The sun... came to visit?

As expected of a magical world, Kitsune was stunned, thinking of the six king-level Sun Snakes in the sky. Why did they come again? Are they really that free?

"How many people are here?"

Kitsune asked, turning his head sideways.

"One... two?"

Karachi answered absentmindedly, holding a comb in one hand and a strand of wet and smooth black hair in the other. With a slight squeeze, the liquid would overflow, flowing down his palm and into his sleeves... dripping, wet and warm, blending into his body.

Karachi's eyes were red, his face was charming, and his gaze turned to a point in the air."……It doesn't matter, it's not important, don't worry about it for now."

The bathroom was misty.

Kitsune Shichi slowly became sleepy, and couldn't help but relax his body, feeling the comb moving through his hair, bringing a subtle sense of comfort. Karachi combed his hair extremely slowly, as if he was stroking a precious treasure.

This is nothing, but...

Kitsune Shichi always felt weird, because behind him, Karachi's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and his panting... why did he suddenly choke?

Xiao Xiangyu, should it be self-reproduction?

It's just touching the hair, it shouldn't be that serious, right?

Kitsune Shichi found it difficult to control himself from having wild thoughts.

The non-humans in her family, such as Perfect and Crusoe, actually don't have the concept of"differences between men and women" in their minds. Concept, just like perfection, it has no sexual characteristics when transformed, it is just a big jelly in the shape of a handsome guy.

Another example is Crusoe, it can surf the Internet and recognize words, it seems to know a lot, but in fact it doesn’t understand at all, even if it looks at those adult contents, it is just a look.

And Karachi is a plant, just reached the king level, theoretically it cannot break away from the aesthetics of plants... But now, his emotions seem calm, and the pair of originally blood-red pupils have darkened into black...

So, what is going on?

Kitsune Yashichi fell into deep thought, there are no nerves in her hair, she didn’t take it seriously at all after being touched twice, she just remembered that she had secretly touched Karachi’s legs, he - at that time he was still"it"——He also let her touch him, indifferent, as if he couldn't feel anything on his legs.

King-level beast pets are the top combat power in the galaxy, and their numbers are very rare. You can't just come across them casually... Even if you look it up online, there are few people discussing it.

Anyway, the textbooks say that plants are bold and unrestrained in their love. As long as the mood is right, they don't care about the occasion. They bloom and scatter pollen on the spot, and no one will teach them that it's wrong to do so.

Reproduction in public. This behavior is very abnormal for humans, but for plants, estrus and reproduction are manifested as flowering, which seems to be very atmospheric.

After all, from a human perspective, a scene of flowers and fragrance everywhere is a very pleasant scene, as long as they don't turn into a human form...

But Karachi is in human form now!

So, Kitsune Shichi kept stealing glances, and no matter from which angle he looked, Karachi didn't bloom. He was just combing her hair carefully. His combing movements were very gentle and focused, and he carefully dried every strand of her hair.

He didn't touch anything except her hair.

The only problem is that Karachi didn't use a towel to absorb the water, but his own hair.

The roots are tangled... comb them and absorb the water...?

Kitsune Shichi:"……"

Surely it's okay?

She sat upright. For some reason, at this moment, she wanted to give Karachi a name: Kara Tony Chi.

After a few seconds, Fox Seven decided to change her mind and stop thinking about such shady things. Maybe she is pure...

Yes, what a friendly exchange between the master and the pet.

Fox Seven raised his head and suddenly recalled that when he was very young, the teacher once assigned a holiday homework.——"Washing my parents' hair and feet", and I had to write about my feelings. She went home, washed her own hair, and wrote 800 words...

On the opposite wall, steam was like a veil, and water droplets slowly slid down the mirror, leaving a trail of water marks. The mirror was blurry, and the two figures in it were also looming.

"Oh, yes, I just reached level 20, and I have contracted Susu, and her physical fitness has become much stronger."

Everything is fine, the only pity is that the contract with Crusu did not help her activate her superpowers... Even if [Dawn Blessing] is a racial skill, [Holy Light Purifying Flame] would be fine.

