On the steep cliff, two figures were suspended in the air under the green light of the flames, looming.

"The situation is better than expected."

Kitsune Shichi said as she looked up. It was still dark above, but she could vaguely see the shadow of the forest, with branches and leaves crisscrossing like ferocious beasts with bared fangs and claws. She saw the top after only walking up a few hundred meters. This was something Kitsune Shichi had never expected, but it was normal when she thought about it carefully. This mountain couldn't have only one peak, and she couldn't be so unlucky as to be right in the middle of the highest peak...

However, although she didn't have to dig the ground, Kitsune Shichi was still not ready to act on her own. The depths of the secret realm were full of dangers, and as a fragile human, she had to know herself.

"Our luck has come."

Kitsuneya Qi smiled and patted Perfect, and at the same time, the bridge deep in her soul lit up, transmitting her thoughts completely. Then Perfect's transparent body slowly melted and turned into a hollow sphere, with a large transparent sofa chair in the center, just like the throne in a TV series, with a high back carved with flowers, but the shape of the pattern was a little...

Kitsuneya Qi went in and took a closer look. The carvings were nothing else but the Rotten Bone Spirit Flower that Perfect ate a lot...

What kind of good person would use such a pattern?

At first glance, this crystal chair looked like a princess, but after a closer look, it was actually the devil...

At this time, Perfect's upper body emerged from the bottom of the water ball. It didn't matter that it emerged. The water ball shrank rapidly, and it tilted its head again. Two seconds later, there was another footstool in front of Kitsuneya Qi's legs. The water ball also happened to shrink into a small space that was only enough for two people. It floated up like a round barrier and flew quickly and steadily towards the forest ahead.

"……This is a bit too much……"

Kitsune's eyes drifted, and she felt a little unnatural, but she still honestly placed her hands on the armrests on both sides. After a few seconds, her legs were placed on the footstool. Even if she bent her legs, the footstool would move instantly.

Isn't this really abusing pets?

Kitsune hesitated, but her perfect soul responded with joy and happiness. For it, as long as the owner likes it, whether it is stepped on or touched by hand, it means sticking. As for which part of its body is stuck or what shape it is, it doesn't matter. So

, Kitsune quickly abandoned those boring thoughts and looked up to appreciate the dark scenery. Although the visibility was not high, she was in a good mood and even felt that something was missing in her hand, such as a shaking red wine glass?

No, she had to think about what to do after she got out...

After a brief excitement, Kitsune lowered her eyes, thinking of those who hid in the dark and wanted to harm her, and her long eyelashes flickered slightly like butterfly wings.

She had completely digested the Nine-Tailed Dark Heart Aoi. Not only did she recover her spirit, but her physical strength had also improved a little. Although the change was subtle, because her mental power at this moment was different from before, that subtle change was as eye-catching as a candle in the dark, and it was impossible to ignore it.

Her mental power had been upgraded.

Fox Yaqi exhaled, and her mental power traveled all over her body, checking her body.

Well... a few minutes later, Fox Yaqi's eyebrows jumped wildly, because she couldn't see anything. Her body was just a piece of meat. She could only see that her blood was flowing smoothly, and there was no blockage anywhere...

As expected, there are specialties in the art. If you don't have some knowledge in your head, you can't do it. Especially in the field of medicine and human body, if you say you can't understand it, you can't understand it. That's really not understandable at all. There is no such thing as learning without a teacher.

Fox Yaqi smiled speechlessly, stretched out his hand to rub his sore eyes, and by the way, he also gave up the weird idea of creating his own skills to cultivate an immortal.

This is desperate to try any possible means. The enemy is in the dark and she is in the light. She wishes she could become a Super Saiyan on the spot, and kill all the enemies with one force of 10.

It is better to return to taming beasts, exercise your mental strength more, and contract powerful beast pets to feed you.

The promised rule of law society is no longer rule of law.

At this point, she can only...


A tiny sound of thread pulling came from afar, and Kitsune Shichi's pores suddenly shrank. A flash of alert flashed through his mind, and he raised his hand almost immediately, signaling to stop perfectly.

The water ball slowly rose and hid in the crown of a tree with particularly dense branches and leaves, without making any sound or breath.

Slime is a colorless and odorless elemental body, and the creatures swallowed by it are also protected by its physique. Ordinary people cannot detect abnormalities, especially in this dark Green Eclipse Secret Realm. Many creatures are born without vision, and will not catch slimes as food.

A long snake emitting golden light broke through the air, with a flat and long body and a person in its mouth. Its sharp teeth flashed with bloody cold light, but it only dared to hang on the human's clothes. It was visibly cautious, for fear of throwing the human off.

"Where are you running, Liu Gou!"

The one chasing behind was a woman with a cold voice.

She rode a triangular-eyed white tiger with wounds all over its body.

She looked up and roared at the golden snake.

The earth trembled, leaves fell, and a black ball covered with red flashes quickly condensed in the white tiger's mouth.

It kicked back heavily with its hind legs, kicking the ground, and the ground cracked.

The white tiger suddenly flew hundreds of meters into the air, carrying its master on its back and desperately pounced on the golden snake in the air!


