Even though he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, the most important thing at this moment was to get out. So Kitsune Shichi put away the book, sat on the tree, held his breath and concentrated, spreading his mental power far and wide.

A few seconds later, a rustling sound came from deep in the jungle, and a hand stretched out from the top of the tree canopy, with five fingers slightly open, transparent and slender.

Kitsune Shichi looked up, and the next moment, the leaves were perfectly pushed aside, revealing its face with closed eyes and compassion.

"Throw them all away?"

Kitsune Shichi asked, grabbing its drooping hand.

In the darkness, leaves fluttered and danced, and the huge mermaid began to melt. The smiling face, broad shoulders, and strong arms turned into water curtains, wrapping up the girl on the tree again and turning into a seat under her.

‘Yes, they were all thrown out of bounds.……’

Wanmei answered from the depths of her soul, and the echo was lingering.

Kitsune Shichi nodded. Although she was reluctant in her heart, she had no regrets about throwing away all the things.

That's right, she just asked Wanmei to throw away the diamond navel stud and Liu Yan's identity medal, because she couldn't see through their materials, and she didn't have the ability to hide these two good things. Holding them would only do harm and no good.

She didn't kill the people, she was just an innocent passerby, and she didn't want to take the blame for others - although those human-beast remains entered Wanmei's stomach, the two general-level beast pets directly made its evolution level reach 82%, which was one step closer to the next breakthrough.

"By the way, I heard that some pet animals have a special skill [Time Flash]. By touching an object, you can replay what happened near the object."

Kitsune Yaqi said to himself again, the tutoring on the island is still useful. This kind of time-related skill is very rare, and usually can only replay a few minutes...

This skill cannot be prevented, and you can only rely on luck.

But opportunities and dangers are always proportional. Kitsune Yaqi thought, so he let it go at the moment, and continued to move forward with Perfect. He leaned back in a chair, closed his eyes and rested, and used his mental power to search for other relics... No, other"gifts from nature."

So time passed slowly, and just when Kitsune Yaqi felt dizzy, palpitations, and trembling hands again, and suspected that she was hungry and had a hypoglycemic attack, she passed through the last jungle and stepped into a dark and muddy swamp. She saw countless white lamp insects floating above the swamp, and the one in the distance - an artificial, continuous golden sea of flowers.

That was the outermost edge of the Green Eclipse Secret Realm. From time to time, fireworks exploded into the sky, and there were laughter and joy everywhere, and lights and decorations were hung.

"I almost forgot that I'm here for a day trip too.……"

Kitsune's lips curled up, his dark pupils reflecting the shadow of the fireworks, he sighed and touched the armrest, and the chair rose up and flew towards the spray of fireworks, the high backrest also turned back into the transparent upper body of a mermaid, he raised his head, as if he also saw the beautiful scene

‘Is that beauty? ' it asked

""No," Fox Seven replied softly, looking at the fireworks and the crowd setting them off,"Although they are beautiful, they are far from beautiful enough."

So the chair rose, and Fox Seven also sat up, quietly watching the fireworks in the dark, from looking up to looking straight, and then to a higher point. There were fireworks on the ground, and the wind was whistling in the air.

The fireworks were stepped on by her feet, as if she was stepping on a golden carpet in full bloom, brilliant and colorful.



Ten minutes later, after enjoying the fireworks, Kitsune Shichi decided to return to reality.

Nothing else, the junior high school competition is still going on. Although she encountered force majeure, no matter what, since she is not dead, she must show up.

The enemy is in the dark and she is in the light, which seems to be disadvantageous, but since the other party has chosen this method of killing, it means that they don't want to make a big deal out of it, at least they have to disguise it as an accident. There were crowds of people on the ground, Kitsune Shichi dodged a drunk brother sideways and walked quickly towards the uniformed staff.

"Hello, where is the portal?"

"Sorry, the portal is unstable and temporarily closed, but don't worry, it will be restored in half an hour."

The staff replied politely, without any ups and downs in his tone, and it was obvious that he had said this to people hundreds of times.

Kitsuneya Qi's expression cracked when he heard this, again?

"You can go shopping around and wait for notification."

The staff member said again, pointing to the stall next to him and showing a standard smile.

Kitsune Shichi had no choice but to hate that she didn't have the strength to blast open space... Weakness is the original sin.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, then turned and left.

This time, she had to let Perfection wrap herself into the portal and start swallowing directly, so that even if she was teleported to the incinerator, she would have the strength to fight.