Kitsune felt a little sorry, but then he thought again, Susu is a long-lived race, and this contract must have given her a lot of life, but life span is something that cannot be seen or touched, and needs the help of instruments to measure……

"You upgraded?" Karachi was stunned, then he reacted,"Huh?!"

Hair growth is a manifestation of overflowing vitality.

Karachi's pupils shrank, looking at the black hair in his hand, and then he realized: Is this the return of the contract?

He thought... her hair grew longer because of her recent"diet""……Too nutritious?

But this was too sudden. He just went out to take a breath, and in less than an hour, she was promoted to a two-star beastmaster, and by the way, she also contracted Crusoe?

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Karachi asked

"I said it this morning, I just said it's going to be upgraded soon’"Kitsune Shichi didn't think much about it, she even began to feel sleepy.

Can you say that? Karachi was speechless.

As everyone knows, the breakthrough of a beastmaster is not an"accident", especially a star-level breakthrough, there will be signs early, and normal people will be properly prepared and adjust their body and mind to the best state to avoid accidents.

——As for Kitsune Shichi, she... um... got up from the bed, ate a bucket of instant noodles, and learned two classes of interstellar history...

Karachi frowned, and suddenly he didn't feel like doing anything else, so he simply gave himself a [Calmness], and his mind cleared up instantly. At this moment, he finally remembered the two suns at the door.……


Kitsune looked back hesitantly and found that Karachi looked normal and his eyes were clear, completely different from before. Then, he took her hair in one hand and gently pulled it around, turning it twice skillfully, and tied it into a high bun for her.

……Well, okay, it turned out that I was just daydreaming.

Kitsune Shichi touched the hard branch on her head that served as a hairpin. It turned out that this was"one of the three major illusions in life": someone is interested in me.

Then she stood up and opened the door, and saw a row of people lying at the bathroom door -

Perfect, Crush, and Sunset.

The little mermaid, the little octopus, and the little rabbit.

The three little ones were neatly lined up at the bathroom door, looking up at her, and at Karachi behind her.

Kitsune Shichi was shocked:!!!

She almost stepped on it just now!

Crush held up a sign: [Were you doing something shameful just now? ]

Kitsune Shichi: ???

"What are you thinking? Nothing at all! It's just a normal hair combing!!!"

————————————Here is the secretly added"Crusou Small Setting"》——————

1. [Basics]

Crush, light type, genderless.

Race: Kitten Zhang (named by Kitsune Shichi).

2. [Main body]

Crush's main body is a black rock.

It is completely black, with a smooth surface, like a round black jade, warm and textured.

It has a pair of triangular - actually triangular pyramid-shaped [devil horns] on its head.】——But due to Kitsune Shichi's special love for cats, everyone currently assumes that Crush has a pair of cat ears on his head.

There are 8 tentacles under his body, and in fact there can be more. Crush can freely change the shape of his body according to his heart. For example, put away or release the cat ears.

Cold knowledge: horns (cat ears) are Crush's relatively sensitive weakness, and it is also the only part of its body that has"perception". Crush usually hides the horns inside the body and does not like to show them outside, but Kitsune Shichi likes ears, so in recent years, in order to win favor, Crush has gradually gotten used to exposing his weaknesses to the outside.

3. [Birth]

Crush was born from the black crystal ore mother, and was"awakened" by Kitsune Shichi through the system. Awakening conditions: absorb a large amount of soul power

PS.Since Crush has absorbed a large amount of Kitsune Shichi's soul power, and the latter is the first person it sees after opening its eyes, it has a fledgling complex and trusts and relies on Kitsune Shichi very much. It only wants to complete the latter's orders as quickly as possible, and temporarily lacks the ability and courage to be independent.

As a primary pet, Crush belongs to the smaller type, and its body is only the size of a quail egg.

Because of its [Indestructible] characteristic, its body is extremely hard, and even if you chop it up with an electric knife, it cannot be damaged at all. Even if an emperor-level pet uses a"physical cutting" skill, it will be offset by its [Indestructible] characteristic.

