The one with the purple light screen has reached the end.

The one with the red light screen looks like he will be promoted soon.

Kitsune Shichi loosened his right hand and only held the hand of the sun on the left. The one who was chosen - his orange eyes like fire slightly opened, his heart was swaying, and he was very surprised.

"What's your name?" Kitsune Shichi asked politely. You can't just keep calling it the sun? The Great Sun Snake Eye is a super long-lived species, almost as long-lived as a small star. It must have a name after living for so long, right?

"……I don't have a name, my username is [User3281], you can call me whatever you want……"

For some reason, Sun No. 1 was full of confidence at this moment—because it was chosen by this gifted human beastmaster! She was looking at it tenderly!

That’s right!!! It will definitely advance!!!

"You should have enough energy to advance.……?"

Kitsuneshichi asked hesitantly.

99.9%, isn't that the finishing touch?

"Yes, I have saved enough... but I can't cross that line. How can I advance?……?"

Sun No. 1 had a smile on his face, his eyes sparkling.

Kitsune Shichi became more and more nervous - because she didn't know either! She had a golden finger, and as long as her pet beasts accumulated enough energy, she could evolve with just a click! Even if she didn't click, they wouldn't be able to evolve even if all the conditions were met.

And at this moment, the other abandoned sun, it still stretched out its hand, opened its eyes wide in disbelief, looked at its compatriot next to it and then at the human - but these two people ignored it at all! They only focused on looking at each other, their eyes met, and their eyes were so inseparable, as if they were stuck on each other's faces.

——No, what are you two doing?

Sun No. 2 looked puzzled, and looked at Karachi for help, but found that the plant frowned, folded its arms, leaned on the sofa tensely, and looked very bad.

"You said you were fostered by Ling Beile before?"

Kitsune Shichi said again, cautiously, as if talking to a newborn baby. At the same time, she had doubts in her heart: the race name named"Calm" on the Great Sun Evolution Chain has not been announced to the outside world. She just found out about it. Maybe it's Ling Beile's name?

Could it be that it has to rely on emotions to evolve again?

"It's not breeding, it's just an experiment."

Sun No. 1 explained patiently.

"Ling Beile... That was really a long time ago. Because we, the Desert Teng Snakes, were in the early stages, had explosive personalities and unstable emotions, so he captured us and locked us up together... He played us articles and music by Wensi Aurora every day, and we... evolved."

Sun No. 1 had a bright face, and couldn't help but recall the days when he was locked in the barrier, cannibalism, and magic music filled his ears... Maybe it can be called"childhood"?

The short hair like flames danced on his head, and his smile was as pure and flawless as a newborn baby.

But later, even if they copied the same environment, they couldn't continue to evolve. They also asked other human beastmasters for advice, but so far, no one has been able to do it. The

Great Sun Snake Eye is an extremely rare elemental evolution type. Even if its lifespan is extremely long, it stops at the king level.

The evolutionary end point of most Desert Teng Snakes is the Desert Demon Snake King. The latter is a king-level magic beast with wind and light attributes. It is tyrannical and bloody, and has no reason. It usually only moves at the bottom of the Liuying Desert. Its lifespan is only about a hundred years, and it is not at the same level as the Great Sun Snake Eye.

"The evolution of elemental creatures is generally related to your own emotions, and external factors are not that important."

Kitsune Yashichi made up a story. Although her expression was sincere, what she said was actually nonsense.

"I know, but……"

Sun No. 1 was about to nod. In fact, it had been full of energy for a long time and was about to be forced to split again, but it could not reach the threshold of evolution.

"It's okay, you have to believe in yourself, you can do it."

Kitsune Shichi stared intently, smiling, and continued to output nonsense, while trying to loosen his hand - failed to loosen his hand - after all, the opponent was king-level, and the big brother was holding too tightly.

There was nothing she could do, because she really didn't know what to say! God knows what the conditions for their evolution are!

In addition to smiling, what else can she do?

So, Kitsune Shichi looked at this big brother who had evolved 99.9% with encouragement, and encouraged him:

"You are almost there. I can feel it. You will evolve soon. Maybe you can go back to the sky and continue to absorb energy and try again.……"

On the other side, Karachi couldn't stand it anymore. The hot eyes of the sun staring at Kitsune made him irritable.

So he frowned, seemingly calm, but actually activated the space transfer...

