【Name】:Pure White Karachi

【[Attributes]: Water, Psychic

【Level]: King

【[Racial Level]: Extremely rare

【Skills: Healing Light Wave (Secret), Space Transfer (Secret), Love Chain (Low Level), Death Blood Prison (Ultimate), Endless Life (Ultimate), Eternal Flower (——)、Meditation (Advanced)

【Status]: Moon Alliance (average), Mimicry (average), Fake Death (excellent), Undead (——)、Mirror Flip (Excellent), King's Shock (Excellent)

【Evolution level]: 12%

【[Evolution Path]: Xiao Xiangyu - Jin Yu Teng - Bloodthirsty Crazy Explosion Teng - Karachi - Pure White Karachi——???——???

A glittering layout, super luxurious attributes, and a bunch of high-level skills, but there is a"low-level" one?

Never used before?

Who can resist curiosity?

In fact, according to Kitsune Shichi's understanding (from the Internet), the Chain of Desire is a chain that can entangle and bind the target.

The bound target will be eroded and interfered with the flow of spiritual power by the chain, and even the mind will be controlled.

As a mental control skill, the success or failure of [Chain of Desire] is also affected by the strength of the target's willpower, and of course, it is also related to the proficiency of the skill.

So, it's just a low-level skill, and the opponent is a creature like a dragon. In theory, there should be no problem?

However, the surroundings were too noisy, and Kitsune Shichi rarely followed the trend and shouted the name of the skill, but Karachi didn't hear it...

It doesn't matter!

The bridge of souls lit up, and Kitsune Shichi skillfully stuck to Karachi's soul, and without saying a word, he took away the dominance of a certain vine's body.

‘Give me control~!’

What kind of operation is this? ? Although Karachi was stunned, he did not refuse. Instead, he took over Kitsune Shichi's human body out of curiosity...

At that moment, he gained a new perspective.

Thoughts blended seamlessly, souls sensed each other, and there was no need for language communication. As long as the thought moved, they could understand each other's thoughts and cooperate with each other's actions. They could even control two bodies at the same time...

Karachi was shocked, and the anger that was rising a few seconds ago completely disappeared...

Humans are so different from each other?!

So, Karachi controlled Kitsune Shichi's body and touched his face. The soft touch instantly made his thoughts diverge.——

‘The human body……’

However, before it could disperse for two seconds, Kitsune Shichi excitedly released a skill:

"【Love Lock】!"


Karachi was stunned for a moment. He should have stopped it, but the happiness coming from his soul... was too disturbing. The surging emotions infected him, causing him to subconsciously change to"hmmmm, ok, ok", and he was also curious about the effect of [Chains of Desire]...

Then, everyone saw that the thin and smooth white vine twisted and expanded in an instant like an ancient tree that ten people hugged. The thick and strong branches were covered with thorns, the veins were like blood, and the leaves were sharp like sickle hooks, flashing a chilling light!

If this strangles people, it will not only be torn to pieces!

It was clearly agreed that it was a healing system. At this moment, this ghostly plant that reached the sky broke through the high dome and rushed straight towards the white dragon that swooped down! The white vines turned into a net, entwining the sky!

Even the dragon claws couldn't tear it apart! Five flowers strangled!

The eyelids of the group of people twitched. For a moment, they actually felt like they were in a dream. Otherwise, how could they see a creature like Karachi beating a dragon one-on-one?

Logically speaking, even if the evolutionary branch of [Karachi] is"comparable to the dragon system", it only means that it doesn't lose so miserably when fighting a dragon one-on-one, not that it can tie up a dragon and has a body as strong as a dragon!!!


The white dragon raised its head and cried out in pain, flying wildly in the sky, and the barbs pierced its body fiercely. The harder it struggled, the tighter the hooks became. The hot blood was swallowed up before it could flow out.

But the dragon... the sound of its screams sounded a little wrong, why was the tail note floating up strangely? ?

The next moment, the blue meteor in the sky also disappeared strangely, and a group of people raised their heads and defended in vain.

Not right, at least they defended against the glass shards falling from the sky - falling objects from high altitudes are still quite dangerous for fragile humans.

The twenty people in the audience couldn't help but look at Kitsune Shichi at the same time. The silver-haired girl had a blush on her face, and a ball of soft slime was tucked in her arms. There were two white thin vines swaying from side to side behind her. At first glance... she looked very harmless.

"I always feel that... this kid's four stars seem to be different from our four stars……"

"You don't need to feel it, it's just different……"

"No wonder Jinbai didn't fight her.……"

"……I don't know anything else, I just know that a normal Yuekara definitely doesn't have this kind of combat power.……"

In the fight between the dragon and the vine, the pure-blooded dragon was actually at a disadvantage, being completely defeated in terms of both physical strength and skills.

Everyone in the audience had a look of doubt and disbelief on their faces, but there was one person whose face was as gloomy as black mud.

Zhou Yuye clenched his fists, looking at the scene in front of him incomprehension, recalling the past. Although he had already let it go in his heart, at this moment he couldn't help but... feel a sense of regret.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have done anything wrong. He just invested a lot of resources in Qingshuang. He knew that Karachi cared about it, and he also persuaded and guided Karachi, but the latter didn't understand his painstaking efforts at all, and turned around and ran away from home.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuye walked towards Kitsune Shichi, just about to ask about Karachi's recent situation.

However, before he could say"hello", a vine"snapped" to the ground, rubbing the tip of his shoe, and scratching a crack on the bluestone floor.

Zhou Yuye subconsciously took a step back, frowning.

"Xiang Xiang��…"

At the same time, a rumbling and indifferent voice sounded directly in Zhou Yuye's mind:

【The contract has been dissolved, don't mention the past anymore. Also, don't call me that anymore, it's disgusting to hear. 】

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