On the other side, the competition registration center.

305 on the third floor. Zhang Yudi held a cigarette between her white fingers and looked at the listless boy beside her. Her mouth and eyebrows raised at the same time, and her plump and exquisite body leaned back lazily, no longer sitting upright like before.

"What, you really don't want to go out with me?" She joked.

Freddy, who was distracted, froze when he lit a cigarette, and his expression became a little unnatural, but the next second he changed it into a light and naughty smile:"Are you kidding? Why should I go out with you?"

Zhang Yudi also followed him and nodded, as if he understood,"So that's it, I misunderstood."

It's strange to misunderstand!

Who can't see what this kid is thinking? His attentiveness is too obvious. It's none of your business whether she goes to school or not. At this time, he forgot that he was urged to get married and didn't avoid women like snakes and scorpions.

Let alone other things, he is a person from the imperial capital whose family is rooted in Jinwu Province. He is the young master of the Zhou family. He has seen all kinds of large secret realms. He actually stayed here for a whole morning. He just caught a small secret realm in Liuheng City and chatted for a long time. Did n't he just want to chat with her and make small talk?

But the girl ignored him, hey, he was arrogant! He still expected her to beg him and act like a spoiled child to him?

……It was so funny.

Thinking of the little girl who ran so fast, Zhang Yudi covered her mouth with her hand and coughed. Not wanting to laugh too obviously, she lit another cigarette and continued smoking.

After all, she was just an employee. Master Zhou was the son of her big boss. She had to give him face... so she pretended that she didn't notice anything.

No one spoke, and the smell of smoke grew thicker in the room.

At this moment, Freddy's pocket buzzed. A call came in. He squinted his eyes and lazily looked at the clouds floating outside the window. After three or four rings, he took out his phone, glanced at the screen, and answered the call.

"Hello? What do you want to talk to your dad about?"

"I was busy yesterday and didn't answer. What's up?"

A steady male voice came from the other end of the line. It was Xu Jinbai.

"Ah, it's alright for now," Freddy sighed, took a deep puff of cigarette and exhaled, as if he had exhaled a large mouthful of depression,"What could possibly happen? My family is pushing me too hard, so I wanted to go to your house to take shelter."


Freddy was speechless. The fact that he was being urged to get married had become a famous meme. Sometimes he suspected that his mother was pushing him just for fun, but his grandfather must be serious. After all, his biological father Zhou Yuye had not escaped being urged... I heard that he had endured it for more than ten years, but in the end he couldn't stand it anymore, so he fled Liuheng and moved into the imperial capital, under the pretext of: fighting for the family.……

"It's not convenient these days." Xu Jinbai paused. With his personality, this was a very tactful statement, but there was absolutely no room for maneuver.

Freddy didn't care. He just heard the hoarse voice on the other side, as if he hadn't drunk water all day. Suddenly he remembered that the moon was big and round last night,"Has your Longlong mutated again?"

As everyone knows, Xu Jinbai contracted an extremely gorgeous moon-walking wolf. Although it has recently evolved into a dragon, it has always had some minor problems. There are a few days every month when it is emotionally unstable and even turns into a werewolf and doesn't recognize anyone.

Freddy shook his head, so Xu Jinbai was also unlucky. He couldn't go out during those days and could only stay at home.

"Let's not talk about this for now," Xu Jinbai interrupted directly on the other end of the phone, speaking slightly faster,"The person you told me about before, she is on the list of heirs of Shengxu, if you don't want to be too exciting, don't get too close to her."

Freddy's pupils shrank, but he quickly reacted, sat up straight, changed his posture and held the phone,"Just go ahead, the old guy can't even count how many heirs he has killed, and the bunch of idiots under him didn't do anything to you, let alone do something to their own people, right?"

"I really can't explain it to you," Xu Jinbai paused on the other end of the phone, and sneered,"Hurry up and ask your mother to have a few more children, then you will know what infighting is." Whether to take external resources or not is another matter. Internal resources are limited, and how to distribute them is a big problem. Who is willing to share what they have got? However,

Master Zhou is an only child. He has never robbed or fought for anything since he was a child. Everything in the house belongs to him. His mentality is so peaceful.

"Damn, that would be great. I dreamed that she would give me a brother and take the lead to help me withstand the pressure of marriage. Damn, it's a pity that it's no longer possible."

When talking about this, Freddy was heartbroken.

"……"There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"The point is, she's only one star and she's on the list? She also signed a contract with a slime. Oh, by the way, I think this girl is even more awesome than you. She directly evolved the slime into a mermaid. You also know that my dad's Karachi is too picky. He actually let her ride around.……"

Freddy was full of envy when he talked about this.

He had seen a lot of Karachi's brutality when he was a kid - for example, he slapped a velociraptor away with a slap, and kicked a frost dragon to tears, and his main move was to disenchant a dragon beast - then he saw that Karachi had a bad relationship with his father, and his mind was full of terminating the contract and regaining his freedom.

Of course, he also fantasized about getting a bargain, so he was humble and flattering to Karachi for a long time...

In the end, it was not without effect, at least he would not be slapped away by Karachi, and they could even have a friendly chat when they met.

"……And the grades are terrible. Have you heard of this? He only got 100 points in eight subjects! 100 points! Even if he didn't attend a class, he would get more than this score if he just guessed at the multiple-choice questions, right?"

"……Oh, and Lao Xu, can you help me promote the competition and mobilize your fans? Thank you. By the way, ask your uncles to post one too. You are still useful at this time.……"

Seeing that Freddy had started talking nonstop, the person on the other end of the line was obviously ready to hang up.

"Okay," Xu Jinbai agreed. It wouldn't take much effort to forward it."It's not convenient for me recently. I just want to call you to remind you that Zhongyong has already asked people to retreat and not to confront the Holy Lord head-on."

"I'm only a two-star, so I can't cause a conflict."

After hanging up the phone, Freddy was still unsatisfied, and turned to look at Zhang Yudi who was quietly beside him,"I think the Holy Ruins still has some dignity, even the Holy Lord wouldn't kill someone in public, what do you think?"

Zhang Yudi smiled slightly,"You're right."

Freddy glanced at her,"Is this a mockery?"

"I'm not being sarcastic, I feel the same way."

A mature woman who had watched everything stretched her shoulders, sat up, walked to the window and opened it.

It was the hottest time of the year, and as it approached noon, the wind blowing in from outside was hot, and the sunlight was extremely dazzling.

Looking downstairs, people on the street were in groups, holding umbrellas and carrying bags. They were either tourists who came to the beach for vacation, or beastmasters who were preparing to explore the secret realm.

Summer is the peak travel season in Qilin Province.

……And those big guys, they also want to enjoy life, and they will never make themselves suffer.

Zhang Yudi narrowed her eyes, but did not say what she was thinking. Thinking of the young girl's tender face and the conversation she just heard, she just wanted to sigh.

Who knows if this is a bad thing or a chance to soar to the sky?

It's just that this opportunity is too big... ordinary people really can't take it.

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