"Stop the game, and did you guys secretly record the video just now?"

As a teacher, how could Zhang Guangrui not see the students' little thoughts? This was a revenge war, especially the three students from Xingyao Middle School who had their cameras flashing red. There were no major casualties, and Huang Shanjun was only bald, so he finally had time to scold them.

"Teacher, we are not recording secretly, we are recording openly, and you didn't say that we can't film, right?"

The boy with two strands of blue hair said with a smile, as if he was not affected by the interruption of the game at all.

He fiddled with the camera in his hand as he pleased, and operated it two or three times in front of everyone, deleting the process before and after Huang Shanjun was defeated, leaving only the scene of Noli Pterosaur being tied up and the attack failing, accompanied by the referee's hoarse voice of"Game suspended!

"——"The entire editing process took less than three seconds, but the effect was remarkable, showing how skilled he was.

The two boys behind him also quickly echoed:

"Yes, yes, there is no such rule."

Everyone in No. 3 Middle School was silent - then don't do it in public, the referee has the video recording, even if you re-edit it and put it online, it's meaningless... You can't just go home and watch it yourself???

""Hey, Brother Meng, I asked you to help me, but you are making things worse?" Yang Ke on the stage couldn't stand it anymore. He just wanted to cause trouble for Xu Fei, although he didn't succeed...

Thinking of this, he turned back and glared at Xu Fei, but saw that the latter had his hands in his trouser pockets, staring coldly at the empty space, as if he looked down on everything and disdained this battle, and didn't even bother to give him a glance.

"……Damn, this kid……"

Yang Ke felt a breath stuck in his chest. The anger that he had just forgotten came back again, and it became more and more intense.

He had never suffered such a humiliation since he was a child.

"Forget it, I'll take revenge next time. Brother Meng, you should also delete the video quickly. I can't afford to lose this person."

After saying that, he subconsciously glanced at Hu Shiqi again, but saw that she was fiddling with her phone. Just as he was about to say something, he felt a buzzing in his trouser pocket, and was immediately startled.

So he picked up the phone and took a look - the beautiful woman actually took the initiative to send him her name?

What's going on???

For a moment, Yang Ke was in a daze, his anger was washed away by the surprise, and his whole body floated up.

He actually snatched a woman from Xu Fei, and she was a woman who had just fought side by side with Xu Fei...!

At this moment, although he had no experience in love, he couldn't help but be sincere - Yang Ke was extremely grateful to his biological mother at this moment. The boring astronomy knowledge that she forced him to learn since he was a child was actually useful - he replied solemnly:

[Kitsuneya Nana, you are as strong as your name suggests. You are worthy of being called a star brighter than the sun.]

Kitsuneya Nana received the message and said: ???

What's the point of praising her at this time? She just plucked out the hair of her friend's pet... Is this a provocation?!

So she quickly replied with"Nice to meet you" and took another look at the miserable yellow flash.

Although its physical pain has been healed, the huge psychological trauma... Think about it from another perspective. If a human's hair is shaved off by the opponent in a fighting competition, it would be a great humiliation and he would never be able to recover in this life...

It's over, it will definitely be an enemy.

Fortunately, these few Boys are not bad...

Kitsune Shichi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was new here and now she was even homeless. She really didn't want to offend this rich and powerful young master who was bored.

Apart from anything else, the other party came to her house to arrange a fight, not only at school, but also let Xu Fei find the referee and teammates by herself, just to teach Xu Fei a lesson and vent their anger. This strange behavior made her incomprehensible.

But if you say they are bad, they would specifically tell her"We only target Xu Fei", probably because they were afraid that she would be scared when she saw the intermediate beast pet at the beginning. Who would have thought that she didn't know him at all, so he raised his hand and picked the strongest one.……

""Okay, the treatment is over, you can go." The referee, Mr. Zhang, sighed and squatted down to check Huang Shanjun's condition. Although the latter was still motionless, from a physiological point of view, it was no longer a big problem.

Li Angxin, who had been waiting for a long time, also nodded. With a flash of white light, Huang Shanjun was taken back to the beast control space by him. He sneered and glanced at Xu Fei again, then turned back to his friends.

On the other side, the show was not watched, and the audience was also discussing:

"Is this the end?"

"It must be over. This was the setup for Xu Fei. Who would have thought that the girl from Class 4 was so strong? It was probably because her attributes just happened to restrain the opponent, so she failed to succeed."

"So her pet is really a slime?"

"I don't think so, it must be a lie, why would such a beautiful girl pick a slime as a pet? If it were me, I would rather jump off the building……"

To put it bluntly, most of the spectators were girls from Class 3. They came for Xu Fei, and the boys from Class 4 also came for Hu Shiqi. Originally, everyone thought that even if the game was simple, they would have to fight back and forth for a few rounds, but no one could have imagined that it ended right at the beginning.

So a group of people had complicated expressions, and when they saw the two people standing side by side on the stands, the golden boy and the jade girl, as if they had known each other for a long time and were very familiar with each other, they all felt sour in their hearts, but they had to admit: these two people are a good match, and their strength is equal...

I want to pick the flower of Gaoling, but I can't beat the guardian beast.

