[Dead Souls Elegy]: Send out a beautiful song full of negative emotions, which makes the enemy unable to control themselves, feel melancholy and despair, and stimulate their painful memories. There is a chance that the enemy will willingly embrace death.

Hot comments from netizens: Don't sing, please, please, please……

【Nightmare Arrives: The target enters a dream of reincarnation, and becomes obsessed and unable to extricate himself.

Hot comments from netizens: I am lucky to have experienced this.〒_〒The cycle of college entrance examinations has made people tired of taking them……

【[Death Curse]: Issue a curse to bind the target, making it unable to move freely.

Hot comments from netizens: I thought I was frightened by a ghost and couldn't move, but I was actually cursed? ? ?

【[Breath of Despair]: Releases dark energy with a breath of despair, corroding the enemy's will and turning them into zombies.

Hot comments from netizens: Range skill, purifying to vomiting



The vast energy glow gradually dissipated.

Above the clouds, the beautiful creature that looked like something out of this world raised its head, and the space around it shook violently. An invisible spiritual energy wave spread out, like rippling water, circling around to detect the surroundings...

Searching, searching... In the end, it only found an unimportant Karachi. Where did the owner go?

‘Master? Master? Master? '

What's going on? The soul didn't respond...

Wanwan was stunned. The pride and joy he had just felt for the successful upgrade suddenly vanished. The shape of his tail that he had worked so hard to create also slowly drooped down.……


Not far away, Kitsune Shichi was still in shock and took a picture of Perfect with his mobile phone, but he didn't notice that the ancient black ring on his thumb was faintly flashing with a black light, and a few ancient lines appeared on the smooth ring surface.……

"Perfect's new form looks familiar to me. I think I've seen it somewhere before.……"

Kitsune Shichi muttered to herself, searching for Perfect's new form in the pet encyclopedia.

Fishtail Crane Wings, it really looks familiar, as if she's seen it somewhere, and often... She doesn't know if it's because she's been sleeping too little lately and her brain is numb, so she can't remember it for a moment. Soon, the search results came out.

Kitsune Shichi's eyes widened,"Ryuin Kirin?!"

No wonder she felt familiar, the Ryuin Kirin is a mythical beast from Kirin Province, and its image is printed on the flag and the provincial emblem... It looks very similar to Perfect. The difference is that the Ryuin Kirin has a horse head and its upper body is more like a dog, while Perfect's upper body is human...

Even the skills are similar. Kitsune Shichi quickly flipped through the"online-circulated" Ryuin Kirin skill table:

【[Harmony of Love]: The Qilin feels the same as all creatures, and its voice becomes a warm force, transforming pain and fatigue into hope and strength. It calms the listeners, and dying creatures are reborn, withered plants are rejuvenated, and sewage and polluted air are purified.

【Healing Dream]: The unicorn sings happily, and the melodious voice penetrates time and space, enters the dreams of all things, and brings good omens and guidance

【[Auspicious Breath]: The Qilin exhales colorful auspicious power to guide lost travelers to find their way and rekindle the light of hope in desperate hearts. (Rainbows, dead trees revived in spring, and flowers bloomed, etc.))

【Kirin Binding]: Kirin sings to calm disputes and unrest. Under its voice, even the most ferocious and vicious beasts will stop attacking and lose the ability to attack.!!!!

Kitsune Shichi made a comparison and was shocked.……

【Elegy for the Dead corresponds to Harmony of Love】,【Desperate Breath] corresponds to [Auspicious Breath】,【Nightmare is Coming] corresponds to Healing Dream】,【Death Curse Binding] corresponds to Kirin Binding】……

Exactly the same, really exactly the same!

The only difference is that the skill effect is reversed...

Kitsune looked up at the Perfect on the opposite side. Why is it still motionless? Why doesn't it fly back?


The soul could not call out to its master, and it circled perfectly in the sky before suddenly raising its head and letting out a moan. The sound was like weeping and complaining, with a desperate mixture and empty echoes, and the pitch gradually rose from low to high without any pause or breath, climbing straight up all the way!


""Hey, hey, hey? What happened to it?"

Kitsune Shichi was still confused, and Karachi next to him frowned and didn't understand the situation.

The two didn't understand what was going on, but after this piercing scream, deafening explosions rang out again, and terrifying wails cut through the sky.

The strong sound waves spread in all directions, surging and sweeping like waves.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be torn into countless pieces, the brilliance intertwined, the mountains quickly withered and yellowed, all vitality was deprived, and the ghosts were also controlled by the desperate tone, rising rapidly like a pilgrimage, exploding in the air, sacrificing their own energy like fireworks.

The explosion of the ghosts lit up the night sky!

"What happened to the slime? Is it crazy?"

Karachi unfolded the energy field to protect Kitsune Nana inside, frowning and retreating.

On the other side of Perfect, the explosion continued, and even the clouds above were torn apart by its continuous sound waves, forming a huge hole. The light effect was magnificent, and coupled with those undead spirits that were blooming like fireworks, it looked like a truly stunning scene.

"Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Kitsune Yashichi was also a little hesitant, swallowing his saliva involuntarily, and said uncertainly.

This should be……【[Elegy for the Dead]?

Logically, this should be a debuff (negative status) with a slow effect and a slow and lasting effect, but now this... is not only wrong, it is very wrong!

"I think the enemy has no time to despair. If they are howled at close range, they will be killed directly without waiting for the skill to take effect.……"

His internal organs were shattered, and blood flowed from all his orifices.

Then he turned into a ghost, and then there was another round of soul explosion. He really died completely, completely reduced to ashes.

Imagining that scene, Kitsune's mouth twitched, and for a moment, she felt sympathetic:

"……If we let it out to participate in the high school league, we will definitely be driven out of Blue Star.……"

"You... it's already this time, you still want to participate in the high school league?"

Karachi was speechless, looking away from the distance.

Although it's not good to say this, there is no harm without comparison. He is more certain that he is a healing type.

Compared with this evil slime, he was really gentle and kind when he was at the general level. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is an angel.

"Of course I have to participate. The necessary procedures must be followed. I have nurtured the slime into a unicorn, so of course I have to show it to others!"

Kitsune Yashichi tried not to be proud, but she still rolled her eyes at Karachi,"Besides, the world is so big, I can't be the only one who is so perverted. There must be people on other planets who are more perverted than me."

No... Actually, everyone is quite normal. Karachi pursed his lips and wanted to refute but didn't. At least... someone is self-aware and has admitted that he is a pervert.

‘Perfect! How are you? Have you finished singing? After we finish singing, we will go home! '

So, Kitsune waited quietly for a few minutes, until the sound from Perfect stopped and the fireworks finally died down, and then he called out from the depths of his soul.


Perfectly still, frozen.

It silently shut its mouth and swallowed the [Breath of Despair] back into its throat.……

‘Where are you?’

‘In Karachi. '

Perfect turned his head and sent out another perception in confusion, almost covering half of the sky.

There was only Karachi, but no master.

Why did the master disappear from the spiritual world?

At this moment, Perfect suddenly felt that it would be more convenient to have a pair of eyes...

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