The moon was shining brightly, and Ling Beile came in a long black robe that looked like pajamas.

He came too quickly, and because he was in the school, he made a barrier without even putting down the phone in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Beile's face was full of smiles.

But his smile... didn't seem like he was here to uphold justice, but more like he was gloating over someone else's misfortune.

"Where is the bad stuff you are talking about?"


Kitsune Yashichi was also a little gloating - after all, she was not the unlucky one - and pulled open the perfect thing neatly, revealing the tightly wrapped little fox inside.

"Eh? Only intermediate level……"

Ling Beile sighed slowly

"It ate more than 50 pills of my medicine, and the cost alone is... Let me do the math. One pill uses six kinds of materials, an average of 80,000, plus the loss. With such a high-quality completion, it owes me at least 30 million!"

Fox Shiqi was very angry, and this is still the least!

On the other side, the white-haired fox was suffocated all the way. Just after being released to take a breath, before it could even breathe, it used all its strength to struggle with its limbs.

However, the struggle was ineffective, and it couldn't break free.

??? At this moment, it was about to spit out fragrance, struggling to raise its head, but found that the building and environment in front of it were very unfamiliar.

Why was it taken away?

Impossible! It was almost curfew time. How could the ancestors watch it being taken away by outsiders?

Maybe it was because it struggled too violently. A violent energy surged, and the white fox's body froze. It only felt instinctive fear. The colloid that surrounded it, as solid as cement, seemed to have turned into countless big mouths at this moment, squeezing it tightly.——


"Wait, perfect, this one can't be eaten, this one is only intermediate, and doesn't have much energy……"

Fox Seven realized something was wrong and pulled hard again.

‘It moves around……’Perfection

"Hold on a little longer, this guy must have money, I will buy you delicious food when I squeeze it dry."

Fox Seven comforted perfectly, she could totally understand - delicious food dancing against her face. If it were her, she couldn't help it either.

"Hey, you... Hey, didn't I give you pocket money? Why do you still need to go to Xu's house to steal foxes?"

Ling Beile was speechless and stared at the unlucky white-haired fox for two seconds. This fox was probably a human, but he didn't know which one of the Xu family it was. He had been away from Blue Star for too long and had never paid attention to the Xu family.


The white fox also noticed Ling Beile at this time. The latter was dressed in black and was very inconspicuous in the night. It almost missed him... But why did he look familiar?

The fox tried to identify the front for three seconds. After three seconds, the pupils suddenly contracted and the brain went blank.


Extremely self-centered, inhuman, eight stars... The beasts under its contract can perform tens of thousands of tortures known in the interstellar.

At this moment, the fox wanted to cry but had no tears. He turned his head and looked at Kitsune Shichi who was holding it. The girl had a white and tender face, clear eyes, and a bright smile full of vitality.……

——It didn't mean to do that! It just... I don't know what happened... I just wanted to take the pills one by one, and I couldn't control it at all...

It really wanted to argue, but unfortunately it couldn't speak.

"It actually used its skills to cheat for food and drink!"

Kushi Qi pinched the little fox's face, stretched out his hand to pry its mouth open, and looked at the gleaming teeth.

Ling Beile's reputation is useful - the fox was already confused, staring blankly at the air, losing focus.

"What should I do? My relationship with the Xu family is… actually okay? But if we really fight… it will definitely turn into a big fight.……"

Ling Beile touched his chin, thinking.

"A big melee?"

Koushi Qi was stunned. How did they get in touch? Just over 50 second-grade pills, how could they start a fight?……?

"Yes, a big melee!"

Ling Beile clapped his hands, he was familiar with this!

"Actually, it's nothing. A melee is not important. If I fight with Lao Xu, others will definitely join in. This is not important. What is important is that information is too developed now. Not to mention the tens of thousands of deaths, even if only a few dozen people die, it will cause Lingle Technology's stock price to plummet, and the company's products will be will get even less money."

At this point, Ling Beile thought for another two seconds.

He hasn't fought with anyone for a long time. The last time he did it was more than 500 years ago. The parties involved in the fight (eight stars) are still alive, but many people were affected by the battlefield.

Ling Beile fell into memories. He remembered clearly that after that battle, Lingle Technology was besieged by public opinion. It took nearly 300 years to slow down, and it killed n generations of ordinary people. It was not until that incident was included in the history textbooks that the stock price rose again.