The next moment, a white bud secretly poked out from behind the sofa, and the leaves flicked gently, throwing a [Calmness] directly at the Sun No. 1!

?! The Sun No. 1 suddenly froze.

It was hard to describe the feeling. It was a feeling it had never had before. The world suddenly became dark. It stared at the human in front of it in a daze, and suddenly felt something - it was an extremely mysterious feeling, so crazy, and absolutely rational, which made it extremely convinced and horrified at the same time.

At that moment, aesthetics transcended race, and the air exuded the fragrance of humans. It was not the smell of food, but it made its heart hotter than food, and its heart and eyes were filled with those dark eyes...

The feeling it had never had before rushed to its heart.

In an instant, the room suddenly became hot, and within a few seconds, the temperature rose steadily, and the air was filled with heat waves, as if it had turned into a huge boiling steamer.

Evolution has actually begun!

Kitsune Shichi finally let go of his hand, and although he was puzzled, he was relieved. Kara���He also reacted instantly - before the heat surged, he grabbed Kitsune Shichi into his arms, and at the same time did not forget to teleport upstairs. Xieyang also jumped into Kitsune Shichi's arms quickly!

The next second,"Boom!"——"With a loud bang, the floor shook, and the plant table that supported the main body of the wooden house was instantly pulled away by Karachi, and the fragile wooden house collapsed!

Black light flashed, the space shattered, and the deadly heat wave chased behind him. Before the space door could stabilize, Karachi rushed in directly!


The forgotten Sun II uttered a single sound in horror. It hadn't evolved yet, so why did they run away?

It immediately stretched out its hand. It was clearly a fake face that had transformed, but it was almost distorted at this moment. It didn't care about the one who was evolving behind it. It frowned, and golden light flashed in its hand. The hot energy cannon tore through the space. Its hands turned into beams of light, and as fast as a entangled spirit snake, it rushed directly to the outside world!

At this moment, an extremely huge pink bear paw appeared in the air, slapped this place out of thin air, and directly cut off the beam-like spirit snake hand!

Time and space seemed to stop at this moment. The bear paw stopped above the desert. Its huge power actually nailed the broken space firmly in place.

Then, the sharp bear claws gently hooked and directly closed the space door that had just been torn by Sun II.

At the same time, a rumbling sound rang out in the sky above the Liuying Desert:

"Get back——"

The sound waves, more terrifying than the heat waves, came overwhelmingly. The sound was like the roar of ancient times, and the entire desert was shaking. Every note was like a heavy hammer, hitting the eardrums of all the creatures in the Liuying Desert fiercely:

"Blue Star, Big Sun Snake Pupil is not allowed to enter——"



""Ouch! My house!"

After many months, Kitsune Shichi returned to the real world again. She was sweating all over in the last second, and the next second, cold wind blew into her collar, making her shiver and subconsciously crawl into Karachi's arms.

However, she only felt sorry for her cabin at the moment. She bought it with money, so how could it become disposable?

"Your focus is always strange."

Karachi was speechless. He flapped his wings and covered the back of Kitsune Seven to block the wind from outside.

"In fact, it's not particularly cold, it's just that the temperature difference is too big. How did it suddenly evolve?"

Kitsune Shichi raised her head and asked, but she didn't take it too seriously. After all, the big sun's evolution bar had reached 99.9%, and it would evolve sooner or later. She just gave it some encouragement.……

"Maybe you have contracted with Crusou and have the blessing skill."Karachi also guessed casually.

"Well... I hope so,"

Fox Seven took out her cell phone from the space. Great, there was internet again... She was a star who would die without internet... A total of 14 hours had passed in the real world, which was okay.

"No, it's over, I didn't ask for leave today."

Hu Yaqi suddenly realized that she still had to go to school today!

So, she quickly called Ling Beile, and fortunately the phone only rang three times before it was connected.

"Hello? It's finally out? Is it two stars yet?"

Ling Beile was very calm on the other end of the phone.

Hearing him being so calm, Kitsune Shichi also became calm.

"Oh, I just came out, two stars... I forgot to ask for leave in advance, sorry"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all. Who is your second contractor? Karachi?"

Ling Beile asked. Kitsune Shichi only then remembered to let go of Karachi. She was in excellent physical condition now. She only had to adapt for two seconds before she could dance in the cold wind in short sleeves.

She looked up at Karachi's face. Karachi was also looking at his phone, ignoring their conversation.

