Fifteen minutes later, Hu Shiqi found the tour group in the corner of the first floor. The leader was a burly man with a mask on the lower half of his face and camouflage overalls. A turquoise steel sword pet was floating behind him. What was striking was that this man had three eyes, like Erlang Shen, with an extra eye on his forehead.

Hu Shiqi immediately doubted the"safe and worry-free" in the advertisement. It couldn't be manual security, right?

Although she thought so, she still handed over her verification code and watched the other party operate the ticket expertly.

The big man said in a nagging manner:"The actual payment is 399... Are you a new user of the app? The normal price is 2399. My code name is 'Void', a two-star beastmaster, and my beast pet is one high and one low. Because of the awakened superpower, it can be used as a three-star in the secret realm."

Hu Shiqi immediately understood that awakening superpowers meant this... It was equivalent to the person's combat power.

So she can also be considered a two-star beastmaster now?

According to the online guide, as long as you don't commit suicide, a two-star beastmaster can enter the Green Eclipse Secret Realm safely...

The tour group is a group registration, and the travel agency has already registered it. Fox Shichi doesn't have to queue up, but everything you need must be there, and no one can escape. So she signed several death and serious injury disclaimers with a big stroke of her pen.

This is a pure overlord clause. In case of an accident, the government will use these materials to declare you missing first, then declare you dead, and finally distribute all your property in accordance with the law.

Fox Shichi read the text in his hand and decided to take the time to register a will. If he died accidentally, he would donate the remaining money to the Ocean Charity Organization...

But it's definitely too late now. There are 17 people in a group of 20, and there is even a pair of twin sisters who decided to join his group on the spot after seeing the three eyes of the void.

Taking advantage of this gap, Fox Shichi bought 15 sets of energy supplements from the vending machine in the lobby, and followed the trend to buy a small treatment bag. Finally, he bought himself a sandwich and a few bottles of water. His schoolbag was already full.

Soon, the last three people arrived, but they were all wrapped in bandages, not even their fingers were spared, and the only skin that was exposed was at the corners of their eyes, which were all dark wheat-colored. They were also agile, and their walking postures were agile.

The signatures were... Wang Yi, Wang Er, Wang San?

Aren't these obviously fake names? Can this pass?

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but take a few glances, and felt that these three people didn't seem to be here to join a tour group, but more like they were going to trick everyone into a dark corner to kill and rob.

A society ruled by law, a society ruled by law...

Don't judge people by their appearance, don't judge people by their appearance...

She muttered to herself, and got on the car. Everyone was happy. Compared with these three strange people, everyone paid more attention to the third eye of the leader Xu Kong, and his cool Steel Sword Ghost beast pet. Steel

Sword Ghost, a high-level beast pet, rock & elf type, has very little information on the Internet, and is also a rare evolution type. It perfectly fits the martial arts dream of the majority of young people and is the dream pet of countless people.

That's right, beastmasters also have martial arts dreams, and popular TV dramas are not without elements of immortal heroes and cultivation. A certain city in another province has just opened up a super-small new secret realm and is spending huge sums of money to build a doomsday experience field. It hasn't even started business yet, but advertisements have been everywhere.

Doomsday, zombies, sieges and building walls...

Although it's a waste of money, Kitsune Shichi is itching to rush over and experience the hardships of the end of the world.

Only five or six minutes later, they arrived at their destination. In the middle of the wide square stood a vortex gate more than five meters high. The silver-white particles were spinning rapidly. Next to them sat two ordinary middle-aged ladies, one eating melon seeds and the other knitting a sweater. The two were still chatting, looking very uncomfortable, but they ignored the tourists.

""Tsk, these days, any messy person can find a job!" In the tour group, a sharp-looking man sneered,"If you don't have a sense of service, go home and take care of your children!"

His voice was loud, but the two older sisters ignored him.

However, under the mental detection of Kitsune Shichi, the mental power of these two older sisters was continuously being transmitted into this vortex-like door. The one who was eating melon seeds had a thinner energy, and the one who was knitting a sweater was the boss. At the same moment, the amount of mental infusion was almost ten times that of Sister Melon Seeds.

"Huh?"Sister Sweater raised her eyebrows, suddenly put down the needle in her hand, turned her eyes to the crowd, passed through the void of the three eyes, and stared directly at Kitsune Shichi, which made Kitsune Shichi inexplicably break out in a cold sweat.

"Not bad."Sweater sister smiled, said this inexplicably, and then lowered her head to continue knitting, as if she didn't care.

Her face was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary, and people would forget it as soon as they saw it - when they saw it, they could still remember that it was two eyes and a mouth, but after seeing it, there would be no impression left in their minds, as if it was forcibly erased.

Anyway, they had to line up to go in one by one, so Fox Shichi simply stood at the end. The mean man was still fearlessly sarcastic, and his words became more and more unpleasant. He was slapped by the sisters who were traveling with him. The war escalated instantly. The two sides dragged large bags of luggage and cursed at each other. In the end, the security guards came and pulled them away collectively.

And Fox Shichi kept staring at the sweater sister, thinking that her face might be a special skill similar to the blurred face of the Holy Lord...