So, although fighting is exciting, it is not cost-effective.

At last, Ling Beile looked at the nine suppressors on his fingers and shook his head.

"Old Xu is afraid of death, so he will definitely not fight with me in the secret realm, so we'd better not fight, unless you go and beg the old man, he can do whatever he wants! Everyone thinks he will jump hard before he dies.……"

"No, no, no, what are you thinking? Isn't it just a fox? Why do you need to fight, and we don't need the Holy Lord to fight, we want peaceful development and sustainable development."

Fox Seven hastily refused. Although Ling Beile's face was calm, she just felt a sense of hair standing on end.

How... did it escalate to this level?

"If we don't want to fight, then why did you call me over here?"

Ling Beile was also puzzled.

Hu Yaqi was also puzzled. She held up the fox and shook its two front paws at Ling Beile.

"……I asked you to come and give me justice? Didn't I say that? It ate a lot of my pills. Isn't it a member of the Xu family? It should be quite rich... a lot of pocket money.……"

Lingbei Music:"……"

White Fox:"……"

Just this? Just for pocket money?

In the middle of the night, he carried a man (fox) out of the island in a sack, and he screamed so miserably on the phone.——【I will never love again】——Just for the little pocket money of the fox? ? ?

For a moment, both the man and the fox were silent.

The night breeze blew gently, bringing a hint of coolness.

Silence was the only melody at this moment.

"Well, it's not just about money."

After a few seconds, Kitsune's shoulders slumped and he admitted it reluctantly.

"Actually, I also want to play with it, for example, sign an unequal treaty with it, let it transform and let me dress it up... After all, it seduced me, this behavior is very bad, and we belong to an evil organization, and it should be normal to ravage our opponents..."

"……Actually, this is not normal."

Alas. Ling Beile sighed, the young people nowadays are too terrible - even caressing has become"ravage". Has she really seen what ravage is?



Kitsune Shichi noticed something was wrong and turned the fox over, only to find that it had opened its mouth with its pink tongue sticking out."Ha...ha……"Panting non-stop, pupils dilated continuously, tears continuously flowing down.

Oh, yes! Aphrodisiac effect...

Wait! Don't dirty her perfect!!

So the next second, Kitsune Yashichi subconsciously took back the perfect, the soul bridge suddenly lit up, she approached the soul of Crush, and a cluster of white sacred flames rose on her fingers……

【Holy Light Purifying Flame], one of its functions: purification.

Kitsune Shichi reached out his hand without hesitation and stuffed the flame into the fox's mouth! Burn, burn, burn!

"Hey, hey, stop being horny, are you feeling better?"

She grabbed the fox's tongue and secretly played with it for a few times, while... pretending to be very concerned.


The fox kicked its legs softly, not only did it not bite, but its tongue also rolled around the girl's fingers, its tail swung back and forth, clinging tightly to her!

Even the cry sounded like it was acting coquettishly, as if it was shouting,"More, more!"……"

? ? ? Ling Beile was silent for another second.

Looking at the fox's irrational eyes, and the self-righteous look of Kitsune Shichi at the moment... Ling Beile, he felt deeply ashamed of his naivety just now.

How should I put it, the young are formidable, he really should trust the old man's selection level

"Well, since this is what the young master wants, then... I can only obey."

Ling Beile said with a smile, and then he took off the two rings, raised his hand, and clenched his slender white fingers, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered in his palm.

The wind whistled, like the howling of ghosts.

Within a few seconds, the huge amount of spiritual energy turned into a dark and cold chain, one end of which circled around Kitsune's wrist twice, and the other end, with a"click", was tied around Kitsune's neck.

"What is this?"

Fox Shiqi glanced at her wrist and was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, the fox got in her arms. If she hadn't quickly put her hand out to block it, she would have been licked on the face.

The hot thing rubbed against her arms, and the cry was soft and delicate. Fox Shiqi was really eye-opening - the Internet said that males were particularly good at courting, and she finally saw it!

So, who is this fox?

It can't be Xu Yuran, and it can't be Xu Jinbai.

Fox Shiqi was deeply impressed by Xu Fei's two brothers.

