Looking at the fiery red fox on the screen, Kitsune was silent for a long while... raised his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Suddenly, a gasping laugh came from the other side of the video.


Is your Xu family a den of foxes?

Fox Shiqi was speechless. He picked up his phone, wiped the screen, and carefully identified"Xu Jinbai" - it was definitely a [Three-tailed Fire Moon Fox]!

Look at its fluffy face, so handsome! Its body is slender and agile, with smooth and powerful lines, and its fur is soft and shiny, without a single dirty hair. You don't need to smell it to know that it is fragrant... It takes into account both beauty and strength!

——Xu Jinbai is truly worthy of being the legendary super genius, he has raised himself very well!

——Xu Fei, you need to evolve!

Fortunately, regardless of whether it is a human turning into a fox, or a fox turning into a human, Fox Seven is well-informed. Even if Xu Jinbai reveals his cute appearance (?), she is only slightly crazy. After thinking twice, the focus is still off.……

"You have black hair, so you should be a black fox, right?"

Then the next second, the fire fox in the video, Xu Bai... opened his mouth and spoke in human language:

"The fur color of the beast form has nothing to do with the human form. Although I am a mixed-blood, my form will also change as I level up."

"You can actually speak!"

"Well... I can say a little."

The fiery red fox's eyes moved slightly, as if he was guilty.

Fox Seven was shocked. Xu Jinbai could speak, so the"Ao" he just said must have been intentional.

He was deliberately acting cute...

Xu Jinbai, you are such a fox?!

With such a strong purpose and deep scheming, although it is said that those who achieve great things do not care about trivial matters, the speed at which the Xu family sells out their appearance (...) is a bit too fast?

Although he complained in his heart, someone couldn't help but look at the pair of triangular ears on the top of the fox's head... that kept shaking. Big, fluffy, red outside and gold inside, with thin skin and flesh that is almost translucent, it seems very good The look of rua...

In an instant, Kitsune Shichi felt that the other half of the Flame Pill in her space ring was about to leave her.

How abominable! Why did a good human become a fox! What's more hateful is that ordinary pet centers only sell primary pets, but even for primary pets, unless they are gentle and submissive by nature (such as rabbits), they will not let people touch them casually! What's more

, the three-tailed fire moon fox is a high-level pet with a very high self-esteem. According to what is said on the Internet, even if they don't meet the object of their choice during the courtship period, they will never ask their owners to touch them, especially the ears, which are the big thunder point that they are forbidden to touch.

"Oh, by the way, I actually have something to talk to you about."

After looking at the red fox that Xu Jinbai had turned into for a long time, Hu Shiqi finally remembered the purpose of her call. The main reason was that she was too shocked. Even though she had been prepared in her heart, she was still shocked.

To be honest, it was completely different for someone you knew to turn into a fox and for a stranger to turn into a fox.

"Who is this? Do you know me? I found it in the fountain near your house.……"

As he spoke, Kitsune turned the camera of his phone and pointed it at the sofa in the hotel.

On the elegant gray cushion, a white fox was lying, with its limbs curled up, one of its two snow-white tails pressed under its body and the other firmly covering its face. Its body twitched from time to time, proving that it was still alive.


When Xu Jinbai saw this scene, he was caught off guard. His slender fox eyes suddenly widened and he let out a strange roar from his throat.

"Picked it up?"

Xu Jinbai seemed to be grabbed by the neck. He leaned forward like a fox, wishing he could wipe the screen with his claws. For a moment, he was incoherent:

"That’s my uncle… But how could he… How did you take him… No, how could he… How did you take him out?!"


As someone who has no concept of relatives at all, Kitsune Yachi thought slowly for two seconds.

That should be… his father’s younger brother?


Her pupils suddenly shrank and she said in panic:

"What? This is an elder? Why does it only have two tails, and you have three tails!"

Fuck, she originally thought it was a little fox, how did it become an old fox?

The generation has increased in an instant!?

Fox Shiqi immediately turned the phone around and stared at Xu Jinbai on the other side of the video, the latter's mouth twitching slightly.

Human aesthetics is really terrible, as long as it is furry, you can't tell whether it is old or ugly, all are cute!

But if it turns into a human, it will not be cute!

At this moment, Fox Shiqi beat her chest and stamped her feet in her mind, regretting it - why did she have to get close to the fountain? Why did she have to be naughty? When will she change her bad habit of wanting to feed wild cats when she walked to the street in the middle of the night?


Xu Jinbai had a strange expression on his face. Fortunately, he was a fox at the moment. Even if his defense was broken for a moment, ordinary people would not be able to tell

"In fact, upgrading has nothing to do with age."

Xu Jinbai explained, trying to be as tactful as possible.

In the eyes of Hu Shiqi, the big red fox looked around, and his ears trembled and fell behind his head... and turned into airplane ears.

"……"Ahem, that's amazing."

Fox Seven pretended to cough, and thought to himself:

Could it be that Xu Jinbai has a gold panel? It takes two years to upgrade to a higher level, and... Looking at this situation, they can only turn into foxes at night, and the training time is half of that of normal foxes. Of course, he may enter the secret realm to practice.

"So your uncle's qualifications are not very good, and he is not valued at home, right? Don't worry, he is unconscious now and can't hear what we are saying."

Hu Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder it was not written in the member manual. It turned out that this person's qualifications were not good, so he did not join any organization...

Xu Jinbai couldn't bear it anymore at this moment. He covered the fox's face with a claw and couldn't bear to look directly at it.——

"Who said he has poor qualifications? He is the only alchemist in the Xu family. He is very delicate and is the thorn in the old ancestor's heart! And his temper is a bit... well... not so polite. You should call your teacher and send him back quickly. You must have knocked him out. I'm afraid someone will look for you in the middle of the night.……"


Fox Seven only heard this one key point. Her eyes lit up and she looked at the fox on the sofa with burning eyes.

It turned out to be an alchemist! Alchemists of the Tagor lineage must be neutral. No wonder it was not in the notes, because it could not join the organization!

The next moment, as an extremely pragmatic young man, Fox Seven walked to the sofa lightly, carefully picked up the sleeping (unconscious) white fox, and sent it to the noble master bedroom. The whole process was full of tenderness. Not only did she cover it with a quilt, she also turned on the air conditioner for it...

Half a minute later, Fox Seven closed the door of the master bedroom, returned to the phone, clasped his hands together, and said to Xu Jinbai:

"What level of elixir can your uncle make? What star beastmaster is he in human form? What level of talent is he at? What are his beast pets? I'm grateful for your help. Can you introduce them to me?"

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