"Image is useless……?"

Ling Beile moved his wrist while complaining, as if it hurt a little, and shook his hand casually.

"Of course it is useful, it can help Wensi upgrade faster."

Kitsune Shichi tilted her head, and only after she responded did she realize that Ling Beile's knuckles were a little red.

Wait, she suddenly realized:

It was Ling Beile who beat up the big pink bear just now? No! He couldn't even push the cabinet!

For a moment, Kitsune Shichi's three views were shattered, her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but look at Ling Beile again - with his skinny figure, his whole body swaying in his clothes, he could actually beat down such a big bear?... Is it true? You can't judge a person by his appearance?

"Using Vance Aurora to suppress others……"Ling Beile said,"You two really love each other."

Then, he put on the rings, one after another, and put on nine rings in a row. Only when he had put on all of them did he glance at the human-shaped white flame beside him.

Experimenting in the Liuying Desert - after all, this was just a few decades ago. Although he was nominally expelled from Blue Star, as long as he did not use his real name and occasionally returned to Blue Star for a few years, no one would care.

"Long time no see, corpse. Don't chase me back, I know your rules, I didn't make a move just now."

The humanoid Bai Yan waved his hand, as if he was very happy.

However, Ling Beile didn't buy it.

Didn't make a move? It's so funny. If he had come a step later, the death of the bear would have been a small matter. If its skills had touched Kitsune Shichi... Haha, there would have been absolutely no corpse left.

Ling Beile wanted to roll his eyes, but in the end he just gave Kitsune Shichi a look. The corners of his mouth turned down, extremely unhappy.

Kitsune Shichi was puzzled. Did she provoke him?

At this moment, the space fluctuated again, and a beautiful woman appeared out of thin air, wearing a sleeveless tight vest, low-waisted wide-leg pants, and a waist as thin as a bee. Most importantly, she had a crying little pink bear in her elbow.

""Long time no see, Senior Corpse~"

The woman spoke in a coquettish tone, but her eyes were dull and listless. She rubbed the round ears of the pink bear in her hands, soothing it like a baby.

"Rourou is so cute, how can you hit her?"

Rourou? Fox Seven also stared at the pink bear. Although it looks like a cute plush toy now, she can't forget that the fangs of this bear are bigger than a car.

Thinking back to the member manual, Fox Seven finally recognized that this beauty should be the fourth position of the Holy Ruins Organization, Kong Feixue. There are seven beast pets, six of which are bears, and these six bears are from the same lineage, all of which are emperor-level beast pets with spatial attributes.

And the little pink bear in front of him, not to mention its pink fur - because its fur should be dyed - so it is the emperor-level beast pet [Big Sky Bear Emperor], a super-powered beast pet.

It's strange to say. Fox Seven fell into deep thought. Although the perfect body is bigger than this bear, she looks so good no matter how she looks at it, and doesn't think Perfect is scary at all.……

"That’s right! I work for you! How can you hit me?"

The bear also made a sound, which sounded like a female, but it was full of energy, not like it had just been beaten. At this moment, it acted like a spoiled child to its acquaintance, and it looked very cute.

"Black-hearted capitalist! Where is the full skin account you promised me? You still haven't given it to me!"

"Shut up! I asked you to guard the door, but who told you to let it out?"

"I am here to catch it, right?"

The little pink bear blew her nose, feeling aggrieved.

Blood was flying in the air, and she looked at the sky and the ground, but she never mentioned that she had neglected her duty.

……Actually, if we wake up the sleeping creatures in the beast control space, the Great Sun Snake Eye will never come out even if it reaches the emperor level.

But who said it was almost winter? Bears, even if they reach the emperor level, still like to hibernate.……

"Forget it, the old guy is out recently, you all should be quiet."

Ling Beile's expression did not change, his eyes turned, and glanced at the emperor-level evolution of the Great Sun Snake Eye - although it has evolved, it is still a pure elemental body, and its current appearance should be its original body.

The evolution of elemental bodies is at will. For a purely wild beast pet like the Great Sun Snake Eye, its original body should be a chaotic mass, but now it has a human form... and that appearance...

Ling Beile stared at the Great Sun Snake Eye, and looked at the face under the latter's light ball for a long time, and he had already made a judgment in his heart.

As if provoking, the white flame man became brighter!

"Hey, restrain your light!"

Karachi spoke angrily. Up to now, he had been enduring again and again - with so many emperors gathered, theoretically it was not his turn to speak, but...

Fox Seven was grateful when she heard that. She kept pulling Karachi to help block the sun and didn't look in that direction at all.

Because it would really blind her eyes, that white color, as long as she saw a little bit, her retina would be injured... Fortunately, Karachi kept throwing healing.

Suddenly, the big sun over there stopped moving, and the light became weaker, revealing a delicate outline.

But for Fox Seven - she peeked through Karachi's clothes - it was still a piece of white light, no different from the sun in the sky except that it did not emit heat.

"……Hmm? Is it the young master?……?"

It was only then that Kong Feixue finally noticed Kitsune Shichi and Karachi. Her expression changed, and she suddenly became interested. It was as if she was looking at some rare animal... Even the pink bear in her arms turned to look over.


The beautiful woman turned her head and yawned, then suddenly rubbed her eyes."Excuse me, young master, I haven't slept for half a year. I am blind and rude.……"

Kitsune Shichi instantly became the target of public criticism. This feeling of being stared at by a group of big men was too terrifying, much scarier than the spotlight.

By the way, why are the senior members of the Holy Ruins so weird?

In the notes of the little black cat, Kong Feixue was a super pervert who loved imprisonment, killing, and bloody torture. Now that they met face to face, he looked like... a 2D otaku?

"You are too polite. Well...if you don't need me, I will leave first? I won't disturb you guys from reminiscing about the past."

Kitsune Shichi smiled, but secretly pulled Karachi's sleeve from behind. It's not a good place to stay, run!

Karachi's brows finally dropped, and he nodded imperceptibly. The irritability in his heart was slightly relieved, but the next moment, the veins on his forehead jumped again, and his eyes narrowed grimly - they were [located]! It's a tracking skill!

At this time, Kitsune Shichi also realized that something was wrong. She looked up and saw that Karachi seemed to be about to explode. She quickly pinched his arms - smooth his fur! Straighten his fur immediately!

"If you want to go, go ahead. I'll take it to talk."

Ling Beile suddenly spoke, and the barrier expanded as he spoke, directly trapping the flame man over there, and even cutting off the invisible tracking skill.

In fact, he also discovered that the [Pure White Karachi] in front of him was very strange. It was not an elemental body, nor a dragon, and it didn't live long, less than a hundred years old, but its energy reaction was so strong... But the slime was almost the same.……

"Alas, why do so many strange and dangerous things always appear around you? This is for you.……"

Ling Beile chattered, rummaged in his pocket, found a glittering silver ring, and threw it casually.

"What is this? Life-saving equipment?"

Ling Beile actually became a human! He also evolved? Kitsune was very moved. He took the ring and looked at it back and forth. Suddenly, he felt that... his class teacher, at least at this moment, still had the temperament of a master.

"No, this is a recorder. If you die suddenly, I will avenge you. Don't be polite, go have fun!"

What?! What a vicious curse!

Kitsune Shichi threw the ring back instantly!


Ling Beile dodged and was almost hit in the face.

"No need! Karachi, let's go!"

The space transfer started, and Kitsune Shichi rolled her eyes.

Hehe, she will live as long as the sky, she will not die!

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