Equity Transfer Agreement》……

When Hu Shiqi glanced down, he unexpectedly saw an unfamiliar new unit of measurement on the document: Beijing.

14% of the shares are worth 12 Beijing currency.

What unit is Beijing?

Hu Shiqi was being stared at at the moment and could not use his mobile phone to check. He could only ponder while slowly turning the pages.

According to the terms, this 14% of the shares must be transferred in three times: the first 2%, the transfer is signed.

The second 4%, with the additional condition that: Wensi Aurora is promoted to an intermediate beast pet.

The third 8%, with the additional condition that: Wensi Aurora is promoted to an advanced beast pet.

Ten minutes later, Hu Shiqi briefly read the thick agreement.

From this thick material, it can be seen that Ling Beile attaches great importance to this matter. The total shares held by him and Wensi Aurora are only 15%, because Wensi Aurora is a corporate legal person. According to the provisions of the Interstellar Company Law, it must hold 1% of the company's shares.

Here, Hu Shiqi was slowly reading the agreement, and Ling Beile was also patiently waiting. Neither of them was in a hurry.

But Wensi Aurora was in a hurry! It was very���Stay calm!

It hasn't been upgraded for more than 3,000 years. Who can be as miserable as it! The great-great-great-grandchildren of its brothers and sisters have all been upgraded to the emperor level! It's still at the primary level!!!

Moreover, it has written press releases before, but it has never received so much energy. It doesn't know what happened this time, but it suddenly exploded...

In short, no matter what, it wants to upgrade!!!

We must seize this opportunity and must not let Kitsune Shichi go to clarify the truth. It would be best if she can take the initiative to cooperate... This is its last chance!


Hurry up and agree! Hurry up and agree! Hurry up and agree!

Then, everyone saw a ribbon-like colorful silk light, as if it was on fire, jumping up and down and flying around Kitsune Shichi, as if it had turned into a fluttering moth in heat, without any aloofness or reserve, it was so attentive and caring...

Ling Beile's eyelids twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly had a weird feeling that his own delicate daughter (? ) was madly throwing herself at a poor boy (? ) who didn't know what was good for him.

What's going on?

Ling Beile suddenly wanted to regret it. Actually, he didn't have to upgrade to this level. Eight stars was good enough. Why did he live so long? He didn't have to sell his favors for glory just to survive.……

"Move away, it's blinding me."

There's always something swaying in front of my eyes, but I can't see it clearly. Fox Shichi waved his hand in disdain, and drove the bright light away from his eyes.

Wensi Aurora... It immediately moved a little further away, but after a few seconds, it hesitated and cautiously moved forward a little. Even if it had no entity, you could see its eagerness... It was just short of"woof woof woof".

Ling Beile held his forehead and rubbed his temples with his thumbs.

No, he is really old, and I really can't stand it... This is too dog-licking!

Seeing that Fox Shichi didn't say anything, Ling Beile thought for a few seconds and decided to increase the bet.

People live to be happy, and so do animals. Since Wensi wants to upgrade so much, and Fox Shichi does have this talent. It's worth a try.

Whether it succeeds or not, there's no harm.

"Kitsune Shichi, let's be frank."

Ling Beile put down his crossed legs and sat up a little straighter.

"I recognize your ability to cultivate pets.

Although I have lived longer, I may not be as good as you in this aspect.

So, assuming you are willing to help us, everyone here is your adoptive father and mother, Yue Shi and Xing Dong can also lay another nest of dragon eggs.

You have lined up 4 pets now, and you can contract at least 4 more later.

I will take care of the rest for you!

The whole collection is for you to choose!

You will also have what Alice has.

She has 800 million pocket money a month.

I will give you 144 billion today to make up for your pocket money for the first 15 years!


What the hell?!"

The more Kitsune Shichi listened, the more shocked she was. It was outrageous!

She...had really underestimated Ling Beile before! At this moment, she could only maintain her superficial calm, thanks to the expression control ability she had trained under the flash lights in her previous life...

Kitsune Shichi turned the pen in her hand, raised her head and stared at Ling Beile. The other's ordinary face...suddenly emitted a golden light, and he became more than ten times more handsome.

144 billion, with this money, she can buy at least half of the"heirlooms" made of black crystal ore on Blue Star, as well as those special black crystal ores that flowed overseas...