4. [Talent]

Crush is a light-type pet, and is naturally incompatible with the dark system. Therefore, Crush is very afraid of dark skills such as [Devouring] and [Dissolving]. Dark skills will cause damage to it.

Crush once had a horn of the Black Crystal Mother perfectly devoured by a slime, but there has been no effect so far.

PS.Slime Perfect is obsessed with the taste of Crush (?), because Crush's body is full of energy, and it is unusually explosive, which is definitely a great tonic for Slime.

Crush is not a stone in the ordinary sense, but a condensation of light energy. The energy concentration in its body is hundreds of times higher than the so-called"super energy ore" in the world.

Whether it is day or night, Crush's energy recovery speed is extremely fast, which is why it can frequently use the super-class causal skill [Dawn Blessing].

Supplement: Distorting causality requires a lot of energy. In theory, it is not a skill that can be released casually. Most of them appear in the skill list of king-level beast pets.

From the outside, Crush upgrades slowly, but it is not the case.

The real situation is: Crush's talent is amazing, and the energy absorption speed is also amazingly fast. It is only because its own energy is too abundant that the energy absorption speed seems too slow.

Note: In nature, the energy concentration is low.

Crush can absorb a piece of primary black crystal energy ore in ten minutes. Even if it is a special black crystal energy mine, it only takes three full days and nights, and there is no sign of being blown up by energy.

Therefore, the so-called slow upgrade speed is actually a proof that Crusoe's talent is far superior to others.

But because Crusoe does not know the true situation of others, and there are Slime Perfect (the dark body that swallows infinitely) and Karachi (the huge recovery power of immortality) around him for comparison, he feels that he is ordinary, just a poor little stone that cannot upgrade normally.

In addition to the extremely slow upgrade, there is no attack skill, which is also a pain in Crusoe's heart.

Because in this beast world, the second-ranked beast pet of the beastmaster is the main force participating in the high school league, and it needs to have a certain attack power.

In the end, it can comprehend [Holy Light Pure Flame], which is also a proof of its unparalleled talent. ps. Most beast pets only have one or two skills in the primary stage. The number of skills is not completely linked to the talent of the beast pet, and the more skills the beast pet has, the better, because the skill points will affect the evolution of the beast pet.

When the beast pet is upgraded, there is a certain probability that multiple skills of the same type will be merged and evolved into a higher-level new skill.

5. [Hobbies]

Crush loves surfing the Internet.

He has his own bank card and accounts on various websites.

As a newborn cub, Crush loves reading books and watching movies—he prefers documentaries, but he also watches TV series and comics with Kitsune.

PS.Kitsune Shichi has opened up various network permissions for Crusoe. He has not restricted Crusoe from viewing restricted content, but has warned him not to bully others (pets?).

In short, Crusoe is hungry for knowledge from the outside world, and is particularly interested in human preferences. He believes that he is the only non-human in the Kitsune family (currently) who can understand human aesthetics.

Black is Crusoe's favorite. Because black is not only the color of the owner's hair and eyes, but also its true color, the most noble color in the world.

6. [Transformation]

Crusoe thinks of himself as the coolest, most domineering and most arrogant.

At the same time, he also firmly believes that his owner, Kitsune Shichi, is the most beautiful human in the world. The human transformations of Perfect Brother and Karachi are both mediocre, and their looks are just average.

Crusoe's goal is to become the"most beautiful existence", but its aesthetics may have a billion (...) impact on its transformation.

PS.Crush has no feelings about its own gender. Since it cannot reproduce, it will not go into heat, nor does it have similar functions (abilities?). Gender is meaningless to it, and its body cannot feel pleasure. Rubbing its ears (horns) will make it feel a little uncomfortable, probably similar to an"itchy" feeling.

Since it has acquired attack skills, Crush's attention has been temporarily diverted. Facing promotion, it has recently been actively researching and trying to make itself"shine" and become the most beloved pet of its owner...

Therefore, although Crush has not thought about what gender it should be for the time being, because Kitsune Shichi (likes beautiful women) but likes handsome men more, it is also more willing to develop into a male body.

In this regard——【Dawn Blessings]*n

……Wish it happiness, meh

——————Weird little setting of Crush (end)——————

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