Time went back three minutes, and the sky continued to explode with a sad song. It was obviously just a single note, but because of its rising pitch, it seemed particularly mournful and sad.

This creature was shaped like a Qilin, with a slender fish tail, sharp scales that seemed to be made of crystal, and a huge and gorgeous tail fin that fluttered gracefully like the skirt of a goddess.

The pair of wings on the side were also pure white, and when they flapped gently, star-like light points continued to fall. It seemed holy and broken, but... this surging energy... might be stronger than some emperor-level beast pets.

On the top of the mountain, inside the barrier, the man in black looked up at the sky and commented with interest:

"It's like"Dead Souls Elegy", but it's not"Dead Souls Elegy"】……It would be better to call [The King of Hell Sends You Off], this creature is actually evolved from a slime... I really didn't believe it when I saw it back then, but I didn't expect it to be true."

As the man finished speaking, large groups of lonely ghosts appeared from the depths of the mountains.

Primary, intermediate, advanced... hundreds and thousands, colorful...

These undead souls completely lost their minds, and each of them burned their life energy, rushing towards the creature in the sky like a pilgrimage, like a moth to a flame.

From below, the scene was like a meteor flying from the ground to the sky, leaving a gorgeous tail in the darkness, and exploding into fireworks at the cost of their lives.

The deep night sky suddenly became colorful.

"The fireworks show lasted for three or four minutes before it slowly stopped as the creatures in the sky shut up.

Behind the man in black, the transparent water deer stared with its eyes wide open and covered its face tightly with its hooves. Although curious, it dared not look up again:

"……Master, you, you lied to me, this this this... the undead are all blown up! They are all dead without a burial place! Is this scene [beautiful]?"

——It is a lucky deer! What if it sees such terrible scenes too much and affects the purity of its soul, and makes mistakes in its later evolution?

"Isn't this beautiful?"

The man was calm and collected, looking up at the deep blue sky, and sighed:

"These ghosts were already in a daze, but now they are willing to die, fulfill their wishes, and become beautiful scenery... How wonderful."

A breeze blew, and the gorgeous colors produced by the evolution of the beast pets slowly faded.

In the center of the light, the magical creature that looked like a fish and a crane flicked its tail and flew towards the two small dots in the distance.

"……It is very beautiful.……"

The water deer said something sour. After all, they were both transparent and water-colored species, so it was hard for them not to compare.

Then, their self-confidence was shattered.

"After all, it is the legendary Qilin……"

The water deer tried hard to build up its self-confidence.

Wow, it is just an ordinary little deer... How can it be compared with the auspicious beast in the legend?……

"That's not a Qilin, that's a slime."

The man in black answered mercilessly.

Although he was very old, his memory had not yet declined.

"The slime in the trash can is blue and not special at all. I just saw it and its owner a few days ago, and the child asked me if I wanted it.……"

"You didn’t want it?" The water deer asked doubtfully.

The man in black smiled and said,"Of course I didn’t want it."

Upon hearing this, the water deer snorted in grievance—could it be that the master regretted it? But……

"Haven't you seen the future?"

"Yes, but I don't believe that the slime will become like this... It's really hard to believe. She is not the first person to raise a slime, and she will not be the last."The

"she" in the man's mouth is naturally Kitsune Shichi.

At this moment in the sky, someone who is the focus of discussion is playing with his own slime, kneading and stroking the latter fiercely, and finally transforming it into a harmless and inconspicuous water ball, and holding it on his head again.

The sun rose, and the sky gradually brightened. The girl in the sky, whose once shiny black hair and dark eyes were gradually stained with the dark blue of the slime.

Looking up from below, the girl seemed to be stepping on the sun, with an arrogant and brilliant smile, high-spirited and complacent.

The man in black also showed a smile on his face, but he felt vaguely that the scene was very familiar.

"This scene seems to be something I have seen before... in prophecy……"

Before he finished speaking, time suddenly froze, space twisted, the man closed his eyes, countless points of light burst out from his body, but were blocked by the barrier, not a single breath leaked to the outside world.

——【The Great Prophecy].

The man's eyebrows jumped, and the smile on his face became strange.

In the latest prophecy, his lovely heir Kitsune Shichi, and his most capable subordinate Shi in the past thousand years, actually wore bright red wedding dresses and walked into the wedding car together...

The style of the wedding dress followed the ancient system, with a front and a collar, and it was made of fiery red dragon scales and phoenix feathers, as gorgeous as the morning glow.

But this couple...

How to say it, Kitsune Shichi was beaming with joy. She wore an exquisite phoenix crown on her head, her steps swaying, and the whole person walked out with a... joyful pace of not recognizing any relatives.


In contrast, Shichi's expression was very strange. He looked reluctant, as if he had been kidnapped, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, as if he wanted to escape at any time...

At the end of the prophecy, Shichi kept hesitating outside the car and refused to get in.

So Kitsune Shichi stretched out his hand from the car and pulled hard.——

"Hurry up you!"

""Ah you! Stop, stop, stop—Hey!"

The corpse staggered and almost fell down. He turned his head and glanced outside the car. His expression was one of despair.


"They actually got married!"

The man in black couldn't believe it.

Although he had seen similar scenes before - think about it carefully, it was thousands of years ago when he first made a prophecy for Shi.

At that time, Shi was just over six years old, naked like a dirty wild monkey, living near a grave, eating dead bodies for a living, fearless, and ignorant.

And what he saw at the time was that this child grew up and was raped by a woman, and was dragged to the bed with a look of despair.

As a result, now, when he made a prophecy for Kitsune Shichi, it was this scene again?

"They are a couple.……"

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