Money, money, money, as long as the price is high enough, there is no heirloom that cannot be sold!

"Hearing you say that, I am very frightened. If you can't do it, I am afraid I can't do it either."

Kitsune Shichi replied, but didn't agree directly.

Because she knows herself very well.

Kitsune Shichi knows herself very well. She doesn't have any tricks to cultivate pet beasts. She just has a system cheat that allows her to see the talent bar of pet beasts...

Once the gold color comes out, it is the qualification to become a god!

For others, one point of hard work will yield one point of gain, just like the cultivation of immortals by mortals with mediocre qualifications, which is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

But for her, one point of hard work will yield a hundred times the gain. They are all immortals who have descended to the mortal world and should have been included in the immortal class. She is only responsible for picking them out, and then sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day, winning directly...

With the few of them in her family now, they are amazing if they are raised casually, and she doesn't need to worry about them at all.……

"I didn't say that you will definitely succeed, I just asked you to cooperate and try. How many experiments do you think I have done? It is no exaggeration to say that I have tried almost every method you can think of."

Ling Beile did not hide his thoughts. He looked at the pile of documents on Hu Shiqi's knees and curled his lips slightly.

"As for why the transfer was divided into three times, let me explain. Lingle Technology is a thousand-year-old industry. Of course, I can't give it to you for free. The 2% is to thank you for giving us hope. I won't die in the short term. With me here, you can take these things with peace of mind. No one can snatch them away."

"How do you need me to cooperate? What are the time requirements? During school and major events?"

Kitsune Shichi paused and asked deliberately.

If he was following her around the clock, she couldn't agree. If he was just following her during school, she would just treat it as an extra surveillance camera overhead, and it wouldn't matter if she cooperated.

Ling Beile also understood what Kitsune Shichi was thinking:

"It can be done during school hours. If it is inconvenient for you, you can let it go at any time. I have no interest in monitoring you. Wensi is writing about your gossip to get promoted, so it wants to continue writing with you. You create materials for it. The more eye-catching, the better. I will cover you."

""Can you beat Alex?"

Fox Seven asked directly.

A few people laughed, but Ling Beile didn't laugh. He had been away from Blue Star for too long, so it was normal that young people didn't recognize him.

"I am level 88, he is level 81. We have 6 emperors and 1 king. He has 5 emperors, 2 kings, and 1 general."

At this time, the Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor also spoke. Her voice was gentle, but it seemed to have a convincing power:

"Sister, there is a big gap between the emperor level and the emperor level. After all, there is a god level above the emperor level. Over the years, we have been accumulating energy to impact the god level."

Hu Yaqi glanced at her and wanted to tell her, but he certainly didn't dare to tell her - dear, the god level requires talent, you may not have it.

To be honest, the beast pets present have not evolved into the god level for more than 3,000 years. On the contrary, Ling Beile, who lacked the feedback of a beast pet, was able to rise to level 88. Maybe he is the best among this group of"people"……

"Well, come here and let me touch you first, and then I will decide whether to train you or not."

While thinking about it, Kitsune Shichi stretched out his hand and hooked his finger at Wensi Jiguang, saying casually.

?! Ling Beile's breath was choked, and at that moment, he seemed to see a... poor son-in-law who was pushing his nose and getting ahead of himself!

It was a pity that he was angry, but his daughter (...) was not up to the task. Upon hearing the words, she rushed over happily, gently pressed herself against the girl's slender and white fingers, rubbed the warm fingertips, and almost bent herself into a heart.

Ling Beile:"……"

……Forget it, it must be because he has done too much evil.

And Kitsuneya Qi looked at the palm of her hand.

A blue-purple light screen unfolded in front of her eyes.——

【Name: Vance Aurora

【Attributes: Psychic

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Excellent

【Skills: Inspiration (secret), Concentration (secret), Telekinesis (secret)

【Status]: Focus (Excellent)

【Evolution level]: 68%

【Evolution Path]: Vance Aurora——???——???——???——???

After a glance, Kitsune Shichi knew what was going on.

The highest evolution is to the king level, and the panel is blue with a purple tint, which means that it will most likely stay at the general level, unless every step of the previous evolution is correct, it can reach the king level.