Blood spray


A sharp, piercing, and slightly crying howl came from the air, followed by two heavy"booms" and"booms", which hit the ground one after another, as if a meteorite had fallen.

Then there was the sound of the giant beast tumbling and tumbling.

Kitsune Shichi had already restrained her mental power. She did not risk detecting, but just calmly checked her perfect skills.

If she encountered such a scene, once she was discovered, she would definitely be killed to silence her. There was no need to have a fluke mentality.

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

The woman's voice was like a ghost, hoarse and sad, as if she wanted to tear herself apart.

Then the man coughed twice, and it seemed that he had spit out a lot of blood.

Then the sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh and blood was heard, which was insignificant amid the tearing and howling of the beast.

Then, the howling of the snake-like pet suddenly stopped, followed by a humming explosion.

The continuous, crying-like hissing sound was so desperate that people knew at once...

the man it had just held must be dead.

Then, the woman laughed wildly, as if her great revenge had been avenged and she had no regrets in her life, but her laughter gradually weakened. After a few seconds, there was only a wheezing sound, as if water was choking out of her chest. She stammered for a sentence and then fell silent.


The white tiger immediately let out a violent roar, and the golden light fought and grappled with the red and black light, both crashing into the deeper part of the forest. Within a few seconds, the golden light rose like the sun, and before it reached the highest point, Kitsune Shichi, who was hiding behind a tree, suddenly felt a chill down her spine. The Bridge of Souls lit up faster than any other time, and sank in a perfect instant, taking her underground!


The dull sound of the explosion seemed like a lifetime ago. The ground shook. The gap above her head was covered by a landslide in an instant, but it seemed especially safe at this moment.

Kitsuneya Nana's heart was beating violently.

Although she had been prepared, but... this turned out to be the result of not being strong enough... no, it might be a hundred times worse than this.

For a moment, her mind was in turmoil. She thought of the bright classrooms, the spacious streets, the friendly passers-by... and the pink beach, the beautiful mechanical butterflies, the smart furniture that could grow out of the ground...

These beautiful scenes that represented [peace] were like the reflection in a mirror, and with a"crash", they were all shattered.


""Let's go, let's go up."

After a long time, she gave the order, returned to the ground with a calm face, stood up from the soft chair, spread her mental power to detect, and walked decisively towards the two people on the ground.

There were only some potions and cold weapons on the woman's body, and a keychain with three small key pendants hanging on it, which were a white tiger, a red bird, and a purple unknown creature.

It turned out to be a three-star beastmaster

"Eat it." Kitsune threw the keychain on the woman's body and told Wanmei.

She had touched this body before. Although she didn't know if there was fingerprint recognition technology in this world, she still had to be careful.

Then she walked towards the broken male corpse and touched it again without changing her expression. In addition to the mobile phone, keys and other sundries, she took out a metal plate. With the help of the firelight in the distance, she saw the words engraved vertically on the plate:

[One-star Alchemist Liu Yan]


Fox Seven repeated slowly, using her mental power to detect the plate, but she couldn't get in.

So she fumbled for a moment, threw the plate in her hand to Wanmei,"Swallow."

But she saw white foam churning, and the gold plate was intact.

The cold wind blew, and Fox Seven's pupils shrank. Although she had a premonition just now, she was still shocked when she saw it with her own eyes.

【Devour is an advanced skill. Even at the primary stage, it can devour steel bars. Now, the Supreme... can't destroy this brand?

There is no information about the pharmacist on the Internet.

When she first came in, she drank nutritional supplements every day. At that time, she thought, where did this thing come from?

And this beast pet energy liquid, each tube has a subtle difference in taste. Is it really a factory assembly line product?

The secret realm produces so many medicinal materials, but only the lowest and worst quality ones flow into the market... Who bought up the good things? So

Fox Shiqi looked at the man's body again, groping to pull off the ring on his hand, the steel bracelet on his wrist, the jade on his neck, and even the red rope on his ankle. He used his mental power to check over and over again, but these were all ordinary accessories, not storage space.

No, there should be.

Fox Shiqi frowned again. This man was dressed so fashionably, it was impossible for him to carry a huge mountaineering bag. Think about that young master Freddy of the Zhou family. He only carried a mobile phone from the time he went up to the island.

But Freddy changed his clothes that morning. Are there his clothes on the island? It is normal to have talent, but if the young master had space props that day, he wouldn't have to ask others to buy clothes for him.

"never mind……"

Kitsune Shichi sighed, made up her mind, and directly took off all the clothes of the corpse. After repeated inspections, she finally found a diamond navel stud on the belly of the corpse.

This time, she really found a space prop!

But this space is very small, with only a book and a pen stuffed in it, as well as some scattered materials.

Among those materials was the familiar Nine-tailed Dark Heart Aoi, which was very small, less than 1/20 of hers.

But Kitsune Shichi didn't care about that. She took out the book directly, and saw that the cover of the book was written:"One-star Alchemist Prescriptions (Volume 1)". When she opened the title page, there were only five big words where the author should have been marked:

——Tagor College.

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