So they all gave up the idea of chatting with them.

What are you looking at? It's useless to look at it again.

Xu Fei contracted a dragon - in the entire Qilin Province, there are no more than three beastmasters whose first beast pet is a dragon - when he enters high school, he will definitely be the main force of the school team. With this dragon, as long as he signs up for the beast league, he will be in the top ten in the province.

And Hu Shiqi, her beast pet is powerful and mysterious, and can even defeat intermediate beast pets... It must be not a simple character.

Although everyone knows that there are adventures in this world, why can't they have such a good thing?

Some people sighed as they walked:"Oh, Xu Fei should spend more money to find a narrator.……"

It took quite a while just to check the race of the pets. Who would have thought that a one-star novice beastmaster would use intermediate and advanced skills randomly in a competition? I thought it would be a fight between noobs. And a new rumor also spread at this moment:

"Let's go, don't look at it anymore. I think Rujunna ran away from the province because she didn't want to get involved in their relationship."

"Is this true? Did Xu Fei dump GWW again? It's only been a few days.……"

"If you think like this, you have already graduated, so breaking up is normal. Can someone still remain virgin for you?"

"Okay, it’s still early, I’ll treat you to a song, who’s going?"

"Beautiful! Is your name still Xu Fei?"

"No, he definitely won't go."


On the stage, seeing the boys and girls walking away in groups, looking back at the movements here as they walked, Kitsune Shichi pretended not to hear and complained silently in her heart:

What's wrong with slime? I just like slime, why do you look down on slime?

You jump off the building at any time, why are you so fragile?

And she didn't say more than five sentences to Master Xu in total, how can you judge that they are in love? Is there any sign? Who has ever seen a couple talking to each other at a distance of 5 meters?

Since she had [Perception], Kitsune Shichi really understood a word: people's words are scary.

However, she would rather stand on this stage than walk with those boys in her class. They forgot about the matter at the school gate after just watching half of the game. They are so confident... They even want to ask her to go out and play?

Otherwise, she should maintain her cold personality to the end.

"They didn't expect you to be 3S. You've already lost. There's no need to stay."

Xu Fei looked over and misunderstood Kitsune's hesitation. He thought she was regretting not being able to continue fighting, so he took two steps closer and explained to her in a light tone.

"The one with blue hair is a high school student. I just recognized him. He added,"He is one year older than us. He was in the top 50 in the province last year. His pet also has healing skills."

——The other party even brought a therapist

——This operation is really terrifying when you think about it carefully.

"So you know their purpose?" Fox Seven heard the hidden meaning in his words, but she was more and more confused about what these boys were thinking. How idle are these rich people...

She even didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After seeing the real murderous intent of the mysterious man in the black suit yesterday afternoon, looking at this side, it felt like children playing house.

Xu Fei nodded. He knew that he would be targeted, but he really didn't expect that the two would contract an intermediate beast pet. Maybe everyone has their own ambitions. If it were him, he would never sacrifice his future for a moment of pleasure.

"So you asked Mr. Zhang to be the referee?" Fox Seven asked, speaking the truth, she thought both sides were good people

"Yes."Xu Fei did not deny it."Avoid accidents."

Hu Shiqi was relieved. He had just overheard too much gossip and almost thought Xu Fei was interested in him. Now it's much better. It was all an illusion. Xu Fei asked her to move back a little because he knew that the other party was targeting him.……

——He is a good man!

"You are really strong."Xu Fei said again, his narrow eyes of a slightly different color looked straight at Hu Shiqi,"Slime has a weak will. Even if it has advanced innate skills, ordinary people cannot control it to attack."

Is this really a compliment? It feels like one is being stepped on and the other is being praised.

Hu Shiqi was speechless and choked. He was once again shocked by Master Xu's excellent chatting skills. He thought to himself: No wonder Yang Ke had to make trouble for him. If he could only talk in this way, it would be strange if he didn't make enemies. However

, rich people have bad tempers. She just helped out for the sake of her alumni - after all, it was because she had nothing to do this afternoon, and she was excited when she heard about the battle.

Hu Shiqi tilted his head, took a step forward, waved to Xu Fei,"Since the game is over, I'll leave first. See you when there's a chance."

"I'll call a car to take you back to the city center." Xu Fei also nodded and smiled, not forgetting that Fox Seven was temporarily caught by him to take over the post."Along and I still need to continue to run in, and I'll have a chance to invite you to fight again in the future."

Fox Seven's mouth curled when he heard it: Brother, I'm just being polite, don't take it seriously, whose slime wants to fight a dragon! Can you have some shame!

At this moment, it bounced perfectly twice, and the round water blue body flowed out white bubbles, and finally spit out a golden feather, which fell lightly into the palm of Fox Seven's right hand that he had just greeted and was about to put down.

That was Huang Shanjun's most cherished and gorgeous tail feather, but at this moment it became an insignificant trophy, which she stuffed into her school uniform pocket without a care.

So this smile of someone, in Xu Fei's eyes, was also full of calm and indifference.

"Okay, then you do your best, and don’t forget to show mercy to me when the time comes~"

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