...

As a result, they all listed the company, and even the products became famous in the interstellar... Venus Aurora did not upgrade.

For more than 3,000 years, only half of the energy was accumulated.

As a result, this afternoon, Venus Aurora had a sudden idea and wrote a fabricated fake news.

I don’t know why...

The energy bar,"pop!", has risen a lot!

This... this?! Who could have thought of this???

Ling Beile...���Unexpectedly, because the Wensi Aurora is too rare, he has only seen three since ancient times, and all of them died early. It is only thanks to his own talent and long life that he can see such a miracle.

Someone was moved to tears. It is absolutely impossible to break the contract, so he originally thought that he would live to the end, but in the end, there was a turn of events, and there was light at the end of the tunnel...

No wonder the old man insisted on asking him to serve the young master! It turned out to be for his own good?!

"So, big brother, can you have some conscience? You won't rely on ruining my reputation to upgrade, right?"

After hearing this outrageous story, Kitsune Yachi's face turned green.

No wonder her eyelids kept twitching this afternoon. She originally thought it was the work of this hot search, but she didn't expect the real ghost was behind it! This is her reputation that she has to pay with!!!

"Those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters. Look at that ghost old man. He has no name left at the end of his life. When you live for tens of thousands of years, who will still remember today's news?"

Ling Beile's eyes curved, and he comforted him in a gentle voice, while reaching out to take out... a stack of papers that he had prepared long ago.

Young people need to save face, he knows it.

But young people can't resist temptation!


At this moment, the lights suddenly came on.

Kitsune's knees sank, and a pile of heavy papers and a signature pen were stuffed into her hands at the same time.

Under the light, the metal body of the pen, inlaid with precious gems, shone with colorful light.

But what shone brighter than the pen body was the black words on the pile of white paper on Kitsune's knees.

——《"Equity Transfer Agreement".

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