"Classmate, classmate! Do you need a study room too?"

At this time, an older woman ran over to stop Kitsune Shichi, her eyes swept over her school uniform and schoolbag, and she smiled kindly.

"Come to our Sunflower Sunshine Study Room! There is electricity and free hot water, and printing is cheaper than other places!"

What? Study room?

" Kitsune thought there was something wrong with his ears. He wanted to refuse but didn't know what to say. Then he saw the woman with an expression like she saw a fat sheep, pointing to the big tent hidden in the sea of flowers.

"Sunflower Study Room, a ten-year-old brand in Qingxi! It is quiet, safe and secure, and the price for a card is more favorable, only 500 yuan per hour!"

"Are you crazy? I am here to study?"

Kitsune Yashichi finally complained. What's wrong with this world? Can it be less frivolous? She was even murdered but she didn't become so frivolous!

Besides, what's safety? She is now severely allergic to the word safety!

"Oh, you are from Liuheng No. 3 Middle School, right? Look at you, still wearing school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, you are obviously here to study, I understand, don't be embarrassed."

The elder sister showed an understanding expression, and gave a thumbs up to Hu Yaqi:"Child, it's not shameful to love learning!"

Hu Yaqi was speechless,"Five hundred yuan an hour, it's so expensive why don't you go and rob it."

The elder sister didn't like to hear this, and her face suddenly sank,"Little girl, look at what you said, don't we work for free? The speed of time flow between the Qingshi Secret Realm and the outside world is five to one. The labor cost alone is 10 times that of the outside world, and we have to prepare water and electricity for you. This price is fair to everyone!"

Hu Yaqi blinked, the speed of time flow?

……Ah, there is no mention of it online, so she didn't know.

Her stomach growled, and Kitsune felt faintly dizzy again, and she urgently needed to sit down and rest.

"Is there anything to eat?"

Fox Seven flipped through her schoolbag. Only cash was used for transactions in the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm. She had exchanged a lot of cash before leaving.

"Of course." The elder sister smiled,"That's our supermarket, there is a refrigerator inside, and there are many kinds of snacks for you to choose from."


Kitsune opened the tent and saw Xu Fei.

He was sitting alone at the simple wooden table, eating instant noodles with a sausage and an egg.

"Why are you here?"

Fox Seven was shocked, and Xu Fei looked up at her. Apart from a little surprise, she was generally calm.

"Study." He replied, put down his chopsticks, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth,"There are too many courses in high school, and I didn't arrange them in the early stage. There is no time."

Kitsuneya Qi was in a mess.

Isn't the exam over? Wasn't he admitted to a prestigious school in advance? As a super rich second generation, you don't have to run to the secret realm to do the test paper with a time flow rate of 5:1.……?

"I feel like the holiday has just begun."

Fox Seven replied, trying to calm down.

——No wonder Karachi is afraid of people staying up late, it has definitely seen people dying suddenly from staying up late to study! Absolutely!

She walked to the shelf and saw tea eggs at 56 yuan each and thin ham at 130 yuan each. She was silent for two seconds, then picked up the instant noodles and looked at the label at the bottom.

666, 880 yuan for a bowl of noodles, not even over 1,000!

In comparison, the study room is 500 yuan an hour, and you can drink hot water for free, it's really fair.

Kitsune Shichi turned around and took a lollipop, it's childish, let's get rid of the hypoglycemia first……

"Ninety-six." The eldest sister took the whole bill, lowered her head to look through her bag, looked up and smiled apologetically,"Sorry, I don't have change, how about you take some dental floss?"

Kitsune Yashichi took it, fortunately it was individually packaged, not the kind that came out of a box.

So she walked back to the table and pushed the dental floss in front of Master Xu,"Do you want it?"

"Thank you."Xu Fei actually accepted it.

Outside the tent, the eldest sister found another new fat sheep and turned and left in a hurry.

Hu Shiqi looked at Xu Fei. From a close distance, the young master's face was flawless white jade, and his lower eyelashes were long and conspicuous.

It was just that he was too tall, which destroyed his doll-like beauty.

Seeing that Xu Fei was about to finish eating, Hu Shiqi crossed his arms and pressed them on the table, moving his fingers. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and asked casually,"Have you heard of Tagor College?"

Xu Fei was really stunned, and the hand holding the chopsticks stopped stiffly.

"I know." He said, and quickly glanced at Hu Yaqi, frowned and then slowly relaxed,"You want to go to Tagor College?"

