One stone can cause a thousand ripples!

"What, what star did you say you were?"

Liu Fuwen's pupils shrank as he asked in disbelief. His brain was confused for a moment - could he lie? In front of so many people? Or did this person just come back from the secret realm and was actually in his forties or fifties?

"Four stars. Oh, your ears……"

Kitsune Shichi sighed, raised her head and looked around, and found that most people avoided her sight. Only five people looked at her directly, without dodging or avoiding her gaze. Among these five people, four were from the Xu family, including Xiyang's martial arts teacher, Xu Shucang.

Xu Shucang was a five-star beastmaster, and was very inconspicuous in the crowd. She was petite, and today she was wearing uniform-like clothes, which completely covered her muscle lines. At the moment, she looked like an ordinary thin woman, without any deterrent power.

Kitsune Shichi felt a faint feeling of hair standing on end.

There were so many people and beasts in the audience, and except for the dragons, the one Kitsune Shichi least wanted to face was Xu Shucang, because this woman's eyes were too calm, giving people the feeling that... as if tearing off a person's head was as common as tearing open a roll of toilet paper.

""Okay, I'll go with you, but this is the Xu family's clan competition, and we are just here to make up the numbers. It's a bit too much to turn the tables."

Liu Fuwen felt a little uneasy. Three of his four beast pets were dragons. He spent a lot of resources on them, but they were still upgrading slowly. So when he contracted the fourth one, he hesitated and did not continue to choose a dragon. Instead, he chose a flying bird with good qualifications.

The problem was that even if he had three general-level dragons, he had never experienced even one super-limit feeding... and Fox Seven had obviously been super-limited twice. How big the gap was, Liu Fuwen really didn't want to know, especially didn't want to know it himself.

……So why didn't he just... keep his mouth shut?

Seeing that everyone continued to draw lots, but they couldn't hold on for more than two minutes, the people of the Xu family were still as dead as ever, not a single one of them came out to make a sound...

Liu Fuwen was completely disheartened.

——Are these lunatics from the Xu family really ready to laugh at him? His Liu family still has three alchemists!

"Don't be afraid, we'll make it quick."

Kitsune Shichi was also very considerate, and said softly:

"Otherwise, I will give you two pets. I will only give you two, and you can give you four. After all, I still have a king-level pet, which will cause you great psychological pressure."

"I don't have any psychological pressure! Stop joking, it's obvious that you don't have enough pets to get 4. I don't think you're even at 4 stars!"

Liu Fuwen retorted instantly. After he finished speaking, he saw Hu Shiqi was stunned, and he felt relieved in his heart - Hahaha, what did he say? This guy is really bragging, she is not even at 4 stars!

"Did you tell me whether I have reached four stars or not? I only know that you can't beat me. If you don't accept it, come on stage."

Fox Seven glanced over coldly.

With Xieyang not around, Fox Seven really couldn't contract the fourth one. Moreover, she had just contracted Karachi, and her soul was boiling, so she couldn't continue the contract. She could only vaguely feel that she was indeed four stars. When her soul calmed down, she could immediately build the fourth space.

Just as these few words were spoken, several beauties fell from the sky, a total of six!

Shrouded in shadows, Fox Seven couldn't help but take a step back, and saw that one of them was... a plump woman with a height of more than two meters and a chest bigger than her face. She bent down and smiled at her:

"Hello, little human, I am Ling Lingquan."

Little human???

Kitsuneya Nana was stunned for half a second by this new name, but before she could think of an answer, Ling Lingquan in front of her was pushed aside by a little girl with green hair.

Everyone was speechless.

So dragons can also compete with humans?

I have seen females compete, I have seen males compete, but I never thought that there are dragons competing in this world... Is there any need to compete? What is there to compare? What if I win the game? What if I lose? All the humans present have been defeated in seconds!

"Damn it... Next time I will make the contract in front of the dragon too……"Someone was muttering in secret.

But the little green-haired girl didn't care what the human next to her said. She had a pair of transparent dragon horns on her head. When she smiled, she revealed a pair of shark-like fangs:

"Hello, I'm Yanxiao. Don't pay attention to that old guy. He's very weak. Our hydropower department's Thunder Dragon is the best! I just laid an egg recently. I wonder if you are interested.……"

Before she finished speaking, the little dragon named Yanxiao disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, the other four dragons were also forced to disappear. Only one of the original six beauties was left.

Damn, is this possible? Kitsuneya Nana's pupils shrank. Why did she feel like she was being forced to abdicate when it should have been a good thing? Besides, there were Xieyang and Bakugo waiting in line at home, so she couldn't contract a dragon for the time being.……


——She wanted to contract a cat for the sixth time!!!

However, everyone present was envious, and the dragon girl in the silver robe also smiled proudly, slowly walked towards Kitsune Shichi, her narrow eyes slowly narrowed, and she smiled gently:

"My name is Aurora, I am a Psychic Storm Dragon, my core skill is [Space Transfer】……"

Oops, Kitsune thought. I collided with Karachi.

At this moment, a certain white vine, which had been very dissatisfied with dragons since childhood and finally succeeded in making a contract with them, and no longer had to pretend for the time being, finally triggered its explosive temper!

"Do you think you can get the contract position just because you are a dragon?"

At this moment, Karachi's branches grew rapidly, and the dazzling light made the surroundings lose other colors. Aurora's graceful body was also surrounded by snow-white space energy, and five dots appeared around Aurora like a dragonfly skimming the water!

——Space-based skills!

Aurora reacted quickly. Before she could frown, a bluish-white storm energy suddenly burst out from her body, resisting the space cut and firmly fixing herself in place!

Space against space, the air rippled slightly, like a violent wind forced to stop, and the stalemate lasted for a full three seconds.

Three seconds later, the five snow-white space cracks expanded, as if mocking, and quickly drew a whole circle around the pale-faced Aurora, framing her completely inside!

When the circle was completed, the space was torn apart, and Aurora disappeared!

Then, from a distance, as if separated by an infinite distance, an angry dragon roar came from the sky, like thunder.

Everyone present was speechless at this moment. Tonight, they really learned a lot. Not only did they see the super-limited feedback appear twice on the same person, but they also saw the special evolution of ordinary beast pets, which killed the dragon system in seconds!!!


Through the transparent glass dome, among the large pieces of falling snow, bits of bright and dazzling blue, carrying infinite power, smashed towards the ground like a meteor shower!


At this moment, someone finally panicked!

"Why mess with a king-level dragon?! It's over, it's angry!"

However, most of those who were frightened and panicked were the service staff hired by the Xu family. As for the others, they had already cast seals to summon their beast pets the moment the storm dragon disappeared. A series of skill sounds rang out.——

"【Enchantment】!""【Curing】!""【Rock Lock】!""【Multiple Layers of Armor】!"……

Kitsuneya Nana, infected by this sudden passionate scene, also blurted out the skill in Karachi's skill list that she was most curious about.——

"【Love Lock】!"

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