As the title says, this chapter is an explanation of the article, not an update, so you can skip it.

First of all, this article is about a heartthrob. Fox Seven is the only protagonist of this article, and the rest of the female and male supporting roles all like the heroine, there is no doubt about that.

Of course, there are many kinds of likes, for example, friendship likes, Alice.

Miss Alice, she first disdained Fox Seven, then wanted to conquer Fox Seven and prove herself, and finally was conquered by Fox Seven, thinking that the heroine was good and could get along.

It must be explained that Miss Alice has a high self-esteem, but she does not think that she is the best in the world, nor will she feel inferior because she is worse than Fox Seven. She will compete openly.

PS, Alice is 15 years old. She lost the fight with Xu Jinbai (17 years old) before, and then challenged Xu Jinbai's younger brothers and sisters (15~17 years old), all of which are competitions of the same age.

And Alice will also participate in extracurricular activities at school-only participate in beast duels, because this is her hobby. Moreover, by confronting Alice, the brothers and sisters of the Xu family also gained something, after all, Alice is very strong.

Someone once said that Miss Alice would be better off if she left the heroine.

Not true.

In fact, Alice has always lived a good life, and there is nothing wrong with her. Because from Alice's own perspective, the heroine has brought her all positive influences. If she changes to a school without the heroine, it will be really dull.

And Alice does not need an ordinary life, she just wants excitement, happiness, and emotional ups and downs. She was born with everything, even an extra-long life.

Money and honor. She doesn't care about them.

For Alice, only"what I really want" is valuable.

The value in the eyes of the world (worth it or not) is not worth mentioning to Alice. Not to mention an ordinary life.


Then, there is the love in love, Xu Fei.

Xu Fei has always liked the heroine from the beginning of the article to now. He fell in love at first sight, but he is very slow. He just reacted in the last chapter, but was stimulated by his brother.

From Xu Fei's point of view, he felt that he was not qualified to mention liking, and he also knew that Hu Shiqi had no romantic feelings for him.

After becoming an animal, the feelings will be much simpler.

The same is true for turning into a fox, Xu Jinbai wants to sweep other foxes off the bed, but Xu Fei wants to run away quickly, because Xu Fei avoids intimacy.

In short, Xu Fei does not believe in love, nor does he think that the heroine will love him-this idea makes him sad, but it is in line with his cognition and is the reality he recognizes.

Maybe some people have noticed that Xu Fei also thinks that Xu Jinbai and Hu Shiqi are a good match.

Although Hu Shiqi has no such idea at all, everyone should be able to see that the heroine just wants to rub the fox, and her feelings are [My friend has turned into an orc and I want to be the first to pinch]!

If you can't understand, just imagine that the most handsome boy in your school, who is rich, a top student, and a super young master, turns into a puppy in front of you, and then tells you: After I turn into a dog, you can touch me.

Then he turns into a puppy (……)

The puppy looks at you cutely.

Will you rub it?

So from Kitsune Shichi's perspective, she didn't think she could have an affair with the young masters (yes, that's them). What qualifications did she have? She just touched the fox... because the young masters agreed!

She also gave the young masters medicine!

That's right, she just wanted to touch... just touch the animal.

You can touch a fox. But if you ask her to touch a person, it's not allowed.

So she would touch Xu Jinbai's fox paw. That's the reason. People and animals are separate.


Then explain why the little fox ball is crying.

Because Xu Fei likes the heroine, but he can't tell her, and he won't tell her.

Fox Seven is the object of Xu Fei's envy. She has everything he desires. He fell in love with her at first sight, and after getting to know her, he felt that she was full of advantages.

Yes, basically all the characteristics of the heroine are advantages in Xu Fei's eyes, including laziness and lying flat.


Up to now, this article still adheres to the tone of the introduction - the only female protagonist, a strong woman, and a popular person without a CP.

All emotional lines are single-arrow.

There is no official match.

The male supporting roles are busy, they find sugar and abuse themselves, which will take up a lot of space.

There is no way, on the road to becoming a god, beautiful men will inevitably throw themselves into her arms.

Of course, I will write a sequel later... If no one reads it, I will not write it, cough cough.

(End of rambling, thank you)

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