Liuying Desert·Log Cabin

Kitsune Shichi sat on the floor of the living room, next to him was Perfect, who had transformed into a cauldron and was floating in the air. Next to him, Crusoe squatted on the table, looking at the large slime cauldron with silver light flowing beside the table. His dark little face showed fear and a hint of eagerness. On the second floor above his head, the setting sun hung on the wooden railing, swaying like a rabbit ball pendant, exercising his arm strength.

The vase on the table was empty. Karachi went out, and several high-level black desert snakes appeared nearby. He went to stretch his hands and feet and bask in the sun.


Fox Seven closed her eyes and exhaled.

When she upgraded before, she only felt"refreshed", but she had to use the machine to confirm that she had indeed improved her mental power level.

But this time, her mental power was upgraded to level 20, and she broke through a"wall". The spiritual sea deep in her soul suddenly expanded by twice. With the surge of mental power, she suddenly realized and began to build a new beast control space...

According to the description in the book, the beast control space of ordinary people is a dark and closed space. Compared with the real world, the beast control space is more depressing. Beast pets are generally unwilling to enter it, so most of them stay outside. The perfect beast control space is a cosmic sea of stars, deep and dark, with twinkling stars. After entering it perfectly, it can go with the flow and float endlessly, so it likes to stay in it.

Fox Seven knows that she is different from ordinary people, but she must not ask such private questions. It's just her golden finger. She can make a fortune by hiding it.……

"What kind of beast control space does Susu like? Blue? Colorful? White? Make a grassland for you?"

Kitsune asked. Her imagination was limited. She only had one chance to build a beast control space, and it would be difficult to change it later.

""Mee, mee, mee~"

Krusu came back to his senses, his ears stood up, and he raised the same small tablet as the one used by Wensi Aurora, on which was written a line of big words:

[I am the Lord of Purgatory Burning!!!]

Kitsune Shichi눈_눈:"……"

This child's Chuunibyou... is basically hopeless.

But at this moment, Kitsune Shichi also had a new idea.

Since Crusoe wants fire, let's add a little...

So, she calmed down, and her mental power continued to output, turning into streams of heat, quietly surging, and gradually formed into a winding fire dragon.

Everything is at the mercy of thoughts, born and destroyed in an instant.

The sea of fire was blazing, the blazing flames were sweeping, and the fire dragon was galloping and shuttling in the empty spiritual sea...

Soon, the new beast control space was formed, completely separated from the first beast control space, but equally vast and boundless.


Kitsune Shichi came back to her senses.

Just now... she seemed to have lost her consciousness as a human being and turned into a cold and ruthless existence. Thinking about it now, it actually felt a little scary...

But that feeling came and went quickly, and Kitsune Shichi soon returned to normal. By the way, she took another look at the new space - the top layer of the space, the white-gold flames were licking wildly, twisting everything, like floating clouds.

In the middle part, crimson flames rise into the sky from time to time, like a dazzling red ocean, rolling heat waves, and surging endlessly. Like a burning purgatory.

And below the red flames is black magma, hot and sticky, flowing slowly. This is the real hell.

And in this sea of fire, there are countless huge and rugged black stone groups. They stand abruptly, in various shapes, some like decayed weapons, and some like twisted monsters. The surface is covered with traces of corrosion by time...

Fox Seven:...

Is this really where the"Gain System Fuwa" should live? Why does she have a bad premonition?

On the desktop, Crusoe is still jumping.

In the past few months, it has long sucked up the existing black crystal ore on hand, and the evolution speed has stopped at 86%. It can only absorb free energy from the air. Even if it practices non-stop for a moment, the progress will only increase by 0.1 a week.%……

Although it is very slow, it is not too slow. It grows by 0.1% per week. There are four weeks in a month, so it can grow by 4.8% per year.%……Sooner or later, I can make it

"Susu, let's make a contract."

Kitsune stood up.

The room was still cool because the air conditioner was on. In the living room, the perfect cauldron was still absorbing heat.

She planned to take Susu with her to the mine to find a substitute for black crystal ore after she made the contract.

Because Crusu could not absorb the several energy ores currently popular on Blue Star, but there were many veins in Jinwu Province, and some relatively rare small veins. The ores produced were bright in color and complex in properties. They were usually sold as gems, and the price was slightly higher than that of ordinary energy ores.


Crush was so excited that he jumped off the table quickly. He glanced up from the corner of his eyes. Above its head, the black-hearted rabbit was indeed tilting its head to peek, with its ears erect. The contract was signed quickly. Kitsune held Crush. Both parties had no objection to the contract. They confessed their souls to each other. The wide and large soul bridge was instantly formed. The two ends of the scale also rose and fell. Suddenly, Kitsune"held" Crush's soul.

Crush's soul was more lively and more passionate.

But the next second, Kitsune didn't have time to think about that. A stream of heat poured back from Crush's soul and poured into her body along the soul bridge. It was warm at first, and then suddenly became hot, thick and boiling, like rolling magma, with a faint roaring sound.

Is this... the return of the flesh?

Kitsune guessed, and quickly adjusted his breathing. He learned it by himself - completely by feeling - and guided this warm and powerful heat flow to spread to his limbs and bones, inside and outside.

In a moment, the filth was forcibly expelled, and Kitsune's whole body swelled up, her skin and flesh intertwined and reorganized, and even made a sound of bones breaking. Under the surging energy, she gradually became extremely strong.

In theory, she should feel a stinging sensation, but in fact, she only felt a burst of exciting pleasure, and her whole body seemed to have endless strength... A long half hour passed.��

Kitsune opened her eyes and was stunned for a moment. The world became exceptionally clear at this moment. Even those dark corners covered by shadows, colors, materials, textures... even as small as a rough edge on the wood, she could see them clearly.

And perfection, Kitsune looked at the glittering"big cauldron" beside her. Countless colorful colors were mixed into tiny particles, like a rainbow, constantly jumping.


"Ah! Why am I so dirty! Could this be the legendary cleansing of the meridians and marrow? This is too outrageous."

When Kitsune Shichi moved a little, she felt as if her short-sleeved shirt was stuck to her body, as if it had been soaked and then blown dry, becoming hard. A closer look revealed some unknown water stains, some dark brown, some dark yellow, which made her mouth twitch.

The next second, the whole perfect mu lit up, the medicine cauldron began to deform, secretly turning into a big mouth, trying to quietly approach -

Kitsune Shichi, rushed to the toilet

"No, no, no, no! I can’t give this to you! This must be crushed! I’m going to take a shower! You, especially you, Perfect! You must not follow me!"

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