In other words, rare species are just few in number, which does not mean that the talent must be the strongest, and any race has the chance to produce a super genius.

Just like humans, although 99.9999% of humans have worse talents than beast pets, there are also people with extraordinary talents like the Holy Lord...

But it doesn't matter.

Kitsune Shichi lowered her head and signed the document on her knees.

The king level is too far away, and this is not something she should consider. She needs money, which is equivalent to an alternative job. Because it is extremely difficult, the income is extremely high, and it is an equal exchange.

She feels at ease with such money

"OK, I agree. Don't worry about the dividends, but don't forget to give me some pocket money. 800 million a month. I'll remember it."After signing, Kitsune looked at Wensi Jiguang and slowly outlined a plan in his mind.

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you right away. I'll round it up to 2,000. I forget things, so I'll make up for the first 15 years and give you 5 years at once. I'll take care of the rest later."

Ling Beile raised his hand, and then, with a crackling sound, the space in the room twisted and someone disappeared like lightning.

Half a minute later, a text message rang.

Someone glanced at his phone, and his heart was so excited that it seemed as if he couldn't bear the burden, and it kept beating.

——200 billion, it’s in the account!!!

This is so generous! He really gave it!!!

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi’s eyes were filled with admiration, he held the Wensi Aurora in his hand and bowed to the sponsor… Although he didn’t bow down, the mood was almost the same!

"Don't worry, boss. Within 5 years, I will overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and ensure that Wensi Jiguang will be promoted to the intermediate level, and help you reach level 90! You don't have to worry about me being passive and lazy!"

Isn't it just to shock the world?

Isn't it just acting for everyone to see?

Fox Seven clenched his fist: She can do it! She can do it!

Wensi Jiguang also turned around: Yes! It will definitely work!

"Is there anything else you need?"

Ling Beile only felt... very tired.

Although he seemed to be respected and his desired goal was indeed achieved, why did he feel so tired?

Fox Seven was also unambiguous:"Excuse me, do you have a private secret realm? Alice said that her family has a secret realm with a time flow rate of 72:1, and I also want it."

"No, but I can snatch it away."

Ling Beile grinned,"Do you want it?"

"That's not necessary, I can go and get some from her."

Kitsune Shichi had a blank expression on his face. He couldn't roll his eyes at the boss who paid him - at least not in front of him.

"Excuse me, I found a secret place outside a while ago."

A pet that had been used as a background opened its mouth.

"The ratio of time flow is 1:36. Time in the secret realm is slower than in reality, but I was thrown into an alien home."

"You go get it now." Thousand-handed Ghost Emperor said.

Then the space twisted again, and another person disappeared.

But I don't want it... Fox Seven didn't even have time to say it.

Well, think about it in a good way, this secret realm can at least be used to watch TV series... It's equivalent to living longer in disguise.

"Anything else you need?"

"Hmm, let me think... Do you have a furry pet? I'd love to touch it... Maybe it'll help me come up with a great script……"

Fluffy? A group of people turned their eyes to the silver-haired brother with a bunch of records hanging on his body.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost Emperor smiled and said,"Little Xiu……?"

Silver-haired brother:"?!!"

He is already an emperor, does he still need to be teased?!



Five minutes later, Kitsune Shichi climbed up the stairs quietly with a happy face and a dreamy smile. The class was over.

Pushing open the door, she saw Xu Fei drinking water.

At that moment, Kitsune Shichi remembered a lot of words.

Brothers' Donburi, Xu's Donburi, twins, stand-in, white moonlight, sadomasochism, robbery...

How to say it, it's really hard to be a good actor and make some news that the masses like to hear...

Kitsune Shichi walked over, leaned over, turned his face sideways, and slowly patted Xu Fei's shoulder, then walked to the other side, leaned over, and also turned his face sideways, and gently patted Alice's arm.

Silently, behind Kitsune Shichi, colorful lights flashed, and VINSHI Aurora captured a new shot at a difficult angle - two misplaced kissing photos, got them.

Both looked up, both looked confused.

Xu Fei:? ?

? Alice:? ? ?

"Are you crazy? What are you laughing at?"

Alice asked rudely.

"It’s nothing. I just feel that the three of us are destined to be together. As the saying goes, it takes a hundred years to be able to ride the same boat, and a thousand years to be able to study together… I’m just too happy."

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