"No, Karachi is the third one. This time, I contracted a more magical creature, which I picked up outside. I think it has good qualifications. I will take it to do identity verification later."

Kushi Qi was modest for a moment, and looked inward with his spiritual power, and glanced at Crusou in the beast control space.

And Crusou... It was very good, and it was happily swimming in the flames at the moment, jumping wildly on the rugged black boulders from time to time, enjoying itself and forgetting everything else.

So Ling Beile didn't ask much, but just complained sincerely:

"Okay, remember to come to class tomorrow. You haven't come for half the morning, and Wensi is driving me crazy. If you keep going like this, before I die, it will run away and follow you every day."

Hmm... Fox Seven smiled awkwardly - why does this sound like she kidnapped someone's child???

"Elemental creatures are simple and stubborn. There is really nothing you can do about it.……"

"Okay, okay, bye, then you go."

"Goodbye... Wait!……"

Beep, beep - a busy tone sounded.

Kitsune Shichi was speechless. Before she could ask, Ling Beile hung up the phone! Is he so impatient?

She originally wanted to ask about the evolution of the Great Sun Snake Eye... because the two suns kept hesitating about this question and refused to describe in detail the way Ling Beile was cultivated.

Kitsune Shichi had no choice but to put down her phone and walk to the age test with Karachi.

Because the speed of time in the Liuying Desert is too different from that in the real world, ordinary people must undergo a bone age test to change the age information in the system when they enter and exit.

"There are not many people today."

Kitsune Yachi said casually. This was not her first time here. In the past, there would be more than a dozen people in the square, some entering the secret realm, some leaving the secret realm, and it was quite noisy.

"The space is blocked."

Karachi answered, his eyes fell on the distance, his fingers slightly bent... Is that the pressure of the emperor?

The age test was not far from the ticket office. The staff was a sexy mature woman, and there was a big pink bear beside her. The master and the pet each held a game console and were concentrating on playing the game without even raising their eyelids.

A robot slid over, with a green light flashing in its eyes. Kitsune Shichi stood up straight and was photographed from head to toe by it.

"Beep beep beep - fifteen years old."

Because the age did not change, two minutes later, Kitsune Shichi came out. She grabbed Karachi's arm and was about to move through space to register Krusu's identity, but suddenly she heard a"click" in her ear.——"There was a sound, as if an eggshell hit a porcelain bowl, something very small broke.

The heat wave surged, and the air suddenly became hot.

"Go back to school!"

Kitsune Shichi changed her mind reflexively, it was completely an instinctive panic, she pulled Karachi tight, the latter's reaction was also fast, the scene in front of the two suddenly changed, the space transfer started - this time, Kitsune Shichi did not get dizzy, but she did not have time to be happy, because her free right hand suddenly sank, a cold hand grabbed up, the shape was strangely familiar - it was the big brother of the sun just now!

Ten minutes in the world is equal to 2000 minutes in the Liuying Desert, which is 33 hours! It has evolved!


The roar of the bear shook the earth!

What the hell happened? Kitsune

Yashichi was almost deafened. It was too bright next to her, so she couldn't turn around to look, nor could she move her hands, because - sorry, she was really confused - she could only look up subconsciously, and saw...

Opposite the school gate, there was a giant bear that was bigger than the Ferris wheel!

"Another space blockade, so annoying……"

A soft sigh was heard, and Kitsune Shichi only felt his hand being loosened. Next to him, a burning body made entirely of white flames took a step forward...

The next second, the big pink bear froze and did not move. The echoing roar was also wiped out. Its abdomen shrank inward, as if it had been punched. Then its body twisted and deformed, and was kneaded and pressed by an invisible force. Almost the entire bear was flattened!

"With a"bang", the big pink bear disappeared, turned into a small one, and fell from the sky.

Damn! Big Sun... is it so strong???

But she is only a two-star now, and she was actually involved in such a battle. Isn't it a bit outrageous???

Fox Seven was stunned, turned back to look at Karachi, and originally just wanted to express her doubts - but she saw a dazzling navy blue in her peripheral vision.

Behind her, Ling Beile's figure slowly emerged, his clothes were wrinkled, and his messy navy blue short hair was also in different directions, as if it was baptized by the passing wind...

Fox Seven, really couldn't help it.

"Teacher Ling, although I know you are an expert, can we... pay a little more attention to your image as an expert?……?"

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