He really knew! Hu Yaqi's heart moved, it seems that this alchemist is the secret of the rich, but she still needs to confirm it, so she spoke again:

"Yes, I want to be a cultivator……"

Just as she was halfway through her words, Fox Seven saw Xu Fei frowning and glaring at her in embarrassment, so she stopped talking, shrugged her shoulders, and made an expression that said,"You know what I want to say, but we can't say it."

Xu Fei visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You might be able to do it, but it's really difficult."

Xu Fei mistakenly thought that Hu Yaqi was also an insider. After all, her soul strength had reached the peak of human beings, so it was normal for someone to tell her. He was not talking nonsense.

Hu Yaqi tilted his head and pretended not to understand.

——No, there was no need to pretend. She really didn't understand. She just wanted to trick the young master into talking because he was simple-minded.

And the"silly and innocent" Xu Fei did as she wished, and opened up the conversation directly, explaining in a nonsensical way:"In addition to soul strength, they also test your soul stability, mental extension and sensitivity, and finally you need a pet with awakened fire skills. Regardless of the type, this fire skill must contain a trace of wood attribute... The conditions are too harsh."

"Where to register?"

"They have an official website."They actually have an official website, Kitsune Shichi blinked.

"Do you want to try it?"Xu Fei was a little helpless, and wanted to persuade her that SSS was not omnipotent, because the profession of alchemist was too special, and even his elder brother was not destined to be one.

Hu Shiqi nodded, and felt that Xu Fei should not have more clues, so he silently tore open the lollipop and put it in his mouth.

"That……"Xu Fei hesitated for two seconds. Actually, it would be a good idea to try it. The main thing is the pet.……"Your slime has fire skills?"

"Yes." Fox Seven didn't intend to hide it.

Xu Fei just asked casually and took another mouthful of instant noodles. He didn't expect Fox Seven to answer so quickly. He was stunned.


"Slime? With fire? Evolved?"

"Yes."Kissichi didn't care.

Xu Fei couldn't help but look at the opposite side carefully, and saw that Kitssichi's face was pale, his eyes were dark blue, and he was much thinner than before. He was so fragile that he seemed to fall down at the touch, and there was a faint sweat on his forehead, a typical symptom of hypoglycemia.

Why didn't he notice it just now?

After a few seconds, Xu Fei stood up, took a bottle of sugary drink from the shelf, opened one bottle for himself, returned to his seat, opened another bottle, and pushed it to Kitssichi.

"It's your treat." He chose his words carefully."Let's talk while we drink."

Hmm? Kitsune Shichi paused as she was circling the tip of her tongue around the lollipop, looking at the can of drink. She suddenly felt that she had been a bit too much by not buying the young master a lollipop just now...

So she also stood up, looked around, picked out a bag of ordinary potato chips, brought it back, tore it open, and pushed it forward, just stuck in the middle of the table.

Xu Fei glanced at the price, eighty-eight...

How much is the government subsidy per month?

At this moment, Xu Fei suddenly felt ashamed of herself. This classmate Kitsune Shichi, whose family was poor, would rather starve to the point of being pale and shaking with hunger, but would use the only money to bring his beast pet to the secret realm for training, allowing the slime to evolve so quickly... He was neither humble nor arrogant, which was admirable.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to make friends with someone.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, and I want to invite you to be my guest."

Xu Fei said in silence, her slender fingers slightly curled, because it was the first time she invited a classmate home, she was a little nervous, and even a little uneasy, afraid of being rejected. Kitsune

Shichi was stunned for a moment, and the drink that had just entered her mouth suddenly became bitter - could she put it back and pretend that she didn't drink it?

She still wanted to study the book quickly!

Immediately, she smiled apologetically and tried to refuse,"I have to participate in the ring competition tomorrow.……"

"Don't worry, it'll be tonight." Xu Fei thought she wanted to go, and after thinking for a while, he said,"Are you talking about that very popular ring match? Then I'll participate too, and we'll go together after it's over."

Xu Fei also knew about that match, after all, his father and eldest brother had forwarded it, and it seemed to be organized by his eldest brother's friend.

Fox Seven:"……"But she……

"My uncle is……"Xu Fei opened his mouth, gestured the word"alchemist", and nodded,"If you are really curious, you can ask him."

"Thank you very much," Kitsuneya's tone suddenly changed.

At the same time, he began to think, it would not work to go empty-handed, so what gift should he bring?

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