Xu Yinli,♂,SS+, 26 years old, three-star beastmaster.

Before Xu Jinbai was born, he was the most popular child of the Xu family, and was loved by his ancestors.

Even after Xu Jinbai was born, because he was a precious alchemist, he was still loved by everyone. Except for the ancestors, no one in the Xu family could let him look at him.

And the three beasts he contracted... are: (Advanced) Flame Baby, (Advanced) Flame Baby, and (Intermediate) Flame Baby

"Did he really contract three flame babies?"

Fox Shiqi couldn't believe it, staring at the fiery red fox face on the screen, and suspected that Xu Jinbai was lying to her.

Isn't the Xu family a wealthy family? How could they allow the SS+ proud son of heaven to contract three flame babies?

Flame baby. As the name suggests, this is a fire spirit beast pet, born in various fire energy vortexes, and the birth law has been mastered by humans.

Its skills are particularly single, only fireballs, rockets, fire knives, fire rain... and so on.

In short, the flame baby generally uses flames to attack, but its aiming is very low, and its combat power... cannot be said to be completely absent, but only slightly. As for personality - the flame baby is innocent, gentle and docile, and does not fight with the world. It is absolutely impossible to expect them to fight. Even if it is finally promoted to the emperor level, it is still a [baby].

In this respect, the flame baby is very similar to the slime, but it is more selfless than the slime. The latter at least has the desire to eat, while the flame baby does not need to eat. It can survive as long as there is a fire element nearby.

PS.This creature will not get angry. Even if there is no fire element around, it will not be irritable or depressed. It will just happily accept its fate - waiting to starve to death.

Conclusion: Normal people will never keep three

"Really, Uncle Li is an alchemist, and he has very high requirements for the fire attribute skills of his pets. He knows what kind of fire can make medicine of what attribute. So his first flame baby was Fire Wood Wind, the second was Fire Wood Light, and the third one is evolving towards Fire Wood Dark.……"

Xu Jinbai was very patient. Anyway, this was not a secret. Many people in the family knew about it.

"Then he must be able to refine very advanced pills?"

Hu Shiqi only cares about this. God knows how many furnaces of pills she has made while studying the textbook alone. That's all real money!

Under normal circumstances, it takes 20 minutes to make a furnace of the second-grade Yanxuan Pill, and three pills can be made in an hour.

But it costs 80,000 to make a furnace, and the moment it explodes is usually not the last moment!

At the beginning, Hu Shiqi could fry more than 20 furnaces in an hour to extract the essence of medicinal materials - this is simple, once the essence is fused——""Boom!"

Fortunately, Wanmei likes those explosives very much. Whenever Fox Seven refines medicine, it will focus on its body and start swallowing at the moment of the explosion, swallowing everything in one gulp. There will be no waste at all.

"He can refine third-grade elixirs."

Xu Jinbai replied. This is not a secret.


Hu Shiqi was a little discouraged. It was only a third-grade pill.

Well, as long as it was available, it was better than nothing. She could only refine second-grade pills, and only knew two types. She was not qualified to judge others...

Hu Shiqi glanced at the closed door of the master bedroom. His name was Xu Yinli, right?

SS+Why is Samsung only 26 years old?……?

"What is his spiritual power level?"

Hu Shiqi was a little curious.

This time, Xu Jinbai was silent for two seconds.

"He once suffered mental damage, but the specific reason is not convenient to reveal, and I don't know it either."

Fox Seven was also slightly stunned, but Xu Jinbai was a fox at the moment, and the video was blurry, so even if she was good at observing his words and expressions, she couldn't tell his true emotions.

"That's quite a coincidence. I've also suffered mental damage before.……"

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi suddenly remembered that in the first few days after she traveled through time, an animal that looked like a fox always appeared in her dreams. The soft and white animal always accompanied"her" in the dream, which was very warm.

She was an Earthling, and her memories before the travel through time were complete from childhood to adulthood, and all the details were vivid. So the content of this dream should be left by the original owner.

……?! It can’t be such a coincidence, right?

The world is so big, it shouldn’t be like this?

Kitsune Shichi’s hair suddenly stood on end, and his brain was working fast at this moment - the beastmaster and the beast pet were forced to separate, and both sides would suffer mental damage; the original body’s mental power was damaged ten years ago; the animal in the dream was white and fluffy, like a fox and a sheep, and Xu Fei, as a little fox ball, happened to be a wool curler...

Wait! There’s more!

In a flash, Kitsune Shichi was startled again. She suddenly remembered that Karachi seemed to have said... Ten years ago, the experiment of breaking the contract between humans and animals was half successful?

But Karachi said that it was the human side that failed after the contract was broken... This didn’t make sense.

Maybe she was overthinking it, it couldn’t be such a coincidence.

Kitsune Shichi calmed down, anyway, that was the story of the original owner. Every wrong has its perpetrator, every debt has its creditor, it’s none of her business

""What are you thinking about?"

Xu Jinbai suddenly asked.

But after asking this, he felt strange, so he shook his tail behind him and changed the subject:

"Please send Uncle Li back quickly. If necessary, I can pick you up. Anyway, I have already shown it to you."

"Sorry, I won't send him back for the time being, because I still have something to ask him."

Kushiya Qi replied with a smile, then waved his hand. After a few seconds, he said"bye~" and hung up the phone.

That's right, she was not afraid of the old ancestor of the Xu family at all.

There was no other reason, just because... just now she suddenly remembered the actions of Ling Beile taking off the ring and putting it on again. At that time, he was really careful.

Even Ling Beile was so cautious - it was so funny, money and other things were just excuses, as long as he was strong enough, he could rob anything he wanted - if he really wanted it, but he really had no money, would he just give it up? Is he such a good person?

What can he be afraid of? He is only afraid of the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord is a man who has no scruples and is about to die. He can be so feared by others, so he must not have been a good person in the past. If his heir had an accident, he would definitely not be heartbroken, but... he could just use this excuse to stretch his muscles.

——You killed my heir, why can't I fight back? That's the heir, not some random person. It's normal for me to ask your whole family to pay with their lives.

And the Xu family has so many mixed-blood descendants. No matter what the reason is, the ancestor of the Xu family must have his purpose.

The ancestor of the Xu family does not want to provoke the Holy Lord, because he absolutely does not want to destroy his family business.

Therefore, Kitsune Shichi has basically figured it all out - the more powerful she encounters, such as six-star, seven-star, and eight-star beastmasters, the stronger the opponent, the safer she will be, because they dare not do anything to her.

In other words, she should pay more attention to those low-star beastmasters - because this group of people knows nothing, and the nine-star beastmasters are just mythical creatures to them, not as scary as Yuekala sounds.


The air conditioner in the room was humming, and the sound of doors opening and closing could be heard from the next door. After all, it was a hotel, and the sound insulation was not very good.

Kitsune felt a little hot, so he picked up the remote control and turned down the temperature a little.

"Oh, by the way, the gift from Vance Aurora, let me see what it gave……"

The pink gift box was opened, and inside was a 20-centimeter exquisite doll with dark blue eyes and long black hair that fell from shoulders to waist like a waterfall.

This beautiful little person was wearing exquisite clothes, with a wide robe and a collar higher than Adam's apple. So Kitsune's curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the doll's clothes layer by layer...

Ah! Shocked! The parts were so complete!

"How did Wensi know I wanted to play bjd?……?"

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