The small bathroom was filled with water vapor. Fox Seven took off her clothes and crushed them. She used a cleaning device to clean herself from head to toe, and finally jumped into the bathtub with a fresh body.

Taking advantage of this happy day, she finally found an excuse to waste water. She filled a full tank of water and took a cold bath.

That's right, in order to save water, Fox Seven hasn't taken a bath for a long time. She usually relies on a cleaning device to clean her body. The cleaning device in this world is very convenient. The only disadvantage is that the energy consumption is too high, and the light energy converter is even heavier. Most people will not bring them into the Liuying Desert.

However, Fox Seven has a small wooden house, and there are Karachi guards outside 24 hours a day. It is very convenient to convert light energy into electrical energy. Three air conditioners blow cold air 24 hours a day, and the temperature in the house is controlled below 30 degrees.

However, this time, Fox Seven also gained a lot from the contract with Crusoe. The most significant improvement is vision, followed by heat resistance. She used to pant and feel irritated when she walked a few steps, but now she feels very comfortable.

Kitsune had a feeling that her body must have been fully strengthened, and the numerical changes were outrageous.

"Well, where is my notebook?……"

It was boring to just soak in the water. Kitsune Shichi wanted to compare her body data, so she searched frantically in the space.

This space ring was too small, and it was filled with all kinds of things belonging to Kitsune Shichi. A while ago, when her mental power had just reached level 17, she went to Ling Beile to retest it. Compared with the first test, the values had changed a lot.

"Muscle tissue strength: 9→36

Cell vitality: 16→51

Nerve reaction speed: 8→12

Immunity strength: 16→23……"

Kitsune Shichi finally found the notebook.

With daily exercise and pills, her muscle tissue strength finally reached half of Xu Fei's. The cell vitality was extremely abnormal, and ordinary minor abrasions could be healed in almost the blink of an eye. She didn't know how this string of data would change after she contracted with Crusoe...

Just at this moment, Kitsune Shichi tilted her head and suddenly felt that her head was a little heavy.

So she subconsciously reached back and scooped up a handful of hair. She threw it in front of her eyes, pouring down like a waterfall, black and soft, and because it was soaked in water, it flickered under the light...

Kitsune Shichi was stunned. She picked up her hair - the piece in her hand alone was half a meter long, and it looked even darker and brighter under the light.

"……What is the principle behind this?"

The next second, Kitsune was startled, and quickly stretched out his arms, looking back and forth, and kicked his legs at the same time - he confirmed it several times before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, the hair didn't grow longer……

"Oh, now I remember, upgrading will make it prettier. How could I have forgotten this?……"

Thinking of this, she quickly stood up and wiped the misty mirror on the wall, but the mist quickly covered it up again, and only a vague reflection of the figure could be seen.

"Wait, it looks like not much has changed.……"

Fox Seven didn't give up. She put on a bathrobe and swung her arms to wipe the mirror frantically. This time she took it seriously and found that her physical fitness had really improved. The speed of the fog on the mirror couldn't keep up with her wiping speed. It was wiped dry after five or six seconds, reflecting the outline in the mirror.

Fox Seven was stunned again.

In the mirror, her skin was as white as jade, her eyes were darker than before, and her lips were rosy, as if they could reflect the light. It was still the same face, but there was a subtle difference.

And the shoulder and neck lines became more elegant...

Fox Seven looked at herself continuously, opened her mouth slightly, and couldn't take her eyes off it.

Oh my god, even surprise is so beautiful! It turns out that there are such benefits for upgrading! If she had known earlier... If she had known earlier...

The next moment, Fox Seven couldn't help but pose in front of the mirror. It felt more than just happy. Finally, she also evolved. The whole family was as beautiful as fairies, and she was the only mortal...

By the way, isn't Alice going to hold a tea party?

That's right! The old clothes are no longer suitable for her at this moment, not to mention that the old clothes are burned, it is time to buy new ones!

Kitsune's eyes lit up, great, she will go buy a new dress! She also needs to arrange a new photo shoot plan, this time, Crusoe can finally join in……

"Knock, knock, knock."

The knocks on the door sounded regularly, and then Karachi's voice sounded outside the door:

"Have you finished washing? There is a guest at the door who wants to visit"

"Who is it?"

Kitsune Shichi rolled up her bath towel tightly and walked over in slippers. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Karachi's originally calm expression suddenly changed. Her blood-red eyes dodged strangely for a moment, and after a few seconds, they slowly moved back to her face.

Huh, huh, huh? Kitsune Shichi was shocked. Could it be that Karachi was stunned by her beauty? So exaggerated?

Just two seconds later, she saw Karachi's eyes dodging - wait, but... the direction of his eyes dodging... is it... a bit strange?

Kitsune Shichi was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly realized that the object of Karachi's shyness seemed not to be her face or her body, but her hair.……


This is the difference between species.

Could it be that in the eyes of plants, this hair is a beautiful"root"?

Kitsuneya Nana calmly picked up her hair. She hadn't had time to dry it yet, and the wet hair was still dripping with water. Sure enough, Karachi immediately turned his eyes away, and the roots of his ears were faintly red, and his Adam's apple rolled.

Then, not long after, Karachi's eyes wandered back... stretched out his hand, and asked seriously:

"Do you need help? I can help you comb your hair."

……? ? ? Kitsuneya Nana fell silent.

She had originally wanted to cut her hair short, but judging from the current state, if she really cut it short, it would be no different from Ling Beile's suicide plastic surgery, and Karachi would probably be heartbroken on the spot.……

"No...Okay, then you come and help me."

Kitsune Shichi finally couldn't stand Karachi's eager and lost eyes, so he could only hand him the comb and hair dryer, but he saw that Karachi didn't intend to use the comb at all, but instead stuck out a small bunch of snow-white hair from behind.……

""Swish, swish, swish", the snow-white hair instantly tangled into the shape of a comb... Karachi held it calmly.

Oh. Kitsune Nanami was very tired, so he just found a stool to sit down. Anyway... it was just blow-drying and combing the hair.

"Oh, by the way, you just said someone is visiting?"

While combing his hair, Kitsune suddenly remembered this.

"Yes." Karachi paused."No hurry."

"Who?" Kitsuneya Qi asked


"Hmm…Hmm?! The sun???"

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