This time, when Kitsune Shichi went to the Xu family, Karachi said he would follow him no matter what.

Moreover, Karachi's reasons were very good:

"What if you are charmed by the fox and accidentally contract him, and he regrets it later and tells you that he doesn't want to be a fox but only wants to be a human. Can you still not let him go? Or have you forgotten how fickle the white fox is?"

Of course Fox Shiqi didn't forget.

Xu Yinli was a fox in the last second, allowing himself to be rubbed and rubbed, and would take the initiative to rub and whine; the next second he turned back into a human, with a gloomy face like a murderer confronting an eyewitness.

Compared to being a fox, Xu Yinli definitely wants to be a beastmaster.

Xu Fei is the same, otherwise, Xu Fei would not have been so opposed to transformation in the first place.

Not to mention Xu Jinbai. There is no need to ask, whoever dares to contract him will be a dead end in the next second.

""Okay, but I don't think Xu Fei would play tricks... It's okay, if you're worried, I'll take you there."

Fox Seven replied, quickly packing up her things. If Karachi wanted to go, she had to tell Xu Fei, otherwise it would trigger the Xu family's alarm system.


Karachi frowned slightly, but in the end he did not refute. Because it is better to be safe than sorry.

Humans are emotionally rich and very fickle. In comparison, various beast pets are much simpler and more dedicated. This is a racial difference. But if they are mixed-blood, their racial identity changes all the time... It is difficult to evaluate.

A few minutes later, Kitsune Shichi quickly submitted Karachi's application to go to the island. When he turned around, Karachi was still sitting there with his arms folded, looking very depressed.

"Oh, don't worry, I will never contract Xu Fei. The third contract position is yours. Didn't we agree on this? Let's go!"

After saying that, Huya Qi ran to the door to find his shoes.

Huh? Karachi almost choked on his saliva, stood up instantly, followed behind Huya Qi, and hesitated to speak. Did he...did he show it so obviously?!

Impossible! He definitely didn't! Absolutely impossible!

"No, I'm not worried about who you contract with, it's you who needs more feedback, it's right to contract with Xieyang first, but not with Explosive Orange, it needs to be observed for a while."

Huh? Kitsune Shichi glanced back in shock - why is he being so humble at this time?

"Am I crazy? Didn't we already agree to contract you first?" Kitsune asked back

"What does this have to do with whether you have a problem or not?"

Having said that, Karachi felt very comfortable in his heart - this feeling is hard to describe, just like a long drought and then a sweet rain, the whole vine is comfortable, but he still has to give a few words of advice:

"Slime has already reached level 1, plus I, king level - how are you going to play the game later? Do I need to remind you? You are in the first year of high school now, and your opponents are usually primary pets. Crusoe is a primary one... but look at its size, how can it attack?"

So according to the normal thinking, you should contract Xiyang first.

Karachi frowned again. He didn't expect that he would follow Su Yi's old path.

——Su Yi, the second Xiao Xiangyu trained by Zhou Yuye. As a replacement healing pet, Su Yi was still a primary pet when she first entered the Zhou family. She had to wait until she was upgraded to a double-petaled turmeric king before she could get a contract position.

However, Zhou Yuye's talent is very average. If it were Hu Shiqi, he would not let the pet wait in line for so long.

Thinking of this, Karachi instantly became happy again, his red eyes sparkled, and he reached out to grab Hu Shiqi's arm, ready to start teleportation.

"What do you mean?" Kitsune Shichi was surprised and turned to look at Karachi suspiciously,"I just talked to Ling Beile on the phone, didn't you hear it?"

"Haha," Karachi was instantly unhappy again, and snorted coldly,"How could I possibly eavesdrop on the phone?"

"……Well, no wonder."

Kitsune Yachi was speechless, but she didn't take it seriously. She nodded casually and threw out a big bomb as soon as she opened her mouth.——

"You really don't have to worry so much. I just called Ling Beile and he said that I might be promoted to level 40, so I can sign two at once this time... Ah! Wait, Karachi! Karachi, you……???"

Before he finished speaking, Kitsuneya Nana was stunned. Karachi's figure had disappeared, and where he was standing originally... a vine rose from the ground and twisted into strips.

A cold wind blew, and dead leaves floated all over the ground.

Kitsuneya Nana:"Karachi, what are you doing???"

