——The successful party is not human?

Kitsune Shichi understood immediately after hearing this,"Oh, so the method of canceling the contract has been found. The beastmaster may become demented, but the beast pet will not be damaged?"

She thought for a moment,"Then the world will be in chaos. Suppose one day my beast pet falls in love with a powerful person and follows him. They live happily together, but I become demented... uh... the green cloud is hanging over my head.……"

Karachi was speechless. Although he was happy that she reacted quickly, why was her description so wrong?

"The relationship between a beastmaster and his pet is a pure master-servant one. Even if some species have a breeding period, they will not go horny towards the master who has taken care of them since childhood.

"I know……"

Kitsune Shichi also felt awkward for some reason. She looked into the eyes of Karachi, who was a head taller than her. Her eyes could not help but fall on the latter's smooth throat, collarbone... and then along the latter's slightly sexy mermaid line to the center of his denim shorts.


"So what is your gender?……"Kitsune Yashichi swore that she was just curious and had no other intentions!

"Monoecious." Karachi replied stiffly, feeling mysteriously embarrassed, although no one knew why he was embarrassed in front of a human.

Unexpectedly... monoecious? Kitsune's mind suddenly went into a storm. Is this the case with tulips? It seems not, but the little Xiangyu in this world is not the same species as the tulips in the previous world, just like some beast pets need"moonlight" to evolve."——

But isn't moonlight just the reflection of sunlight?

The blue planet in this world is also round, and the sun and moon are still two spheres, so why is moonlight okay but sunlight is not?

What else is there ?’……

The sun is light energy, she admits it has energy, but what energy does darkness have? Could it be the courage to fight against darkness?

Help, it's really confusing...

The cold wind blew slowly, and Kitsune Yashichi tried not to shiver, but it was a pity that she was wearing a skirt. Even if she disguised her face well, the goose bumps on her thighs and arms would not spare her.……

——Don't ask her why she's pretending. The hermaphroditic elders are still standing here, even with bare legs and belly. She can't just act coquettishly and say 'I'm so cold' to them.’……

Karachi also lowered his eyes. Of course, he saw the human girl trembling in front of him, and he also smelled the upcoming smell on her body - that is, what humans commonly call"menstruation" and"period"."——It immediately understood that she was about to enter the reproductive period... From body to mind, she would become extremely vulnerable.

Humans, who are in estrus frequently, which is time-consuming and laborious, will become weak, lazy, and greedy, but they cannot produce results. Even if they occasionally succeed in being pregnant for ten months, they will not give birth to more than five babies, and usually only give birth to three babies in their lifetime. However, these do not affect humans' endless pursuit of reproduction, day after day and month after month...

It cannot understand...

Kitsune Shichi only felt that the wind suddenly stopped, the moonlight was covered, and Karachi's soft hair fell down, forming a petal-like screen around her. The dim moonlight stole the gold, making this flower bud like a flowing silk, flowing with metallic silver light.


Before she could even say thank you, Kitsuneya Nana suddenly felt her heart tremble, her soul seemed to be soaked by warm power, and her body felt lighter...

She immediately turned her head and saw that the light egg (?) that the slime had transformed into had also changed. The three-meter-high elemental ball suddenly doubled in size and then compressed rapidly. In just a moment, it turned into a transparent creature that looked like a long, soft strip.……


Kitsune Yachi flew over in an instant, but before she could happily congratulate, she saw that the new creature opposite her was even more anxious than her. It rolled over like a gust of wind, wrapped her tightly inside and out, and tied her up directly - like a huge - water snake?

""Let go...let go...let me go!"

So when Kitsune Shichi was released by the giant tail, she finally got to see what her son had evolved into.

She looked up with great satisfaction, but it was too high to see the whole picture, so she took two steps back: hiss - she took a breath of cold air, and saw a transparent face that was no less beautiful than Karachi's, with hair hanging down like flowing water on his shoulders, a pair of eyes lightly closed, and smiled at her with curved lips, and in an instant it was like a bright moon piercing through the dark clouds, shining brightly.

"Handsome guy… who are you?!"

A few minutes later, in the dead of night, the largest online Q&A forum on Blue Planet was as lively as ever, and under the topic #New Beast Tamer’s First Beast Pet, a new post quietly appeared:

《Help: After three days of contract, what should I do if my son turns into a human? He insists on sleeping with me!!! 》

1L: The host is a female, waiting online, urgent!

2L: Passive transformation? Don't worry, it won't last for a few minutes, go to bed, it will turn back when you sleep

3L: Just accept your fate, you can't throw it away

4L: Cultivating favorability is the most important thing [laughing and crying] Be careful that it gets angry with you [cry loudly] [cry loudly] As long as you are willing to train anything, just bear with the rest...

5L: Congratulations to the host for winning the jackpot [dog head] [dog head] [dog head] [dog head] This passive has no attack power at all……



18L: I am the original poster, thank you for your suggestions, in short, just accept it, right? There is no other way, right?

19L: Laughing to death, of course


Kitsune Shichi threw away his phone, and in the process pushed aside the tip of the big tail that was pressing on his legs, sighed old-heartedly, and looked at the confused Perfect beside him - that face was really perfect, with a pair of transparent and narrow fins hanging on the sides of his face, hidden in the crystal long hair that also looked like flowing water, and even his figure was what she liked, lean and strong, with smooth lines.

It's a pity that it can't open its eyes, even if its long eyelashes are clearly visible, they are just beautiful decorations, and it can't open its mouth, and can't make a sound. It's like a lifelike mermaid sculpture.

Why did the slime become a mermaid?

Could it be that it ate too much fish... and mutated...?

Kitsune Shichi was so tired, but when she saw Perfect smiling at her again, she couldn't blame it for a moment...

Okay, go to bed first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow.

"You must never run onto my bed again, not with your tail, not with your arms, not with your head."

But before going to sleep, she took another look at the perfect message interface.——

【[Name]:!!! (to be named)

【Attributes: Dark, Water

【Level: Intermediate

【[Racial level]: General

【Skills: Devour (Intermediate 608/1000), Sprint (Intermediate 220/1000), Immunity (Low Level 66/200), Perception (Intermediate 504/1000), Flying (Low Level 0/200), Strangling (Low Level 0/200), Tail Flick (Low Level 0/200)

【Status]: Giant (normal), Transformed (excellent)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime——!!!——???——???——???——???——???

Three more skills, which seem a bit strange at first glance, with tail flicking and strangling, it can't be because it eats too many marine creatures...

So its attack steps in the future are: perception - sprint - (if it wants to eat alive) tail flicking/(if it wants to eat dead) strangling - devouring.

What's so strange about it...?

Next, I really have to choose food for it carefully!

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