Moonlight fell on the beach, and the artificial plants that never withered were emitting little green lights, attracting mechanical butterflies to fly around.

For the long-lived species, the four seasons of the blue planet change like the sun and the moon, all in the blink of an eye. It is far better to be forever frozen in a summer day, a morning, or such a comfortable and quiet moment, listening to the sea breeze and having someone to accompany you.

Karachi was also looking at the moon. The round white moon reflected the equally flawless face. Just looking at the appearance, it was so lonely.

At this time, Kitsune Shichi boldly reached out and poked at the system page. A bright blue light flashed from under her body, so dazzling that she was not prepared. Although she closed her eyes instantly, even if she covered them with her hands, she couldn't stop the blue in front of her eyes.

She thought that the evolution of the beast pets in the video was all fake light effects! Who would have thought it would be so bright!

"The slime has evolved!"

Someone was more surprised than her. Of course, there was no one else on the beach except Karachi.

It was really hard for Kitsune to regard Karachi as a non-human. After all, the first impression was there. In her eyes, Karachi was a female senior who was not easy to mess with... So she let Karachi stretch out his hand to pull her up, and then retreated ten meters away.

The scene was very spectacular.

The giant slime was three meters in size, transparent and blue. At this moment, it looked like a legendary asteroid, surrounded by ethereal light bands, and countless light spots were swimming like stars in the universe. Against the backdrop of darkness and moonlight, it seemed as if a secret treasure had been born, magnificent as a painting, and waves were surging.

"Evolution... should be smooth, right?"

Kitsune waited anxiously. She originally thought it would only take a few seconds to be over, so she waited patiently for three or four minutes, but there was no response from Perfect, not even the soul, as if an invisible force had blocked it.

"I can't detect its status.……"

She realized it late and suddenly panicked. For the first time, she regretted her lack of knowledge. This might be simple common sense, but she didn't know anything. She even sat on Perfect and directly ordered it to evolve!

Logically speaking, the evolution of a pet is very important to everyone, and it is a matter of life for a pet. But she ordered it without knowing it, and didn't even ask anyone, even a teacher!

""Oh, do you know?" Karachi suddenly laughed, but the smile was inexplicably cold."When humans chose us... most of us were just born. Just like you can't choose your parents, we can't choose our masters, but every time we evolve... fate also gives us the opportunity to choose. We can choose to betray, but we have to pay a heavy price!"

Fox Seven didn't want to listen to it at all. She was not a saint, and she had no time to care about it. She just wanted to know what happened to Wanmei. Why didn't it move?

The dead system didn't move either. After clicking in, all the information was empty, leaving only a line of words: [Evolving...]

The unknown is the greatest horror.

Fox Seven wanted to cry a little. Unconsciously, her eyes began to heat up. Logically, she was not such a fragile person, but no matter where she was before, she was used to being alone. She had been like that for more than 20 years. So, even if she traveled through time, even if she was a newcomer, coerced, and involved in a conspiracy, she was not so panicked. Fear.

She didn't even dare to keep a cat, for fear that it would get sick and die, and she was also afraid that she would not take good care of it... She couldn't bear the guilt.

But crying was useless at this moment.

Kitsune Shichi tried to calm herself down, and after a few deep breaths, she finally recovered.

That's right, if the evolution fails, it won't die. At most, it will turn into a slime grandfather in two or three days. The two of them can even live out their lives together, and start their retirement life in advance with a million in cash... How cool!

Think about it from another perspective, isn't this a winner in life?

Why do you have to fight and kill?

Drinking tea, reading books, and traveling around the world, which one is not good?

Must you go to Juan to study? Juan Naraoshizi Beast Taming League?

"……Look... she's so beautiful now, she shouldn't be bad after evolution, right?" Kitsune Shichi asked, wiping the water marks on her face, shocked that she actually cried, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Karachi was not a human and didn't seem to intend to laugh at her.

