Friendly reminder:

This chapter is a little strange, please don't play it publicly, thank you.


BJD (Ball-Jointed Doll) refers to a ball-jointed doll. The joints of this doll are spherical, and the body is connected by rubber bands and S-shaped iron hooks. It can pose in many postures. The eyeballs, hairstyles, and makeup can all be changed.

Kitsune Shichi has seen his classmates play with it before. This is a very expensive hobby because the clothes of the dolls are very expensive. Most of them are handmade and customized. You have to wait in line for the production period. Some particularly popular accessories may even take two or three years to wait.

"……This shouldn't be Ling Beile, right?"

Fox Seven turned the doll around for a few seconds, but he didn't come to a conclusion. He just thought it was too beautiful to be real. He didn't know what the black hair was made of, but it was cool and soft, smoother than silk. Was this doll made by Wensi Aurora himself?

Fox Seven fiddled with his new toy for a while, and summoned Perfect, who also had the same idea. As soon as he came out of the teleportation here, he transformed from a small silver ball into a silver mermaid, slightly smaller than the doll.

This doll is about 70 cm, while Perfect with its long tail is only 80 cm, and looks particularly thin. Kitsuneya Nana also got interested, and compared it to the new toy, pinching and pulling Perfect, trying to shape it into the size of a doll.

Perfect also cooperated very well, and as the master pinched and pinched it, it kept changing the direction of the muscle lines, capturing the changes in the master's emotions. In the end, every muscle of it was carefully carved, with broad shoulders, tight waist, and strong fish tail turned into the slender legs of a human.

The beautiful body proportions would be very oppressive in reality, but now it is shrunk proportionally, as if it came out of a comic book, making people love it.……

"This is great. You should be this size in the future. I will take you to get beautiful clothes customized.……"

Kitsune Shichi felt very accomplished. She grabbed Perfect's legs and let Perfect sit on her arms. They rubbed their faces against each other, and happiness piled up layer by layer, constantly exchanging in the depths of their souls.

"This world is so wonderful! Slime is so cute, perfection is so cute, I will always love you……"

Kitsune Yashichi was so moved that she cried.

Yes, although she was handicapped and would never be able to make beautiful handicrafts in her life, her perfect one was a genius! She could definitely sculpt herself!

‘……I will always love the master……’

For a moment, the sky was full of pink bubbles.


As we all know, slimes have no eyes, and they rely on their mental power [perception] to observe the outside world. In their perception, the reference for their transformation is the little doll...

After a perfect comparison between themselves and the doll, they keenly discovered that they were missing something, so the next second, their waists below suddenly bulged, and something came out.……

"What... why two?!

Instantly, Kitsune's eyes widened, but her pupils shrank into a point. As the incident happened suddenly, she was completely unprepared. She glanced down and was met with……

——Double critical hit!!!

So why two?!

Did he eat too many snakes and mutate?!

In an instant, Kitsune Shichi stretched his arms half a meter away and shook his head like a rattle, as if he could save his moral integrity by closing his eyes.……

"No, no, no... Perfect, that's not necessary! You have no gender, no need... uh... change back quickly!"

But as soon as she closed her eyes, Kitsune felt even weirder, because the legs of a certain slime suddenly turned into a long tail at this moment, coiling along her arm, cold and slippery.……

‘……You don't like……?’

The perfect tone was very confused.

How did it feel? The owner liked it very much?


Ah, I forgot. Just now, the soul was too close to me. There was no secret... Is this the pain of SSS...?

So how should I answer this? There is no way to answer this! It was so embarrassing. Kitsune Yashi stood still, regretting her curiosity. Fortunately, she was strong after the upgrade, so she could easily hold her arms high for a long time.


At this time, the sound of a fox came from the master bedroom, and the sound became soft and changed, as if it was in extreme pain.

——Great! Fox, thank you for being here!

Fox Seven breathed a sigh of relief, finally ending this inexplicable embarrassment, and quickly put Perfect on the table, and summoned Crush again, rushing to the master bedroom to see Fox.

Crush was having fun in the beast control space, jumping around and counting the stone pillars, when he was suddenly summoned out, the scenery suddenly changed, and he was a little uncomfortable


Crusoe cried out in confusion, then quickly jumped into Kitsune's hand, eight tentacles popped out, stretched out in an instant, and entangled Kitsune's fingers.


What happened, why was it abandoned???

Master... Master, you have another pet!!!

Poor Perfect, it only discovered this fatal fact at this moment - it is no longer Kitsune's only pet!

"With a"click", Wanmei fell on the coffee table in a daze, and turned into a pool of slime cake...

However, Kitsune Yashichi could not care about Wanmei at this moment. She rushed into the room. She had just closed the door and didn't notice it. When the door opened, a strange smell filled the room. The furry fox also rolled to the innermost part of the quilt and was twitching non-stop.


Kitsune Yashichi was simply... Okay, anyway, the other party is now a fox, an animal, and she has watched kittens do that before, so she made up her mind and lifted the quilt!

"Susu, burn it!"


Crusoe spit out a line of fire happily, and the blazing flame was like a murderous evil spirit, accurately hitting the fox's lower body. The scene was simply brutal!


The fox cried even more miserably, and instantly curled up into a ball, shaking all over as if it was in vibration mode, with its eyes rolled back!

"Ouch, it's over...Susu, your flame seems to cause people to have hallucinations of happiness……"

Although it was purified, it seemed to be useless...

The strange smell in the room became stronger, and Kitsune Shichi suddenly felt unwell. She didn't take a closer look, but she knew that this time... she might have to pay n times the cleaning fee.

Because the white fox took too many medicines, dark energy accumulated, and now the side effects are concentrated...

No wonder Xu Fei was so angry at that time, maybe he was also... like this?

There was no way, Kitsune Shichi could only call Karachi - at this point, he could only ask for help from the almighty king-level healing system!

"Hey! Karachi! Come back soon! Come back to the hotel soon! I have a fox in heat here, and it owes me a lot of money!"

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