So that's how it is.

After Xu Fei said this, Hu Shiqi finally understood why he went to the secret realm with his textbook.

One step behind, every step behind.

However, perhaps because she was too sleepy, she was calm when she heard the news and did not feel unwilling.

On the stage, as the game ended, the beast pets with healing skills came on stage to heal and restore the physical strength of both sides.

Hu Shiqi frowned, because the healing beastmaster who came on stage was not Zhang Yudi, but a strange man.


She retracted her gaze, thought for two seconds, and took out her cell phone to send a text message to Freddy.

Soon, Freddy replied:

[Sister Zhang said she was not feeling well today, which is the two days you women have every month.]

That's strange. Fox Seven laughed.

A woman doesn't even know when her period will come? Besides, Zhang Yudi has a healing pet... unless she has also traveled through time.

Only men would believe such nonsense.

So, Sister Zhang... has a problem.

Fox Seven replied: [That's a pity. I thought I could meet her. I can only say hello next time.]

Freddy: [Can you stay away from that kid from the Xu family? He even speaks in a different tone!]

Fox Seven: [Received]

After a brief chat, Fox Seven looked back at the stage. The big screen above his head was counting down quickly. The number of people dropped by thousands, and the total number of people also decreased rapidly. Most of the people present were smart. The gap between the enemy and us was too big, so there was no need to seek abuse.

"Now, please welcome contestant No. 47823! Alice!"

The host, who had been calling out the numbers for the whole morning, was still full of energy.

Then everyone saw the pink figure leap up the steps and walk to the command area with big strides.

In the sun, the girl was heroic, with a pair of white thighs under her short skirt and over-the-knee boots reflecting the light.

Without saying a word, she made a seal and summoned her beast pet.

A brilliant golden-pink light flashed, and countless bright pink rose petals fell, sweeping the entire arena with a faint fragrance. The roses covered the sky and swayed in the air in unison. The silver-winged mantis on the opposite side was stunned, raised its head and looked left and right, as if it couldn't tell which one was the enemy.

""Miss Alice's pet, Rose Bell!"

The host also shouted in surprise.

Kitsune Yachi also exclaimed"Wow", then turned to look at Xu Fei, who immediately understood and shook his head helplessly.

"Don't be fooled by the Rose Bell's fragile appearance. It has a passive ability called [Void].……"

As Xu Fei was speaking, the competition officially began before he finished speaking. Countless roses moved together, and the silver-winged mantis instantly turned into a silver light, like a sharp sword, flickering and swinging dozens of parallel silver light blades.

"……Physical attacks are ineffective against them."

By the time Xu Fei finished speaking, the rose petals had already swallowed up all the white and silver light. The huge flower ball kept spinning and expanding, like a beating heart, bang, bang, bang...

The flower ball jumped three times, and each jump became bigger than the previous one. At this moment, no one said that the roses were beautiful anymore. The petals were like bombs, exploding from the inside out."Boom, boom, boom!"——!"A muffled sound exploded from deep within!

"Stop!!! I give up!!!"

On the stage, the man named Feng Chi was no longer as cool as before. In just a short moment, his face turned pale, and he grabbed the handrail tightly and shouted in the direction of the host:

"I give up!!! I give up!!!"

On the big screen, the camera gave a close-up of his expression at this moment, recording every bit of his fear and frustration, while on the other side was the delicate face of the pink-haired girl, and her slightly raised mouth, bright and disdainful. There were wild screams and exclamations from the audience.

""So powerful, it killed instantly."

Kitsune Shichi sighed, it seems that everyone's intermediate pets are quite strong, so she is relieved.

After all, her Perfect...

Although it has a very sunny race name, it is still easy to scare people when it enters the ring.

"Do you have a way to crack it?" Xu Fei asked, tilting his head.

"……Hmm, I don't know. Let me think about it."

Kitsune Shichi yawned sleepily, rubbed the tears from his eyes, and his eyes turned red.

In the beast-controlling space deep in his soul, a little mermaid was flying in the sky, swinging her long tail back and forth.

Swinging the tail?

At first glance, it looks fierce...

At another glance, it looks very cute...

As if sensing Kitsune Shichi's gaze, Perfect, who was practicing tail-swinging in the void, suddenly paused, and a blazing green flame emerged from his body. He actually practiced three skills at the same time...