Karachi (vine):"No! Don't talk first! Let me calm down!!! Four stars……"

Has the world become like this? ? ?

At this moment, Karachi was completely twisted.

A 15-year-old four-star beastmaster... If this news spreads, not to mention the rabbit, even he may not be able to keep his contract position...

Maybe when Kitsune Shichi wakes up and lifts the quilt, he will find that the quilt is full of dragon eggs - no, it is estimated that even dragon eggs will not be ranked, because eggs that can't speak can't compete with the little dragons that are about to upgrade!!!

In an instant, Karachi turned back into a human, and just as Kitsune Shichi was about to speak, Karachi locked his arm——

"No! I won’t let you go to the Xu family!!!"

Fox Seven:"Ah???"

In just a breath, she opened and closed her eyes, and found herself... back in the bedroom!

What happened? What on earth was going on?

Someone was completely confused,"Karachi, are you possessed?""

"No!" Karachi's face was grim, and he set up eighteen space barriers and smiled grimly.——"We'll just sit here! We won't leave until the contract is successful!"

Kitsune Shichi:=͟͟͞͞(꒪⌓꒪*)???

What kind of devilish statement is this? It's outrageous!

"……Hurry up, don't dawdle any longer, Ling Beile's words may not be true, and besides, I promised Xu Fei that I would be there within 20 minutes, and he is almost waiting for Cheng Hu to do it!!"



In short, after all the assurances and struggles, Kitsune Shichi finally convinced Karachi and stepped onto the Xu family's island fully armed.

PS.This was the first time that Karachi did not argue with Wanmei, but instead agreed to let Wanmei stay outside.

At this moment, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. The pale moon was hidden behind the clouds, almost disappearing. It was still autumn in Qilin Province, but the weather in Jinwu Province had changed, and snowflakes were falling.

"Oh, I'm an hour late.……"

Kitsune Shichi looked up at the snow flying all over the sky. Perhaps it was the effect of feeding back, she did not feel cold, and ran directly to Xu Fei's residence after leaving the teleportation array.

Moreover, this time she learned her lesson and resolutely bypassed the fountain without even looking inside.

The buildings of the Xu family are exactly the same, but Kitsune Shichi is already very familiar with this area. From a distance, she saw the eye-catching nine-tailed fox in Xu Fei's yard, and Xu Fei standing under the nine-tailed fox sculpture, wearing a thin white sweater.

Under the pale snow, Xu Fei's face had some slight scars, and his collar also had some torn edges, as if he had just had a fight with someone. He kept staring at the ground, and his whole body was shrouded in the shadow of the sculpture, and a layer of snow fell on his body.

""Xu Fei! Sorry I'm late!"

Hu Shiqi shouted, and instantly quickened her pace. After all, she was too late, and even if she had told him in advance, she would still feel a little embarrassed.

Xu Fei raised his head, and the moment he looked at her, he smiled with his eyes curved, but his eyebrows were slightly downturned.

Hu Shiqi subconsciously stopped, and realized belatedly that Xu Fei was looking at her hair and eyes

……By the way, Xu Fei is not talented...

Yes, no need to ask, he definitely cares about it.

Time and space seemed to be stretched to infinity at this moment.

"It's snowing outside, why didn't you remind me?"

Fox Seven didn't know if he was overthinking, and continued to run quickly towards Xu Fei.

There was no way, she upgraded too quickly, and it was normal for Xu Fei to have emotions... As for whether they can still be friends in the future, let's take it one step at a time. Fox Seven thought.

And Xu Fei, at this moment, he looked at the girl running towards him, with a moving blue in her eyes... He suddenly... understood his own thoughts.

But what's the use of understanding?

She can live for thousands of years, and he can only live for a few hundred years. They are like two short intersecting lines, one long and one short. There are too many asymmetries, which make any of his thoughts meaningless.

Such a superficial fact, why has he ignored it until now, and has developed... unrealistic extravagant hopes?

"Sorry, I just went out.……"

Xu Fei answered, and a polite smile gradually appeared on his face, just like when he first met Kitsune Shichi a few months ago.

Kitsune Shichi noticed that the atmosphere was not right, looked Xu Fei up and down, and asked:

"How did you get hurt?"

"We lost miserably in the clan competition today."

Xu Fei also answered, as frankly as ever.

"Who was so cruel to hit you in the face?"

