"Hey, Lao Zhou, what do you think?"

"……Alas, what a pity."

In a corner of the gymnasium where no one noticed, two white-haired old men were pretending to be cleaners, one holding a mop pole and the other carrying a trash can. Seeing the end of the game, the two sat on the steps and sighed.

Fang Xu, the head of the Fang family, 92 years old, a three-star beastmaster, although his strength is average, his family's influence in Liuheng City is considered to be overwhelming. Liuheng City's intermediate beastmaster center is the Fang family's industry. His daughter Fang Ling, who reached three stars at a young age, also relied on the support of this huge resource.

Zhou Xuanhong, a water beast pet researcher, is also 92 years old and a three-star beastmaster. He and Fang Xu are childhood friends. The Zhou family's power has moved to another province because of Zhou Xuanhong. Hong was not interested in managing family affairs. At the beginning, he left the family to his wife and later his son, and lived a carefree life.

But now, both of them are depressed.

The reason is simple, because they just inquired about the girl named Kitsune Shichi, who has a mental power of level 11 and a soul strength of SSS. This genius who only appears once every few hundred years was intercepted by Shengxu on their territory and was forced to sign a contract with Slime...

But the point is Shengxu, some things are not secrets, such as the owner of Shengxu, although no one knows his name, everyone knows that this man has lived for thousands of years. Even if he has a water fairy, he has already reached the brink of death.

"Why did that old guy suddenly come out? Didn't he say he never goes out?"

Zhou Xuanhong sighed. He had a bad feeling. Apart from other things, the Nine-Star Beastmaster was about to die. Who knew what crazy things he would do before he died? He had to stare at them, Liu Heng... What did you think was going on? The

Emperor-level strongman was not just talking about destroying the world. He was able to fight against flash floods, avalanches, and mudslides on his own. It was even more terrible than natural disasters.

"Will he still be around here... Tell your people to be more restrained recently, and don't go out if you can."

So Zhou Xuanhong now admires that little girl very much. She met the master of the Holy Ruins, and heard that she rejected him. She got up from the hospital after her wounds were treated, and walked away as if nothing had happened. She even went to the Beast Taming Center for a walk...

Look, she is still in the mood to participate in the Beast Taming Battle!

She is really like a newborn calf who is not afraid of a tiger.……

"But this slime is quite resistant to attacks." Zhou Xuanhong murmured again. This is also an occupational disease. Although slime is classified as dark system, it is not within his research scope."Logically speaking, the lightning system should have an advantage over the dark system. With such a large lightning ball and Huang Shanjun being a mid-level pet, how could her slime be unscathed?……"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up:"[Swallow] is a high-level skill, so it's not impossible to have an additional intermediate [Lightning Element Immunity]. The innate skills of primary beast pets are high-level skills - according to this standard, hey, Lao Fang, do you think this slime is as over the standard as the dragon?"

"That's also a slime, it can't do anything." Fang Xu shook his head, he was not thinking about the battle in front of him at all,"No matter how much potential that girl has, before her potential turns into strength, she will either choose to join a side or become a victim."

What happened yesterday afternoon is not a secret

"Zhongyong will definitely send someone here."He said.

Zhongyong is an organization that is opposed to Shengxu. Its main responsibility is to stop Shengxu from messing around. In the first few years, it was a simple combat group, but later it became larger and larger, gradually becoming an economic and political complex.

"Who will they send? Alex, the eight-star?"Zhou Xuanhong asked. He never understood politics in his life.

Fang Xu shook his head, patted his knees and stood up from the ground. His neat movements did not look like an old man at all.

"Alex can't stop the Holy Lord... His coming will only intensify the conflict"

"The genius with damaged mental power, although he is a 3S, his mental power is only level 11 at present, and his first contracted pet is a slime, which obviously lags behind by more than one step."

As he said, he put the mop in his hand on the steps, and his tone was lighter but very sure,"If it were me, I would give her to Shengxu, and even find a way to actively push her over there.

" There is more than one 3S-level genius.

There happens to be a Xu Jinbai on the Zhongyong side, who is not even 20 years old but is already a three-star beastmaster.

This kind of talent is really terrifying.

And with his leading role, more and more young strong men will be proud to join the Zhongyong organization.

In contrast, although Shengxu also has several 3S-level strong men, none of them are of the new generation, which leads to Shengxu's support rate is not good... It has been labeled as a villain.

"Those Zhongyong people... must be out of their minds to do this!" Zhou Xuanhong Xuebai raised his eyebrows.

Pushing such a talented young man to the enemy - what kind of fool would make such a decision? Haha, it turned out to be his good brother who grew up with him!

"Stop your conspiracy theories." He said,"It's impossible. Look at this girl. She would rather die than surrender. She would rather sign a contract with Slime than agree to join the Holy Ruins."

"What's the use of her being willing or not?" Fang Xu was very disappointed:"Alas, when can you devote half of your cleverness to research?……"

"Anyway, the students are on summer vacation recently. For everyone's safety, I'll find a way to send her out, so that the Holy Lord won't go out shopping... Whenever I think that the old guy might be nearby, I'm going to have a heart attack."

"It's easy to say……"

"It's ok, my grandson is back.……"



[……It's ok, my grandson is back.……]

[……Let him go and coax the little girl to leave Liuheng…]

In the bathroom, Kitsune Yachi was applying lipstick, which was the only makeup left by the original owner. It had expired, but only a thin layer was used, and it looked like it had been used twice. After all, she was a little girl, even if she was only fifteen years old and decided to die, she still loved beauty in her heart.

[……This girl is not financially well off.……]

[……My parents entered the secret realm and never came out. They were determined to be dead seven or eight years ago…]

Kitsune Shichi seemed to have heard nothing. She moved very slowly. Facing the mirror that was covered with dirty water and had some cracks on the edges, she opened her mouth slightly and carefully traced the peak of her lips, applying paint along the curve little by little.

The face in the mirror lived up to her expectations. It was more delicate than her last life, and more energetic than when she first came here, especially the eyes that glowed with a strange blue light.……

[……By the way, let's see if she has awakened her supernatural powers...]

Then the blue light in her eyes dimmed, and before Kitsuneya Nana finished applying the lipstick, it turned completely black.

——Gathering the dissipated energy was as simple as scratching her hair.

But two or three walls away, on the stone steps near the exit of the stadium, the conversation between the two old men continued to flow into her mind.

[……Why not just ask her class teacher to give her a travel voucher? Why is there so much trouble?……]

[……Alas, her class teacher was a pet, and the owner died a long time ago. The guy stayed until yesterday, and he ran away.……]


Kitsune Yashichi closed the lipstick cap.

The battle this afternoon was recorded and will probably be passed on to those who are interested soon. The conversation between the two men has also ended and they seem to be preparing to leave.

Forced into the vortex?

"It's quite interesting……"

So she looked at the mirror again with a smile on her face, and raised the corners of her mouth, just like countless times before, with a sunny and cheerful smile.

"……It turns out that she just disappeared into the secret realm, not necessarily dead."

She murmured to herself, looking at herself in the mirror.’

"Silly girl, maybe they are not dead at all, they just simply...don't want you."

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