After a long wait, the golden screen in front of Kitsune finally lit up with the words"Click to Evolve"

【[Evolution Degree]: 201%

Kitsune Shichi looked at his phone. It was only 20:36 at this moment. It was getting dark very early in Huangyou Province. It entered winter earlier than Qilin Province. Because it was about to enter the breeding season of the Snow Demon Bull, artificial snow would be made in the next few days.

"Is there no one around here?"

Kitsune looked around and started to [perceive].

Although she didn't find anything, she felt uneasy in her heart, as if someone was watching her.

"No one was found. All the living ones were sent down to the slimes by me, and the dead ones were also thrown down by me."Karachi crossed his arms, and was quite satisfied with the result."Every bit of money saved is a bit of money. With the way it eats, even the richest man in the galaxy can't afford to support it."

Fox Yaqi laughed and lowered his eyes to look at the forest below.

It stands to reason... she made such a big noise, there should be some people coming to see it, right? For example, the Earth Guardians, the senior leaders of the Beast Tamers Association, etc....

This is a man-made earthquake. Even if the eight-star boss doesn't want to care, will the six-star and seven-star bosses not care? Even if they don't do anything, they should come and give her a lecture... Are they just going to let her do whatever she wants here?

Or, as the heir of the Holy Ruins, earthquakes and shaking of the mountains are the norm, and as long as she doesn't rush into the city to blow up buildings, everyone will assume that she is a good person?

Fox Yaqi felt uneasy, always feeling that this scene was unreasonable, but she couldn't think of a reason, so she could only give up.

‘Perfect, stop for a moment, you can't absorb any more, how much of this vein is left? Save it for later upgrade. '

Kitsune Shichi closed his eyes and called out

‘There are still a lot left. 'Perfect stopped and expanded his senses to detect. 'There is still a quarter left.……’

After the words fell, it began to feel uncomfortable.

It was only a few seconds before Wanmei suddenly reacted and said happily:"Can I evolve?"

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi seemed to see a slime puppy wagging its tail crazily.

‘If the surroundings are safe, you can evolve nearby. Dark energy is also abundant, so there will be no problems. '

Koushi Qi replied. When a high-level beast pet advances to the general level, the light effect is quite exaggerated. It will be even more exaggerated when it is placed on a perfect beast. It can evolve only after swallowing half of the ore vein in one breath. Its life level has surpassed common sense. It is not like a"creature", but more like a"phenomenon"."——For example, black holes and the like.

However, buying out a mineral vein in one go is a good thing that will only happen once.

Fox Seven clicked the button on the screen and sighed silently in his heart.

The characteristic of the Mingjing mineral vein is that it is difficult to mine. Most of the miners are low-level beast pets. They can't stand the pressure of the night-crying spiders, not to mention that there are several king-level poisonous weaving spiders around the mineral vein. They are ferocious and bloodthirsty and cannot be negotiated. It

's just mining. In such a harsh environment, you can't always send an emperor-level beast pet to sit in charge. Add to that various transportation costs, labor costs, and interest on capital paid in advance... and extend the mining time to 50 or 60 years (mining beasts are not slaves, they just come to work, of course they have beast rights, and dangerous work is based on one day of work and one day of rest). In this way, after calculating the cost, the Bai family lost at least 30 billion.

Mining is equal to losing money. The more you dig, the more you lose. Of course, this kind of business can't continue.

So, they decisively sold the mineral vein.

Under normal circumstances, a mineral vein is a family's century-old foundation. This is because dark mineral veins are not suitable for human absorption. If you encounter mineral veins with mild properties, such as light and water... humans living near the mineral veins can also increase their cultivation speed (provided that they can tolerate the dirty, messy and noisy environment).

Money is something illusory, and it is essentially a string of numbers in the system. For these big families, of course, it is more reassuring to hold real resources.

As the underground swallowing stopped, the vibrations on the ground gradually stopped. After dozens of minutes, the Qianming Mountains, which had been restless for several hours, gradually quieted down, and the gray-white gauze mist covering the surface gradually dissipated under the blowing of the strong wind.

"What the hell?……"

Above the sky, Kitsune Shichi had just finished reading"The Flirtatious Dragon King Cannot Be Deserved, Reborn Wife Should Be Self-reliant!" Although he kept complaining in his heart while reading, after seeing the ending, he still... gave it a five-star review against his conscience:

[Come on, author, it's so well written! I love you so much muahヽ(〃∀〃)ノ! ]

After all, he is a sponsor...

The six-mega red envelope is not even warm yet.

Then, just as she was about to close the novel, a colorful advertisement popped up.——

【She chased him and he couldn't fly away. What he got in return for a thousand years of waiting was her oblivion!"The Flowery Dragon King Can't Be Deserved, Reborn Wife Should Be Self-reliant!" The comic with the same name is being updated!

What the heck?!

Fox Seven was shocked. What kind of efficiency is this for Wensi Jiguang? In total, less than twelve hours have passed. Not only has it finished writing the novel and the trending search, it has also started drawing the comic with the same name?!

Is this the strength to take the company public?!

Even the comics are available, so how far can the animation be? Add to that the fan games, web games, TV series, movies... plus all kinds of offline activities...

Wensi Jiguang... you... you!!!

If it does this, let alone a hundred days, even if it's 100 years, there will be people who will remember these things today...

Fox Seven's fingers trembled as he clicked on the comic pop-up window

——Just bear with it, there are red envelopes, it really gives too much, perfection has been upgraded.

Sure enough, it is still the familiar style, this comic starts right at the beginning, and does not treat the audience as outsiders at all. The picture cuts in from the bathtub, the chest muscles on the screen are full of life... There are so many barrages that a double image effect is overlapped, 999+ [I'm coming] [Old drivers gather] [prprprprpr] continue to float by, like waves, one wave after another...

And Fox Seven, couldn't help but continue to click down - who can resist this! It's impossible not to continue to read! Besides, this Long Shiqi has nothing to do with her Fox Seven. She has long hair now, Long Shiqi has short hair, Wen Lele looks like a fairy, but Ling Beile has an ordinary face...

It's different, not the same at all!

With her back to Karachi, Kitsune Shichi secretly glanced at him. Seeing that Karachi wasn't paying attention, she showed a mysterious smile on her face. She simply lowered the brightness of her phone screen and started to watch secretly. The more she watched, the angrier she became -

Wensi Jiguang, how abominable!

It took three chapters to draw such a car scene at the beginning. The hero and heroine were still pulling each other and talking nonsense by the bathtub. It was purely cheating the click rate!

Fortunately, in the fourth chapter, there was a sudden turn of events.

Seeing that the hero and heroine were about to kiss, Kitsune Shichi smiled and was about to appreciate it carefully, but unexpectedly, her phone was suddenly pulled away by someone and taken away by Karachi——

"What are you looking at? Why are you laughing so weirdly?"

"Ahhh! Give it back to me——!!!!"

Kitsune Shichi screamed, jumped up, and rushed out at his fastest speed like a cannonball, snatching the phone back with such force that he almost crushed it.

Let it break!!!

It's better to destroy the reading records as well!!!

"??? Why are you reacting so strongly? Who were you contacting just now? Which wild fox named Xu is this?!"

"No...really not, really not!"

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