Xu Yuran was the one she met in the pool at the beginning. He gave her the feeling of a fighting madman. How could he be so out of control because of a few aphrodisiac pills.

And Xu Jinbai, no one would believe that his willpower would be so weak, and he certainly wouldn't use charm on her.……

……But are there other young people in the Xu family?

"Ouch... You can't lick me! You... It's all your fault for eating too much!"

Kitsune Yashichi covered her face, speechless for a while. Fortunately, her strength has increased! Otherwise

, she really can't hold it down! She had no choice but to hold down the fox's limbs again, continue to feed the fox with fire, and focus on purification - however, this unfortunate fox was unconscious, and evil fire continued to be produced in its body. Red light flashed in its eyes. It was obvious that it had completely lost its mind and even wanted to use [Charm] on her.】!

"Calm down! Hey, hey! Fox, calm down!"

Fox Seven was in a panic, and hurried to purify himself - what is going on? Why is it getting more and more chaotic?

Under the night sky, Ling Beile's voice came coldly, but after listening carefully, it was with a hint of smile:

"This skill is [Imprison Soul and Bind Soul], which is a soul lock that cannot be violated. As a witness, this contract between the two of you will last until I die."



What contract? What until his death?

Kitsuneya Qi was stunned for two seconds, and was horrified!

"Wait? Don't do that! What contract?"

"That's what you said."

Ling Beile tilted his head and showed an extremely innocent smile on his ordinary face.

"When this guy is a human, all the money under his name will belong to you; when it is a fox, its body and soul are at your disposal."

Kitsune Yashichi: ???

She almost slipped and threw the fox out!

"Why do you have that expression? It has agreed to it anyway. However, since you are the complete beneficiary, your consent is not required."

"I don't want it! It's obviously forced! It's not voluntary, I just want my capital back!"

Hu Shiqi's face turned green - God, she must have been out of her mind just now, asking Ling Beile for help. This guy is a fun person, he doesn't want to help, he just wants to eat melons!

"It can't be solved. Give up, unless one of you kills me, which is a bit difficult."

Ling Beile didn't care, the whole person floated up, covered his mouth and yawned.

——Oh, it's boring. I guess Old Xu wouldn't come to him for such a junior.

"Oh, right~"

Ling Beile threw down a big box of gifts.

Under the moonlight, the pink gift box was dazzling, and the top was tied with a large white and elegant bow. This kind of aesthetics - no need to explain, it was obviously from Wensi Aurora.

"Wensi is missing you so much that I think it's going crazy. Remember to come to class on time tomorrow. This is its gift to you. Bye.~"

"No, don't say goodbye——Ling Beile, come back soon! I still have questions——Hey, hey, hey! Teacher! Teacher Ling——Qiuqiu, don't leave ah ah ah ah——!"

The barrier was broken, and the girl's miserable cry echoed in the silent campus, startling countless birds...

At the same moment, the alarm sounded throughout the campus:

"During illegal hours, please do not make loud noises—Guards assemble! Arrest! Arrest!"



Once again, Kitsune Yashichi was abandoned and had to hide in a perfect body to avoid the campus patrol robot.

Ten minutes later, she returned to the hotel with a fox that had been knocked unconscious, coldly and dully, holding the hospital's diagnosis certificate in her hand.

PS, the doctor refused to provide it with a sedative, and instead suggested finding a female fox in estrus to"solve the problem together.""


Kitsune Shichi gritted his teeth and gently placed the fox on the sofa, confirming that it was asleep - although it was so sensitive that it would twitch when touched, these were minor problems that could be solved when Karachi returned, and could be ignored for the time being.

"Lingbei Music……"

This person is simply...amazing!

Fox Shiqi frowned and poured herself a glass of water. What should she do now? When the fox wakes up, they will definitely make enemies.

The key is that she doesn’t even know who it is!

Call Xu Fei to ask? But Xu Fei should be training now and cannot reveal his identity.

Finally, Fox Shiqi chose to call Xu Jinbai.

Xu Jinbai, seconds deducted.

Two seconds later, it was still Xu Jinbai who called with a video invitation.

Video...? ? ?

Fox Shiqi felt something was wrong, but he clicked it.

The next moment, a slender and fluffy red fox was squatting opposite the video, and its three tails were like clouds of fire, swaying in circles behind it.……

"Xu Jinbai?!"


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