Wait, this elder sister is not from the Holy Ruins, is she a descendant?

"Something has gone wrong in the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm."

Seeing the people in front of them"plop plop" into the whirlpool like dumplings, just when Kitsune Shichi had stepped into the"door", the older sister who was knitting a sweater suddenly said to the older sister who was eating melon seeds:"I heard that there are wild beasts that can control people's hearts and minds and are making a fuss. You must be very careful.……"

Oh no!!!

Kitsuneya Nana instinctively pulled back her legs with her hair standing on end, but a strong force came from behind, pushing her directly in!

Help! Kitsuneya Nana was shocked!

This is not a society ruled by law at all!!!

The wind was howling and the cold was biting. Kitsuneya Nana's eyes went dark. Before she could see the surrounding environment clearly, her body was suspended in an emergency. She gasped and patted her chest in the air.

Fortunately, she had awakened [Soaring Sky】!



Screams were intermittent, one after another.

Bang, bang, bang, Kitsuneya Nana's heart was beating like a drum. The light above her head was turquoise. She fell down and looked around, but she didn't see any cliffs at all. She suspected that the teleportation array was in the wrong place... Where on earth was this?



Below, those voices dragged out for a long time, far beyond the detection range of Fox Seven's mental power. The cold wind blew, and it was even difficult to tell whether it was true or false, as if it was an auditory hallucination.

Fox Seven looked down again. It was as dark as the abyss below, but there was some light above her head. It was a few mushrooms growing together, about the size of a palm, emitting green light like ghosts, growing on broken stone pieces. Those stone pieces were also magical, just floating in the air.

Stone cloud, a specialty of the Qingshi Secret Realm, can be used to make various props and add floating effects to them.

Fox Seven's palms were sweating, and she subconsciously grabbed a handful of broken stone clouds, just like holding a handful of disobedient sand, stirring in her palm, trying to run away.

Where are the shadows of other people around?

Where is the portal? It was there just now!

"……How is this going……"

She was stunned for a moment, because it was so sudden, and even a ridiculous thought popped into her mind: Is this also part of the day trip?

"Is there... is there anyone?"

Kitsune Shichi shouted bravely, the sound lingering for a long time. She had a bad feeling in her heart, and looked around with her arms folded.

After a long time, her own voice finally faded away. No one responded to her, and even the screams that sounded like hallucinations under her body disappeared.

White light lit up, and Perfect appeared in the barrier with a faint glow all over her body, and happily pounced on her master. The innocent and happy emotions passed over, making Kitsune Shichi reluctantly breathe a sigh of relief.

"We've been tricked."

Fox Seven looked up at the top of his head and said to Perfect, only to see Perfect fly to the upper left with a clear goal, pick up the mushrooms that were emitting green light, and then fly up again, following the light source to continue picking mushrooms and eating mushrooms, having a lot of fun...

Heart-Erosion Mushroom, the advanced evolution material of the Ghost System, the ones in front of him are fat and full of energy, and you can tell at a glance that they are of excellent quality.

Perfect ate with satisfaction, but he did not forget to pick out a few of the brightest and largest ones and put them in the basket that it had transformed into, just like carrying a bag of small green mushroom light balls.

There was no way, Fox Seven had to follow, but he still looked down, knowing that it was too late to go down now. If he fell from this height, people without flying pets would surely die, and healing skills were not omnipotent.

Thinking of that weird bandaged man, Fox Seven hesitated for a second, gave up the saintly heart that was about to break out, and decided to prioritize self-protection.

""Perfect!" She called out softly and followed.

The Heart-Eroding Mushroom has an energy burning effect. Ordinary people will get burned if they touch it. Only ghosts without entities can devour it. But for the slime whose racial talent is to devour, this pain is more like adding chili peppers. The more you eat, the more addicted you will be.

As for the weird darkness, the slime can't see it at all. It just feels that there are delicious foods everywhere here. It is really a paradise and beautiful.

Perfect is very happy. While eating, he said to Fox Seven: I like traveling, I like it very much, and I must travel more often in the future!

Fox Seven:"……"

"Forget it, eat it, don't leave it for me."

She rode on the latter's big tail weakly, and Wanmei turned it into a sleeping bag for her, and she wrapped herself in it and was dragged away.

In her heart, she deepened her understanding of this world.

I'm afraid that there are also murders and treasures in this world, but ordinary people can't touch the real treasures, so the years are quiet.

At this moment, a cluster of faint flames emerged from Wanmei's shoulders. Fox Seven looked up in surprise and saw that the firework was blue with green, like the green pool water in the afternoon, spreading rapidly, rising along Wanmei's strong and powerful arms, and burning in the strong wind.

She hurriedly looked at the skill panel, Heart Flame?

Then she quickly took out her mobile phone-although there was no signal, she downloaded the offline file package in advance!

Skill [Heart Flame], Ghost & Dark Super Rare Skill, Effect: Burn the enemy's spirit, make people crazy with pain, pierce their hearts and bones, like falling into purgatory.

After turning off the phone, Fox Seven:……

"Perfect, you seem to be further away from the sun……"

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