The moonlight was pale, and the night was like a curtain hanging low, tightly touching the lead-gray mountains.

Deep in the Qianming Mountains, the mountain was still collapsing, like the groaning of the earth, making a continuous"rumbling" sound.

The high-altitude network was poor, and Fox Seven refreshed for a long time before refreshing the new entry #Sudden earthquake on the north side of the Qianming Mountains#.

However, this entry did not become a hot search, and almost no one discussed it. People's attention was still on the four powerful words #夜御三徐#. The perfect evolution bar has progressed to 121%.

Anyway, it was idle, so Fox Seven simply turned out the masterpiece of Wensi Aurora, and was shocked at the beginning.

He drove right up, Wensi Aurora, you are such a Wensi Aurora... Are you really an elemental body? It turns out that your perception of your master is a decadent and lazy genius boy——

No, no, no, Ling Beile is more than 3,000 years old, and he can't be considered a teenager in any race!

Also, why does the sentence [Long Shiqi's evil smile] appear so frequently? ? ?

……Does she usually like to show off?

Kitsune Shichi turned on the selfie mode on her phone, squinted her eyes slightly at the camera, and raised one corner of her mouth slightly - yes, this is the [evil smile].

Then the model soul awakened.

Kitsune Shichi raised the left corner of her mouth and only blinked her right eye - the wind was strong at high altitude, and the wind pressured her expression, making the smile look a little hideous... So someone gradually let go of himself, took off his hairband, and his long black hair fluttered behind his back.

Don't say it, the effect of this photo really looks like the devil appearing in the world

"Can I use my phone at high altitude?"

A clear voice sounded, and Karachi was back.

He was very depressed when he left, but now that he was back, his mood had obviously improved, and a smile was on his face.

"I'm bored and reading novels."

Kitsune Shichi answered, turned off the selfie mode, stared at Karachi for a few seconds, and found that there was no blood on his clothes, clean and flawless.

So she thought about it and asked:

"Where did you go just now?"

"Don't worry, no one will find out."

Karachi avoided the main point. Of course, he did not forget his identity as a healer and cleaned up the scene very well.

"……So you really went to fight?"

"No, I just went down to take a look."

Karachi glanced at me, his expression barely fluctuating, just as he insisted that he only drank dew.

"Why is your hair loose? Let me help you comb it."

After another half a second, Karachi changed the subject.

Kitsune Yaqi listened to Karachi's words and felt something was not right. Could this guy really get into someone else's body?

But... she thought again, for plant-type pets... parasitism and strangulation are common skills. Even if Karachi gets into the enemy's body, it is not surprising.

That's right, not surprising at all. It is normal to want to fight, and plants also need exercise.

That's right, Karachi is gentle and virtuous, suitable for family life, can slice slices and soak herself, can fight and protect the family, a doctor has a parental heart, can treat illnesses and make money at the same time, and has a beautiful face...

That's it, what else can she pick?

Don't think too much, just spoil her!

So, Kitsune Yaqi forced herself to comfort herself, and was satisfied. She lost her memory on the spot and decided not to pursue someone's sadistic attribute explosion


PS.King-level pets are also divided into different levels.

Generally speaking, if the danger level exceeds a certain standard, they will be required to wear a restrictor, which must not be removed in public, and offensive skills cannot be used casually.

Once a violation of the rules is discovered, the Beastmaster Association, an organization that is usually invisible, will expel them from the country.

There is only one exception here, and that is the healing system.

Of course, the stronger the healing system, the better, and the more energy, the better. Any planet welcomes the healing system, and no planet has ever banned the use of skills by healing pets.

The transcendent status of the healing system pets can be seen from this.

(Karachi: Yes, it was me)


The earthquake is still going on, but Kitsune Shichi has gotten used to it and continues to wait with Karachi. The perfect evolution has reached 121.7%, but [Click to Evolve] still hasn't appeared.

Kitsune Shichi is used to it, hiding behind Karachi and reading novels, while Karachi is aimlessly [Guarding]. This scene is inexplicably familiar, and it feels like it happened not long ago.

The night is deep, and the heavy dark clouds are pushed and gathered by the sobbing wind. There is no starlight, no sun or moon, only the collapse of the forest, the upside-down mountains, and the blocked rivers. Everything is full of the breath of doomsday, as if the world is about to be destroyed.

On a hilltop, a man in black is leaning on a white and transparent water deer.

The ground cracked, boulders passed through, and broken branches rolled down. The man and the deer seemed to not exist in this world. Let the mountains collapse and the ground crack, they are motionless, just sitting there quietly.

Waiting, the transparent water deer was the first to be unable to sit still, raised his slender neck, and looked around:

"Master, the earthquake has been going on for a long time. How long will it take for that [famous scene] you mentioned to happen?"

"I don't know, let's wait a little longer."

The man answered. Although his tone was calm, he was filled with a majesty that did not allow others to speak, as if even the wind passing by had to be humble to him.


But we have been waiting for a week.

"Didn't you say you were coming?" the man asked

"……But what I want to see is a [beautiful scene], but now the mountains are collapsing and the earth is cracking, and all the people are suffering. How can it be beautiful?"

The water deer cried, every second here is torture, and it is almost at the limit of its endurance.

At this time, a faint singing sounded from deep in the mountain.

The man listened attentively and a smile appeared on his lips.

He looked up at the sky. In the deep night, there were two small dots floating in the sky.

"It’s about to start, don’t worry."

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