Fox Seven looked at Xu Fei again, but saw that the latter was not impatient, and even his eyebrows were frozen.


Xu Fei asked with a smile.

"Xu Jinbai?"

Fox Seven frowned. This was the only person she could think of, but... it didn't make sense, did it?

"It's not him."

Xu Fei lied. Although he had never done this before, this time, the lie came out of his mouth easily, and he was calm and natural, which made him feel magical.

Because, in fact, he was the first to attack Xu Jinbai. He was suddenly obsessed and wanted to punch Xu Jinbai in the face. Unfortunately, he failed.

Xu Fei lowered his eyes.

He didn't understand why he... didn't accept his fate.

"It's a cousin you don't know. It's just a normal scratch. It will be gone in one night.……"

Xu Fei touched his face and said,"It shouldn't be swollen?"

Hu Yaqi smiled irresponsibly,"No, if I must say, the injury is just right, the battle damage is very handsome~"

So the two chatted and went into the house.

Outside, the snow was getting heavier.

"What if there is no moon? Will it have an impact?"

Kitsune Yachi glanced through the window, wondering if this brother would let her"sacrifice" again.……?

"It's okay, I have a replacement."

Xu Fei took out a silver stone from her earring.

This was a good quality Moon God crystal, with pits on the surface, but it gave off a soft cold light, and looked like a small moon.

So the lights in the living room were turned off, and Kitsune Shichi sat quietly on the sofa, watching Xu Fei put everything in place in the meager moonlight, without any room for intervention from beginning to end. The top student evolved himself, and she, a poor student, really couldn't help.

Then, Xu Fei took out the dark red pills, swallowed them one by one without changing her expression, and did not forget to explain:

"I have tried it in advance and I can control it. You don't need to worry or come to help. If something special happens, just pretend you didn't see it. Thank you."

"I think you can eat a few more."

Fox Seven finally had a chance to speak. She waved her hand and showed Xu Fei the inconspicuous white vine on her wrist.

"I brought the king level... Oh, by the way, Susu, bless Xu Fei, Xu Fei, don't hide."

The summoning circle lit up, and Crusu half of his head popped out sullenly, spitting out a black light of blessing at the request of his master, and then shrank back along the summoning circle.

Crusu: Autism.

Even the wild fox has upgraded. Woo woo woo……

"Thank you."Xu Fei's brows relaxed. Although he felt a little complicated, he took out the remaining pills and ate five more in one breath.

He prepared a huge basin for himself, filled with ice and water-absorbing stones. He would turn into a fox soon anyway, and then he would bury the whole fox in the ice... plus the special light effect of evolution, it shouldn't be embarrassing.

The strong fire element rolled in his body, and the dark element had not been stimulated yet. Xu Fei's Adam's apple rolled, and he closed his eyes and concentrated on absorbing the power of the moonlight. His body shape slowly changed.

In the middle of the living room, a pair of gray fluffy ears appeared on the boy's head. Seeing that he would shrink in the next second, Hu Shiqi acted quickly.——


After the shutter sound, Xu Fei disappeared from the spot. The little fox ball looked up in confusion and uttered"Ah?" in a baby voice.

"I'll save this file for you and never share it with anyone else~"

Kitsune put away his phone and said with a serious expression.

""Ouch! Ouch!"

The little fox was frightened instantly and jumped half a meter high!

——You don't want to record the whole process?

——No! No way!

""Ahh! Ahhh!"

However, fox language cannot communicate with humans.

The more the little fox ball jumped, the more Kitsune Shichi wanted to laugh, and he was so itchy that he turned on the camera and took a picture of a fox ball dancing in the ice basin.

Cute! Really super cute!

Kitsune Shichi admired the photo with an auntie smile on her face. Maybe her smile was too weird. When she put down her phone, she saw the little fox ball, looking up at her quietly.

A few seconds later, under the artificial moonlight, the little fox ball's silver eyes suddenly rolled down with tears as big as beans, and they fell into the ice basin with a"pat pat" sound, making a huge noise.

"Xu Fei……?"

……No, why is he crying?

……Do you really not want to be photographed?

Kitsune was stunned. Just as he was about to say something to save the situation, the next moment, the vortex of energy swallowed up the little fox ball, which turned into a white and silver cocoon of light, completely disappearing.

——Evolution has begun.

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