Perfect, what's wrong with you?

Kitsune Shichi was stunned.

No, don't be afraid, baby, this is not supervision, just take a look...

But it's a bit late to sharpen your knife now... Otherwise, this time... you can use Devour...?"

Kitsune Shichi closed his eyes. Thinking.

Rose Bell looks pretty strong. Even if it is swallowed, it shouldn't... die on the spot? Oh, yes, the opponent has become a hollow, so swallowing may not work...

Then try the Erosion Heart Flame. Even if it doesn't have a physical body, it still has mental power, so there is no need to worry about not being able to attack...

Just like that, Kitsune Shichi simply checked Perfect's skill proficiency again. All the data were rising, except for Xiangkong, which was rising the slowest. Because the system's skill proficiency was calculated based on the number of times, in the secret realm, Perfect carried her for seven or eight days, but her proficiency only increased by 5 points...

In Xu Fei's eyes, the girl was pale and closed her eyes weakly, like a transparent jade.

His heart skipped a beat, and he was particularly abrupt.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

Xu Fei suddenly changed the subject. He was a little confused after he finished speaking, because he always ate whatever the chef cooked, and he really didn't know how to order.

Anyway, there was no one at home to celebrate for him.……

……Or...let's eat out today?

"Something light?"

Kitsune Shichi answered casually. Actually, she was not picky about food, but she had not eaten well in the past few days. She was afraid of having diarrhea if she ate too much.

After she finished speaking, she looked up and saw the electronic screen in front of her. The number on it began to pass quickly again. This time it was more spectacular. The total number of people dropped by tens of thousands, and no one was willing to go on stage.

The data dropped rapidly and had reached 80,000.

The sun was still high in the sky. It was only three o'clock in the afternoon. Kitsune Shichi originally thought that she would not be able to get a number today.

At this moment, she really admired Freddy. This was the advantage of the championship. A separate competition stage was set up in the branch venue. The contestants who were not called could eliminate other contestants on their own.……

"How is your Aaron's training going?"

She asked casually, because she was No. 110158 and Xu Fei was No. 110159, and they were destined to fight.

It was well known that the dragon race evolved slowly, so the group with the best conditions usually chose to contract fairies. Although their combat effectiveness in the later period was a little weaker, they could be trained quickly in the early stage and quickly form combat effectiveness.

Fox Seven sighed,"The last time we fought, we fought side by side, and now we are going to be opponents.……"

"It doesn't matter, just play normally."

Xu Fei smiled and answered calmly, raised his hand to take off his mask, and looked at the number on the electronic screen that was rapidly increasing. It had reached 110,000,"It's our turn."

The numbers on the screen were flying so fast that they were almost invisible. Only red light flashed, and soon it jumped to six figures.

Kitsune Shichi checked the webpage where she placed the bet again. The odds had doubled to 17 times. In just a few minutes...

I'm afraid I won't get any more.……

"Then I'll go on stage first."

As he said this, Kitsune looked towards the distant command platform, his body slowly floated up, his short hair spread out beside his ears, and he pinched his slender fingers together, forming a seal.

"Hey! What is that?!"

"Is it the water fairy from Qilin Province?"

"Oh my god! Someone else went up there!"

"Impossible, how can a water fairy fight!"

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience.

Some people also frantically flipped through their phones and suddenly remembered:

"Hey, hey! Could it be that girl who evolved a slime into a mermaid and awakened superpowers that was trending the day before yesterday?! I thought it was a joke!"


The noise from the stage gradually faded away.

Kitsune Shichi landed directly in the command area.

Behind her, a cool blue light like spring water coiled up, and the turbulence gradually grew larger. The next second, a fish tail slammed heavily on the ring, accompanied by a fierce force, and a deep crack of dozens of meters long appeared. It"shua cracked" and reached the feet of the pink-haired girl opposite, right at her toes, scaring her so much that she jumped up instantly.

On the big screen above her head, a face like a sea god occupied the entire screen. The handsome mermaid had a cold face and closed his eyes lightly. Even his long eyelashes were transparent.

On the left side of the ring, the host was so excited that he almost jumped up. He checked the contestant information again, picked up the microphone, and shouted at the highest volume with his head raised:

"Number 110158! Contestant Kitsune Shichi! Go on stage early! Are there any contestants ranked before 110158?!"

"Then I declare——! The game begins!"

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