Fortunately, fortunately... she thought of it! She was really worried and confused, and she didn't know what was wrong with her. She really had an illusion just now that evolution failed = death, and then her poor perfect would become foam on the sea like the little mermaid who came ashore...

Uh, it's a disease to imagine too much.……

"What's the use of being beautiful?"

Karachi glanced at it. Although it evolved into a long-lived species, it had only lived for fifty years. It had never seen the evolution of a slime, let alone a contracted slime.

"Beauty can please the body and mind."Kitsuneya Nana argued,"Beauty is important, fighting ability is secondary, and a happy life is the first. Have you ever heard of a fool who broke his hands and feet or became paralyzed in battle? It was all for money and profit - that is, for the joy of living."

If life is smooth and happy, and the beginning is a blast, then why bother to struggle later, wouldn't it be better to just enjoy life?

Roll, roll, roll, roll, who will be rolled to death?

"Just like you, you are so beautiful, you can stay on the island by yourself and have someone deliver meals to you in the morning, noon and evening. This is exactly the life I have always dreamed of!"

Dream of it? Karachi heard such an outrageous statement for the first time, and his eyes widened.

This girl actually wants to lie down???

Wake up!!! You are a genius that only one in 10 billion people can produce!!! There are more than 100,000 dragon beast pets that humans have been fighting for, but since the emergence of the profession of beastmaster, the number of living and dead people is no more than 100!!���

"Who doesn't want to become stronger these days? Not to mention the fights between humans, even the master and pet will abandon each other in order to become stronger as long as one party can't keep up with the other!"

Karachi was very angry, he was really angry, if he was born a few years later and met such a master, he would definitely whip her to death to urge her to make progress!

God gave you such a good qualification, you raise a slime! Slime is fine, you still want to lie down?!

Waste God's gift! God is unfair!! Even an insignificant passerby got angry when he heard it!!!

"Huh?" Kitsuneya was shocked."What do you mean by abandoning each other? Didn't the Internet say that you can't change after establishing a soul connection? If you break it abruptly, you will have to lie down for half a month at best, and you may even become demented at worst.……"

And both of them are idiots!

If it doesn't work, just make do... Why bother?

Kitsune Shichi just asked innocently, but she never expected that she had stirred up a hornet's nest again. Karachi's face turned green with anger - not an adjective! It was real green! The crystal clear emerald scared her so much that she almost knelt down to admit her mistake, fearing that her sister would recall her bloodthirsty instincts and forget to"cultivate her character.""……

So, she knew a shocking news in advance.

——Humans and pets can terminate the contract!

As for the reason, let’s talk about the human side first. Any beastmaster with a little bit of qualifications can sign two or three pets. There is absolutely no reason to sign worse and worse pets. Moreover, they all like to choose from young animals. But there are only those resources at hand, and the pets with poor qualifications can only stand aside.

Besides, pets have been taught to fight and evolve since they were born. A few years ago, they were the darlings of their owners, but they saw that newcomers surpassed them and they were abandoned by their owners... Even if they took into account the past friendship, who can bear it after a long time?

Humans can sever the parent-child relationship and fly solo, so why can't pets abandon their owners? They are not ordinary cats and dogs. Of course they need to find the meaning of their own existence.

——Therefore, the normal termination of the contract between humans and animals is the general trend. As long as there is a glimmer of possibility, people will continue to study it, because this is an urgent need for all people and animals.……

"So, have you figured out a method?"

Kitsune asked. He didn't think anything was wrong. He chatted with her while looking at Perfect. However, Perfect didn't move. It was like a perfect asteroid, shining brightly in the moonlight.

"I heard that it was halfway successful ten years ago."

Karachi's eyes turned cold. The Zhou family has developed well in the past half century, and its owner is also a well-known figure in Blue Star, so it naturally knew these things.


"Yes, half."

It added slowly, with a beautiful smile that made people feel cold in their hearts.

"Although it didn't mention which half succeeded, but since this method hasn't been released yet, I guess the successful half is not you humans.……"

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